All "filters" what the stuff holds, no matter where you hang around in the net! Products, holidays or other great things are displayed exactly according to the desired criteria or not. Color, place, manufacturer or size, filters are not to be excluded any more. The largest part takes place on Shop platforms. Without a shop there is no real filter, although filtering - even without a shop system - offers a great possibility for usability. It should be simple, fast and intuitive and merge with the Joomla core.
All "filters" what the stuff holds, no matter where you hang around in the net! Products, holidays or other great things are displayed exactly according to the desired criteria or not. Color, place, manufacturer or size, filters are not to be excluded any more. The largest part takes place on Shop platforms. Without a shop there is no real filter, although filtering - even without a shop system - offers a great possibility for usability. It should be simple, fast and intuitive and merge with the Joomla core.