Joomloc-CAT, by laubro - Joomla Extension Directory


Booking - hosted, Vertical Markets, Booking & Reservations

With version 4, joomloc-PRO is also a Channel Manager (Distribution Channel Manager) and thus can now 1 single click to update the major part of distribution channels such as Booking.com, Expedia.com, Venere.com, AirBnB.com ... and many other (more than 80 channels available, can be consult on our demo site) , for all the locations in your site.
Owners of small structure can manage their reservations with an online PMS* to do like higher property, like hotels...

###### UPDATE 4.2.1

security release

###### UPDATE 4.1.3
  • bug fix and optimize the responsive arround the slider of the property detail
###### UPDATE 4.1.2
  • Add mini-PMS* new feature application to help small structures manage their reservations schedules as he could do with an expensive professional software, but with a simple tool, try it on demo website...
  • Some bugs fix

  • PMS : Planning Management system

###### UPDATE 4.1.1
  • Add all the capabilities of a channel manager (with our partner) to be able manage your site or portal as a Channel Manager and then owners can update all their external web planning in 1 click !
  • Add price plan management for be able to create rate by person if needed
  • Export customers data in Excel file
  • Various options possible for promotions
  • Owner can view the schedule of all accommodation of an housing at a glance
  • add some other features
  • Some bugs fix
###### UPDATE 3.5.1
  • New template for component
  • New template for modules
  • Some bugs fix
###### UPDATE 3.4.1
  • Adding management discount rates according to the number of nights
  • Adding Yeald-Management function with possibility of discount rates according on booking date => arrival date
###### UPDATE 3.3.2

Help owners to sort images of properties and rooms
Define the default list photo
Minor bugs fix

###### UPDATE 3.2

Joomla SEF URL's rewriting support
Cart mode for multiples booking
Responsive Design


Joomloc is a complete component to allow the creation of a portal for renting/booking any type of accommodation (hotel, gite, camping, villa ...), you will define the types of locations you want, or for a single accommodation.

You can built from a simple booking page to a property website or you can manage your own rentals portal.

The system can offer rentals in a city, county, region, country, continent or all at once ... allowing you to change your offers from a city to the entire planet .... the number of geographical site is unlimited

Each rental/owner can manage accomodation with availability calendar, simple request booking form or complete booking on-line engine. All from the front-end for subscriber owners if you open your portal to owner, or back-end as an admin

A search engine can generate geographical links internal "hard" to all destinations and launch geographical search

* The number of renters is unlimited
* Each owner can create an unlimited number of properties
* For each property, create an unlimited number of accommodation (eg for a camping site, bungalow, cottage, caravan ...)
* Each accommodation has its own schedule of availability
* You can purpose an unic schedule for all accomodations or 3 different schedules: Night, Week, Month
* You define to display or not the housing complete contact information

As an administrator, you have access to all profiles, properties, accommodation on the back-end

* Create an unlimited number of options to refine the search (eg TV, internet, wifi, swimming pool ...)
* Special CSS file to adjust the component/modules to your template
* Joomla multi-languages compatible
* Delivered in French and English
* 7 differents modules are available (quick search, the last registered / most viewed, quick search by location: seaside, mountains, country, city, googleMap, random..)
* Slider and Lightbox Gallery for properties and accomodations
* and many other apramèters / options .....

Other modules will be developped in future, if you want a specific fonctionnality, just contac us

* Free Support by e-mail, with response within 24H00 on 6 month


By laubro
Booking & Reservations
Jooloc-LITE FREE is a free version of Joomloc, with this version you can : Update 4.1.1 Joomla 4 support * Joomla 4 support * Change the lightbox effet on the photos * Add compatibility to use reCAPTCHA Joomla 4 plugin configuration Update 1.4.2 Bug and sécurity update * Bug fix Update 1.4.1 Bug and sécurity update * Manage 1 housing (hotel, gites, villa...) * Create unlimited accomodati...


Last updated:
Aug 24 2021
3 years ago
Date added:
Oct 23 2009
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
Related extension :
c m

Uses Joomla! Update System