OSG Escape Room, by Webtribute GmbH - Joomla Extension Directory


Booking, Events Registration, Calendars & Events, Events, Booking & Reservations

The Joomla component OSG Escape Room enables you to publish Escape Room Games on a Joomla website. Single Games can be booked by one or more groups at the same time.
You also can offer the booking of other events like excursions, tours, dance performances, cinema showings and much more.
100% Money Back Guarantee for first-time members!

With OSG Escape Room you can provide more than just the reservation of escape room games. You can offer excursions, tours, dance events, film screenings and any other event that is offered in a specific time frame.

Please note: Escape Room only allows to offer reservation units within one day. A reservation for several days is not possible.


  • display escape room games in the frontend
  • calendar for booking games
  • discounts e.g. for weekends
  • price structures can be defined for each game
  • min. and max. players
  • games can be booked by one or more groups
  • flexible time slots
  • define reservation times
  • unlimited user defined fields for games and applications
  • application management
  • double opt in: users have to confirm their application
  • if users don't confirm application, the time slot is available for booking again after a time (definable in the options)

Languages and support
Our team speaks and supports you in the following languages: German, English, Italian, Spanish and French.

Online presentation and consulting
We offer you an individual presentation via screen sharing conference. Schedule a meeting with us!

Do you need specific adaptions? We develop along your needs, feel free to contact us.

All over great product

Posted on 07 March 2022
Very user-friendly and well thought out, it has everything you might need.
Ease of use
Takes a little time in the beginning, but then feels familiar and is easy to use.
There's a forum where you can ask questions. However, I didn't need any support.
There are very accurate and detailed explanations for each of the options.
Value for money
Definitely worth its money considering the support and the well developed base.
I used this to: I use this for the booking and reservation of my online yoga classes.
Owner's reply: Hello Felicia

Thank you very much for your great feedback. We are very happy that you are satisfied with OSG Escape Room and that it meets your needs for the bookings and reservations of your online yoga classes.

Thanks again for the top rating and for allowing us to count you among our customers.

Kind regards
Your OSG Escape Room Team

Puissant et évolutif

Posted on 27 November 2018
Une base très bien pensé mais il manque la partie paiement en ligne (acompte, promo, coupon, etc.). A venir j'espère !
Ease of use
Très simple d'utilisation, très intuitif. Sobre et efficace.
Forum à l'écoute et réactif.
Assez précise lorsque l'on veut des détails.
Value for money
Bien. Un peu cher au vu du manque de certaines fonctions mais bon car équilibré par le support et la base bien développé.
I used this to: Pour une marque d'escape game en remplacement d'un composant plus puissant mais moins stable.
Owner's reply: Bonjour Projectil

Merci beaucoup pour votre commentaire. Nous sommes très heureux que vos besoins soient satisfaits par l'OSG Escape Room. Des retours comme le vôtre nous montrent que nous sommes sur la bonne voie avec le développement de notre composant.

Nous sommes très fiers de vous compter parmi nos clients.

Bien à vous
Votre équipe OSG Escape Room
Has everything you need for managing your lectures, especially reservations seem user friendly.
Ease of use
After spending some time in the creation progress, it feels familiar.
Has a forum for questions, but it wasn't necessary.
Detailed explanations to each option.
Value for money
It's worth its money.
I used this to: I use it to get an overview over the amount of people who are interested in my lectures, aswell as offering an easy to use reservation system.
Owner's reply: Hello Georg

Thanks a lot for your positive feedback. We are very happy that your needs are being met with the OSG Escape Room. Feedback like yours shows us that we are on the right path with the development of our component.

We are very proud to count you among our customers.

Kind regards
Your OSG Escape Room Team
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Booking & Reservations
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OSG Escape Room

Webtribute GmbH
Last updated:
Oct 10 2024
4 months ago
Date added:
Sep 26 2017
GPLv2 or later
Paid download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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