Autostand, by WebStyleCreations - Joomla Extension Directory


Vertical Markets, Vehicles, Content Construction

With Autostand it's simple to manage your vehicles, boats, trucks, motorcycles, etc, with multiple categories and subcategories, different templates for categories and/or vehicles.
Autostand includes several modules and plugins, and with the new Autostand 7.1.1

Control panel update
Mobile update


Multiple categories and sub-categories
Multiple templates and assign. Allows to have different templates for cars and categories
Compare cars
Select the options available in search or category
Import/Export cars
Metakeys & Description for vehicles and categories
Image resize
Additional Files (Ex. Spec Sheets, Car Manuals, etc)
Show Cars in main pages (Car list and Main site)
Content plugin to include cars in content

Module Search
Filter Cars
Label Cars
Latest Cars
Manufacturers Module
Random Cars
Cars into content
strong text

This component is really versatile and well functioning - being also fully responsive - and customization is not difficult.
Ease of use
Easy to use for end-user - as it is rather intuitive.
Component to be recommended - the best car sales componente for Joomla!
Support is good and exhaustive via email as well as direct access.
the documentation could be completed further - but anyhow what you do not find in the immediate you get via support email.
Value for money
Definitely YES the money is well spent. I'd pay more with some further functionality - the componente could be adapted to manage car rental
I used this to: I use this component on a car dealer client site - the client has been using this site now for more than 1 month and is quite happy with the use of the backend also.

Great component

Posted on 29 November 2017
This is a very good component, with great functionalities, and good ideas. Probably a few adjustments in some parts, but the main core works
Ease of use
Super simple to use, after you play with it, but in the end is simple
Support is good
Very simple,
Value for money
It's good
I used this to: Car dealership, and internal stock manager of the dealership

Very bad support

Posted on 03 April 2016
Looking very nice on the frontend, a lot of options.
Ease of use
Frontend is very easy to use, backend is a complete other story. Lots of buttons with no vieuw.
Very bad. Posting into the forum doesn't work and trough mail I got no respond!
Almost nothing
Value for money
It's oke
I used this to: A cardealers website.
fonctionne très bien.
Ease of use
Relativement facile à prendre en main.
Le support est excellent et c'est vraiment le point fort de cette extension. Ils ont résolu mes problèmes très rapidement.
la documentation existe en anglais. Elle pourrait être plus complète...
Value for money
Très bon rapport qualité / prix
I used this to: J'utilise cette extension pour le site web d'un vendeur de camping car. L'extension est utilisée uniquement pour présenter les campings cars d'occasion en vente dans le magasin.

Support Response

Posted on 22 December 2015
Provides the options to add vehicles with photo's. Custom fields can be added and displayed.
Ease of use
Simple to use. Customisation though is proving difficult due to lack of documentation.
Support was good pre-sale, now 3 days later I am still waiting for a reply. 5 days if you include weekend. A bit disappointed.
Documentation is very sparse. This would not be a problem if the response time was better. 5 days including a weekend is not good.
Value for money
Very reasonably priced in my opinion.
I used this to: Local Car Dealer Site
Funciona perfectamente
Ease of use
Relativamente fácil, además está el soporte por parte del creador
Muy bueno, y generalmente rápido
En la antigua versión correcto, en la nueva versión de momento no hay mucho, debe estar en preparación. De todas formas hay soporte.
Value for money
En la línea de cualquier plantilla de este tipo,
I used this to: Portal de coches, tanto nuevos como usados
Fantastic functionality, ease to use.
Ease of use
Ease to use
Fantastic support
Value for money
very value
I used this to: Many thanks Nuno. Fanstastic support and help to setup my web site. Super fast answer and exellent service. I am greatly appreciated.

Autostand 4.0.7

Posted on 11 August 2014
Five out of Five for this excellent product which does what it says on the tin. Support first class from Nuno. I am not one for giving praise but I can fully recommend this Automotive site, Good luck with the next update 4.0.8

Dogukan Vural

Posted on 07 July 2014
Thank you, for this Excellent Product. Perfectttttt !

support is very veryy good, they help each issue, getting every question answered ...

recommend to all...

Thank Youuu AutoStand
This is the best component available for cars on JED. They also provide a wonderful support.


Last updated:
Feb 13 2025
1 month ago
Date added:
Nov 28 2008
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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