Joomla! Extensions Directory


Author List

Author List

By Jesus Vargas Garita
Content infos
Manages your content authors so your visitor can go to their pages either in a blog or a sortable article list table layout. Once you have properly created your desired author instances (each attached to a specific user) in the backend, you can create different types of Author List menu items: A list of your authors An article list or blog layout from a specific author with or without a "Select...
Authorship Markup

Authorship Markup

By Alin Marcu
Content infos
Authorship Markup will improve your search engines results performance and will boost your CTR. This kind of rich snippet helps you establish a tighter relationship with your readers, gives you more credibility and helps you become an authority in your niche. Authorship Markup plugin is a Joomla extension which helps you display author information in search results for content. Authorship Markup...
Recently Hit Articles

Recently Hit Articles

By Jesus Vargas Garita
Popular Content
Recently Hit Module displays a list of your latest viewed articles and optionally shows the time ago they were hit. You can choose certain categories and how many items to list. Version Updates: • 1.1.1: Limit for the titles length. • 1.1.0: Showing the articles images....
J51 - Icons

J51 - Icons

By Joomla51
Content Links
Our J51 Icons module extension allows you to quickly and easily place a set of icons in a module position along with a title and caption for each. This module includes support for some of the most popular icon sets available including FontAwesome and Typicons. This in total gives you a massive 1300+ scalable vector icons to choose from. We have included a host of layout and styling options includi...
EB Popup Maker
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EB Popup Maker

By Extnbakers
Popups & iFrames
Turn your links into PopUps using this powerful PopUp maker plugin. By using this plugin, you will be able to create PopUps ANYWHERE within articles and PopUp ANYTHING(Image, Video, URL, Custom Text) you want. ⚡ Global Compatibility added so it now works with any component OR module that users Content Prepare function ⚡ Multiple pop up styles (Standard Modal Pop up + Slide in pop up) Feature...
db8 Site Last Modified

db8 Site Last Modified

By Peter Martin
Content infos
db8 Site Last Modified Module to display the last modification date, based on the article (create/modified) dates in your site. Note that it does not display any other changes, e.g. in Category or Modules. Versions Joomla 4 version: mod_db8sitelastmodified-j4-v4.0.1.zip Joomla 3 version: mod_db8sitelastmodified-j3-v3.0.1.zip Joomla 2.5, 1.5 and 1.0 versions are no longer available Usage Tex...
JMZ Counters
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JMZ Counters

By jumazi
It is a lightweight module that counts up to a targeted number when the number becomes visible. It can be used in the website to showcase the number of Awards, Projects, satisfied customers or anything related in a count down. Main Features: Themes Variations. The configuration is very easy and simple. Add a certain value each day automatically Unlimited Counters Elements. Support to arrange Co...
Secured PDF Viewer
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Secured PDF Viewer

By JoomXone
Print & PDF
Secured PDF Viewer This is an amazing content Plugin works with a short-code. you can place as many PDFs as you can to your Joomla Articles and K2 Items. It supports both Joomla native articles and K2 component items. Just install the plugin and enable it, then put the PDF URL with the short-code to Joomla articles or k2 items whatever you choose(Short-code example is given at plugin backend and...
Columnist JT1
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Columnist JT1

By Joomlatema.net
Content infos
Columnist JT1 is an extension which helps users to display articles from selected columnist-categories. The Module uses joomla's own category-system. First create categories with each Columnist's name and enter each columnist's article under his or her category. Select columnist's image as category image. Then select all columnist category names at the right side of the module settings. Features...
Fields - Subform

Fields - Subform

By Michael Richey
Custom Fields
Subform fields for your users, contacts, and articles (and any other extension that supports custom fields) The subform field type is very powerful and now that the capability is delivered to custom fields, you can collect groups of data and even repeating data (this plugin supports repeating subforms). Defining your own XML form, you can customize the collected data to meet your needs. Create as...
Ruxin Categories
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Ruxin Categories

By RuxinCode
Sections & Categories
Ruxin Categories is a great module that displays Joomla and K2 categories with images - 14 different themes - 4 beautiful color styles - Joomla and K2 Support - Ability to select categories or display all categories - Ability to select the order of categories - Ability to display category description - Auto generate thumbnail from category image for site optimization - Fully RTL Support - Fully Re...
Jx Documents Viewer
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Jx Documents Viewer

By JoomXone
Print & PDF
Jx Documents Viewer - is an amazing short-code based Joomla Plugin that helps you to display/embed your documents at your Joomla site. The following plugin supports several file types - PDF, Excel, PowerPoint and Docx. Even you can display multiple files in a single article. The installation and configurations are too easy, even you might not need any documentation. The plugin supports both Joomla...
Content Author
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Content Author

By JoomSun
Authoring & Content
Content Author is an add-on extension for Joomla Content. By installing it, you can categorize articles by author. Make it easy for users to access the content they are interested in. * Main features: - List of Authors - Author Page: Where the author's articles are located - Link to the author page in each article...
Article Details

Article Details

By Olivier Buisard
Content infos
Override article information details and show them the way YOU want. Some features: - choose which categories can be altered by the plugin or use the plugin's syntax to individually target articles, - modify the article, blog/list (category) and featured views, - choose which elements to show (hits, author, rating - voting included, dates, times, categories, keywords, tags, links A..C, social, em...
Team Chart
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Team Chart

By JoomUnited
Contact Details
Team Chart is a unique extension to generate flow chart for companies. Usually building a flow chart require some HTML/CSS knowledge to build something beautiful. With team chart component you can generate one or several flow chart in few minutes directly from an article unsing an AJAX building tool. Plus, the number of flow chart is unlimited, the person already added in your chart can be transf...

Author Link

By Boris Komraz
Content infos
This pluging links the author name of the article to Contact item or Author article. Author article - is content item from specific Category with the Title defined as author name. Author description article may be automatically created by the Author Link plugin. Also author image may be shown....


By Peter v.d. Hulst
Content infos
ContentNotifier is the successor of jContentStatus (1.5 plugin) (thanx Josh Prakash for the idea !) Plugin to display New and Updated gif files from anywhere in a content or automaticly at the beginning of the article. The plugin enables the webmaster to display nice looking light weight gif files to notify the users where the contents has been updated or newly created. Just put the given syntax w...
JExtBOX Footer
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JExtBOX Footer

By Galaa
Content infos
This extension helps you to display copyright notice on the footer of your front-end web pages. The copyright notice is formatted as international standards and it provides a full custom footer module. Standard copyright notice Automated copyright year Custom copyright owner with a link. If it's empty, the site name and the site base url are automatically assigned as the owner and its link respe...