Joomla! Extensions Directory


Wonderful Image Slideshow
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Wonderful Image Slideshow

By Magic Point
A professional looking, elegant image/swf slideshow. Very adaptive and easy to use, this module is the perfect choice for displaying category items or product brands, or just like a wonderful personal image slideshow. You can easily make a cool slideshow as the one in this preview. New Feature: From now you have possibility to load multiple instances of the same module on the same website!!! Fea...
Super Banner Slideshow
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Super Banner Slideshow

By Magic Point
Super Banner Slideshow is the ultimate Flash tool that helps you to display photo album and slideshows on your own website. With dozens of preset themes, you can easily make XML driven photo galleries for websites. Super Banner Slideshow is extremely user-friendly. Its friendly user interface enables you to create amazing flash slideshows out of your digital photos with quick and simple steps. No...
Lab5 EasyFlash

Lab5 EasyFlash

By Lab5
Flash Management
Lab5 - EasyFlash Module- This Joomla plugin allows you to place Flash movies into the content of an article. Usage: {easyflash movie:[path+filename] id:[container id] width:[width in px] height:[height in px] [optional parameter:value]} The "movie", "id", "width", "height" parametes are requireds, any other is optional. The primary source of EasyFlash parameters is the {easyflash} line in an...