Joomla! Extensions Directory - Page 36


Image Slider Panels 3d

Image Slider Panels 3d

By Jonh Smith
1.- DESCRIPTION The Image Slider Panels 3d is a Joomla banner slideshow images with description module. With this module, we will create slideshow images with 3D effect follow description We’ll also add the possibility to navigate with action next or previous button.. 2.- FEATURES * List of features: -Compatible with Joomla 2.5 and 3.x -jQuery based image slider -Browser Compatible : IE8+ , Mozi...
J-lite Fancy Testimonial
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J-lite Fancy Testimonial

By phpgods
Testimonials & Suggestions
Joomlaites Fancy Testimonial is customizable , responsive and supported by all latest browsers.Fancy Testimonials is compatable with Joomla 3.x .This extension is completely editable via module back-end display and shows testimonial by rows and two list columns on module. Key Features ✔ Fully Responsive ✔ Support Joomla 3.x ✔ Very easy to configure parameter. ✔ Beautiful design with 5 st...
Hot Responsive Lightbox
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Hot Responsive Lightbox

By HotThemes
Lightboxes are used on modern, javascript-enabled websites for a long time. Our first Joomla module for making Lightbox slide shows was released a long time ago (Hot Lightbox). Requirements of modern web design let us create a new, responsive, and touch-friendly version of this module. It works similarly to the old module, but the code is written from start. This version of the Lightbox module is...
JT Fixed Display Pro
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JT Fixed Display Pro

By JoomTut
Modules Panel
The Module JT Fixed Display can displays your images or modules on fixed position. When you scroll the browser window, your images or modules are alway displayed. This module is suitable for display Ads, Banners, Menu, Socials Button, Contact Form, Login Form, Email Form, Custom code,... Module JT Fixed Display Pro version 7.0 Features Display your image link directly without creating module Di...


By KWProductions Co.
Photos & Images
Sparta is a simple module designed for Joomla! 3.x, select your own images with a brief explanation for each and voila!...
product zoom beautiful

product zoom beautiful

By joomhome team
We create extension for product zoom , it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you've published the module into the position you desire with supose using display product....
footer slideshow rotator

footer slideshow rotator

By joomhome team
footer slideshow rotator, it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you can using for footer of website joomla...
gallery grid view full beauty

gallery grid view full beauty

By joomhome team
Photos & Images
gallery grid view full beauty , it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you can using for gallery image...
animated simple gallery

animated simple gallery

By joomhome team
Photos & Images
animated simple gallery, it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you desire with supose using simple gallery...
banner description beauty

banner description beauty

By joomhome team
Banner Management
banner description beauty responsive extension to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, module designed to showcase your content with for images, titles, text descriptions...
Drag Gallery

Drag Gallery

By Pixel Point Creative
Drag Gallery is a slideshow that is draggable and has two views: fullscreen and small carousel. In fullscreen view, a related content area can be viewed. The main idea is to translate the slider on the Z axis, allowing it to be either fullscreen or of a smaller carousel size. By switching the actual size of the slideshow and removing the transforms when they are not needed anymore, we allow the sl...
VJ Image Box
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VJ Image Box

By VJ Tools
VJ Image Box - A module that creates a beautiful effect of an opening box of images. TOP FEATURES Opening image box A beautiful effect of an opening box of images. It's so simple! Choose the folder with images and that's it. Super fast Pure CSS, no Flash or Javascript, so it works super fast and is supported in every modern browser. Other Notable Features Several customizable properties...
ARI Image Before After
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ARI Image Before After

By ari-soft.com
The extension creates a draggable slider to compare two images. For example show differences between original photo and processed version of it. Compare images of different versions the same product like previous and next generation of a car, phone and etc. Main features A fresh way to compare images and be interesting for site visitors Contains the module and the plugin which helps to embed t...
model display feature beautiful

model display feature beautiful

By joomhome team
Photos & Images
model display feature beautiful , it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you can using for gallery images web joomla...
CPG Random Images (Static Display)

CPG Random Images (Static Display)

By TWCarter
Photos & Images
CPG Random Images (Static Display) This extension was designed to deliver a random images module with a static layout to your Joomla Website. There are numerous random image modules available, however none offer the ability to integrate with Coppermine Photo Gallery. This is an advanced extension and may not work with your installation depending on how you have Coppermine Gallery installed. Feat...
CPG Random Images (Rotational Display)

CPG Random Images (Rotational Display)

By TWCarter
Photos & Images
CPG Random Images (Rotational Display) This extension was designed to deliver a random images module with a rotational layout to your Joomla Website. There are numerous random image modules available, however none offer the ability to integrate with Coppermine Photo Gallery. This is an advanced extension and may not work with your installation depending on how you have Coppermine Gallery installe...
guillotine zoom rotation image

guillotine zoom rotation image

By joomhome team
guillotine zoom rotation image, it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you can using for zoom rotation image web joomla We create extension is Guillotine is a jQuery plugin that allows to drag, zoom or rotate an image to select a cropping area. Like selecting the display area of a profile picture...
beauty circle effect

beauty circle effect

By joomhome team
Photos & Images
Joomla module beauty circle effect with hover effect.It can have various width and height with a lot of background and shade properties. It easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you can using for testimonial or description web joomla....