Joomla! Extensions Directory - Page 18


vDesigner for Virtuemart
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vDesigner for Virtuemart

By WDMtech
VirtueMart extensions
vDesigner for Virtuemart is popular HTML5 Online Product Designing or Printing Tool built for Virtuemart Shopping cart extension. With the help of this designing or printing tool now we can get request for printing designs, text, photos on t-shirts, sweaters, hoodies, scoop tee, shorts, Safety Vest, hats, cards, buttons, business cards, mugs, phone cases, Glass, Photo Frame, Bottle, Mouse Pad, Cak...
Product excel-like manager for Virtuemart
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Product excel-like manager for Virtuemart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
Product excel like manager for Virtuemart 2/3 Must-have super simple utility component for VirtueMart online shops. It enables for user to change prices and stock very easy and fast like they do in MS Excel. UI and keyboard behavior is same as in MS Excel. Users can also add or delete products form online spreadsheet. Component is compatible both with VirtueMart 2.0.12+ and VirtueMart 3.x.x Ave...
Virtuemart Synthetic Dashboard

Virtuemart Synthetic Dashboard

By Nordmograph
VirtueMart extensions
VM Synthetic Dashboard (for Virtuemart2 and 3) is an administration module to be published at the cpanel module position. It will show on your Joomla adminsitration control panel a set of 6 tabs. First tab will show monthly statistics for your sales and orders with charts and tables (show as many months as you want starting from current month. Second tab lists latest received orders with order num...
Stripe for VirtueMart
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Stripe for VirtueMart

By Puma-IT - Hervé Boinnard
VirtueMart extensions
★ NOW Implement separate files for payment form and JavaScript ★ Add new setting Stripe type: Stripe.js API, for next Major update ★ Add backward compatibility for existing websites and customisations ★ ★ Payments authenticated using 3D Secure v1 (3DS1) with the current version of Puma-IT Stripe plugin for VirtueMart are in compliance with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) in Virtue...
Virtuemart Search Autocomplete
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Virtuemart Search Autocomplete

By DayCounts
VirtueMart extensions
This Joomla System plugin will add autocomplete function to your existing search fields. Start typing and your products will showup directly. Options to - show/hide product thumbnail - show/hide product sku - autofill with the first match - search in categories - search in manufacturers - search in sku - search in product description and/or short description - customizable CSS - and much more......
Auto Parent Categories for VirtueMart

Auto Parent Categories for VirtueMart

By Open Tools
VirtueMart extensions
This is a Virtuemart 2 plugin that – if so configured – automatically adds your products also to the parent categories of the categories it is assigned to, or removes them from all but the lowest categories in the category hierachy. For child products, it can also assign them to the parent product's categories, or remove all categories. Virtuemart 2 displays products only in the exact categor...
BIT Check VATID for Virtuemart
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BIT Check VATID for Virtuemart

By Barg-IT
VirtueMart extensions
While the validation of a European VAT ID used to be a built-in option in Virtuemart 1.1, this feature is no longer available since Virtuemart 2.x/3.x This plugin lets your customers enter a VAT ID and checks its validity. Features: - javascript based syntactic check of the entered ID and - validation of the number using the service of a European server (optional) - configurable error messages...
Custom Quick Icons

Custom Quick Icons

By Joomill
Extensions Quick Icons
The Joomill Custom QuickIcons is an easy use extension to customize your Joomla! dashboard in Joomla 4/5. Features: Custom Quick Icons: Create your own Custom Quick Icons to your favorite page or component in a few clicks. Single Article Quick Icons Direct links to edit your selected article. Articles Quick Icons: Links to all articles from your selected categories / languages / authors / tags...
Product Review for VirtueMart
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Product Review for VirtueMart

By GJC Web Design
VirtueMart extensions
This is the VirtueMart Product Review Component that provides an 'Amazon' like product review. Compatible up to VirtueMart 4.0.14 Users can review products that they have actually bought within their administration area and now with this new version Guest and/or the public can, if enabled, also leave reviews. The Admin can of course add new reviews and moderate/edit existing reviews. The admin can...
MercadoPago Payment For VirtueMart
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MercadoPago Payment For VirtueMart

By MGS Creativa
VirtueMart extensions
Mercadopago Payment Plugin With IPN 2.0 And Checkout API For VirtueMart. This is a MercadoPago Checkout implementation for VirtueMart and automatic currency exchange convertion at checkout time (needs optional currency exchange rate plugin installed, click here to view available plugins) Currently MercadoPago Checkout supported countries: *Argentina *Brasil *Mexico *Venezuela...
Order Files Upload for Virtuemart
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Order Files Upload for Virtuemart

By WDMtech
VirtueMart extensions
Many Virtuemart shop owners wonder "How to upload images or any type of files on Virtuemart product detail page". This is the solution for the problem. Order Files Upload for Virtuemart plugin is very easy to use, yet powerful and allows users easily and quickly to upload multiple images and files for their products with Ajax based. Moreover, shoppers can choose the option either to “Send Files...
VM Share for Virtuemart
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VM Share for Virtuemart

By Nordmograph
VirtueMart extensions
This responsive content plugin for Virtuemart and Joomla articles can show (at the top or bottom of the product description and in the 'Add to cart' area), social sharing features from FACEBOOK (like, recommend , share, send , comment) (iframe or HTML5), LINKEDIN, TWITTER, GOOGLE PLUS, PINTEREST, STUBLEUPON, REDDIT, TUMBLR, ADDTOANY . It is multilingual. It includes all the required product or ar...
Advanced inventory for Virtuemart
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Advanced inventory for Virtuemart

By DayCounts
VirtueMart extensions
Save some precious time with this advanced inventory manager. No more need to open each product one by one to update the stock level or modify the low stock threshold. With this extension, you can update all your products from one single screen via ajax. Update current stock, adjust ordered values, change the low stock notification, change the availability date, enter a barcode, publish and un p...
Radius (Distance) Shipping for VirtueMart
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Radius (Distance) Shipping for VirtueMart

By GJC Web Design
VirtueMart extensions
This is the Virtuemart 3 Radius Shipping Plugin that makes real time distance calculations between the Vendors address and the customer and returns calculated shipping costs to the cart. This is ideal for business or more "deliver" than "ship" .. e.g. restaurants, florists, companies selling services that require travel time and distance to be calculated etc. The plugin has a wide range of config...
BIT FB Pixel for Virtuemart
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BIT FB Pixel for Virtuemart

By Barg-IT
VirtueMart extensions
This plugin inserts your Facebook Pixel Code in order to track events on your site. Features: insertion of pixel base code on every page insertion of the the standard event "ViewContent" on product detail pages (tracking of product name, SKU, sales price and currency) insertion of the the standard event "AddToCart" oncart page (tracking of SKU, sales price and currency) insertion of the standar...
Google Finance Currency For VirtueMart
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Google Finance Currency For VirtueMart

By MGS Creativa
VirtueMart extensions
Google Finance currency plugin for VirtueMart 3 This currency plugin for VirtueMart 3 uses the services of Google Finance. This plugin supports a wide range of world currencies in a fast, reliable and secure way and also implements an effective cache system, so all Google Finance currency requests get cached and the upcoming recuests are handled locally to speed up the conversion process. The def...
JL No Doubles

JL No Doubles

By Joomline
SEO & Metadata
JL No Doubles - this plugin is designed to reduce duplicate pages on the site , it makes a redirect to the same site pages to the correct page. It is not all pages that can generate Joomla, and all they can get into the search engine index . It's actually not very nice when you go to Google webmaster and see the place on your site 100 pages in 1000 , and even more. Because of this, your site can...
VM Product Image magnifier

VM Product Image magnifier

By Abdulgani Tumbi
VirtueMart extensions
Virtuemart Product Zoom plugin is a small smart solution for display your virtuemart product images magnifier effect. Virtuemart Product Zoom Plugin enables site users to zoom in the predefined areas of the product image. Features : - Easy to setup. - Using of this plugin user can show the virtuemart product image with magnifier effect. - Developer can customize this plugin with a lot of...