
Infinite Scroll For Virtuemart
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Infinite Scroll For Virtuemart

By virtuemart australia
VirtueMart extensions
This plugin adds infinite scroll function to virtuemart, without any other modification of templates or vm itself. It supports any template. Site Using: It will increase ur sales if u have many products per category. See Reviews here http://forum.virtuem...
Shopper group changer for Virtuemart
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Shopper group changer for Virtuemart

By DayCounts
VirtueMart extensions
This VirtueMart extension let's you use Joomla! groupe and Virtuemart Shopper Groups* in a brand new fashion. You can dynamically assign or remove your customer to Groups based on their purchases. On the administrator site, you can use multiple conditions to create new business rules for your customers. For example, you can determine that a customer who made a 200$ purchase should be assigned to...


By Joomline
Social Comments
Free extension for integrating comments Hypersomments in Joomla 3. Set developed by order of Hypercomments and supports all service functions comments, as well as integration with the following extensions: com_content, Zoo, K2, VirtueMart. Scope of supply: - Component comments Hypercomments - Plug-in integration with K2 - Plug-in integration with com_content and Virtuemart. - Element integration...
VM Checkout Methods Disabler
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VM Checkout Methods Disabler

VirtueMart extensions
You can hide Payment methods when a shipment method is selected, so you can create rules foreach method! Example 1: if client clicks on "I will pick the products from store" then the payment method c.o.d ( Pay on Delivery) should be disabled. Example 2: if client clicks on "UPS Delivery" then the payment method "Pay on Store" should be disabled. Can be multi-disable the payment methods. Works w...
Reporter for VirtueMart
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Reporter for VirtueMart

By Abhishek Das
VirtueMart extensions
Sales Reporting and Business Analysis for VirtueMart 4 and VirtueMart 3. Generate and analyse customised reports against selected products, categories, manufacturers, users, countries, payment methods, shipment methods and order statuses for any desired date range. It can also email the reports to your chosen recipients. Set scheduled tasks to generate reports in a defined interval automatically....
AusPost For Virtuemart
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AusPost For Virtuemart

By VirtuemartExtended
VirtueMart extensions
Support All domestic and international parcel and letter services....
Multi Product Express Order Form Content
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Multi Product Express Order Form Content

By frog
VirtueMart extensions
The Express Form enables Multiple items adding to your cart only by one click "add to cart" button. works now for joomla 3 and Virtuemart 3.0.X it supports virtuemart 1.0.x , virtuemart 2.0.x , version of virtuemart 2.6.x, 2.7, 2.8 and newest version of virtuemart 2.9.x for joomla 3 and Virtuemart 3.0.X afor joomla 3 and 2.5 With same page multi products' total price calculation. It now has ver...
VM Product Multiple Image Upload

VM Product Multiple Image Upload

By Abdulgani Tumbi
VirtueMart extensions
In default virtuemart,We can upload only single image but in product there are multiple image of single product.This plugin is solution of that problem.In this plugin all image will upload via ajax.After upload the image just select the image and assign the image to the product. Easy to setup Multiple image upload at a time. All images are upload via AJAX. Easy to use. Directly assign the all up...
Bonus Rules for Virtuemart
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Bonus Rules for Virtuemart

By DayCounts
VirtueMart extensions
THE RULES HAVE A LOT OF PARAMETERS THAT YOU DEFINE WHETHER OR NOT TO TRIGGER THE RULE: products already in the cart cart amount (min and max) number of distinct products in the cart total weight of all items in the cart coupon redeemed parent rule validated THESE RULES CAN BE FILTERED TO APPLY ONLY ON SOME SPECIFIC categories shoppers group manufacturers THEN WHEN THE RULE IS TRIGGERED, YO...
WWM Product Zoom for Virtuemart

WWM Product Zoom for Virtuemart

By Jobin Jose
VirtueMart extensions
WWM Product Zoom for Virtuemart plugin helps you to create an attractive product details image zoom facility on your Joomla – Virtuemart store.The integration of the Joomla Virtuemart product image zoom plugin is pretty simple and easy to setup if you’re a non technical person. Virtuemart 3.x ready Free version now available for VM 3.x and VM 2.x 1)1 zoom mode available(Standard). 2)Supports...
OpenGlobal PayPal Recurring Payments for VirtueMart
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OpenGlobal PayPal Recurring Payments for VirtueMart

By OpenGlobal E-commerce
VirtueMart extensions
This VirtueMart 2.x/3.x payment plugin is based on the standard PayPal plugin except it allows you to charge recurring payments / subscriptions. You can charge a regular fee, or you can charge a one off setup fee followed by the regular fee. The regular fee can be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or can recur over any number of days, weeks, months or years. VirtueMart vouchers/coupons can be handl...
OpenGlobal Upload Custom Field for VirtueMart
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OpenGlobal Upload Custom Field for VirtueMart

By OpenGlobal E-commerce
VirtueMart extensions
This VirtueMart custom field plugin allows you to request uploaded files from your customers. Works with VirtueMart 2.x and 3.0.4+ (does not work with VM 3.0.0. and 3.0.2). Simply add this custom field to the relevant products and your visitors can upload a file (or files) when adding the product to the cart. You can also make this a chargeable aspect, so that visitors are charged an extra fee on...
SJ Amazing Slideshow for VirtueMart
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SJ Amazing Slideshow for VirtueMart

By SmartAddons
VirtueMart extensions
SJ Amazing Slideshow for VirtueMart uses to show featured product, sales, promotions and other great stuff in order to attract your visitors with the great impression of showing-up products at a single glance. It has dedicated navigation panel under the large image, where we can use thumbnail image as navigation controls. By getting images from many locations: product image, product description...
Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking for VirtueMart
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Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking for VirtueMart

By Joomla-Service
VirtueMart extensions
Plugin Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking for VirtueMart This plugin monitors purchases in Virtuemart. This easy-to-use plugin allows you to report back your VirtueMart transactions to Google Analytics ! Installation: The plugin is installed via the Joomla! installer. After installation enable the plugin and write your Google Analytics ID Supported languages: English...
xml/csv/html/json exporter for VirtueMart
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xml/csv/html/json exporter for VirtueMart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
THIS IS ULTIMATE EXPORTING COMPONENT FOR VIRTUEMART SHOPS It lets you define your XML/HTML/CSV/JSON export format in totally free way. You can add unlimited link that will output configured format. You can create any shape of exported file with this plugin. Features: totally free shape of output optional require authentication (if not log-ed in user will be redirected to login page than afte...
ReqText for VirtueMart
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ReqText for VirtueMart

VirtueMart extensions
ReqText is a VirtueMart 3.x plugin to add the functionality of required customer input fields for a product. This is a feature the current version of VirtueMart does not offer. You have several settings for the use of the required input fields to your product(s). Your customers must first enter a text or make a selection out of given choices before adding the product to the cart. After purchasin...
Flexible Zoom Effect on Product Page for Virtuemart
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Flexible Zoom Effect on Product Page for Virtuemart

By Flexible Web Design
VirtueMart extensions
Responsive Zoom Effect for Virtuemart Add a nice zoom effect to product pictures in Virtuemart. Now Supports VirtueMart 3.2.x and Joomla 3.7.x ZOOM ONHOVER, MODAL POPUP ONCLICK. This functionality was one of the most wanted features in our Zoom Effect Extensison. Finally we did it. From now on; our zooming effect extension doesn't just zoom pictures when mouse-hovered, but also opens them in...
Downloads for Sale for VirtueMart
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Downloads for Sale for VirtueMart

By Open Tools
VirtueMart extensions
Downloadable products (both free and paid files) and file attachments to products for VirtueMart 2 and 3. This is a plugin for Virtuemart 2 and 3 to sell files, or provide files attached to a purchased product (e.g. drivers). The file can either be free for all (no registration, no payment), only for registered users of your site, or only available after a product has been purchased and paid. For...