Joomla! Extensions Directory


Maxi Menu CK

Maxi Menu CK

Menu Systems
Make a responsive Megamenu, dropdown menu with multicolumns and multirows. You can also load some modules inside. iPhone, iPad, Android compatible. Virtuemart, Hikashop, Joomshopping, AdsManager compatible. This menu provides some advanced features : - Multicolumns AND multirows - Accessible megamenu : pass the WCAG tests - Themes are responsive design - Dropdown with nice effects - Description c...
Custom Filters Pro
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Custom Filters Pro

By breakdesigns.net
VirtueMart extensions
A Virtuemart search and filtering suite. Is offering both a Powrefull Product Search and a Filtering module that filters with Categories, Manufacturers, Custom fields, Stock and Price range. It is very fast and highly configurable. Search A Search Engine that returns results even with complex queries, that could contain Categories, Manufactuers and even Custom Field values and Meta-tags. All in...
JUX Mega Menu for VirtueMart
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JUX Mega Menu for VirtueMart

By JoomlaUX
VirtueMart extensions
JUX Mega Menu for Virtuemart is a powerful & responsive Joomla menu module that helps you to flexibly & easily bring Virtuemart categories & subcategories to display in the menu. It is one of the mega menu extensions developed by the JoomlaUX team. With JUX Virtuemart Mega Menu, you can make Virtuemart categories and subcategories display as menu items. A load of menu is fast, and you can arran...
JB Advanced Cart for Virtuemart
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JB Advanced Cart for Virtuemart

By JoomBoost
VirtueMart extensions
The best ajax cart module for virtuemart with quantity update, product remove using ajax technology, also you can show products cart list in dropdown, plain or overlay view. Main features list 👁️ Plain, Dropdown or Overlay view of products list 🔄 Ajaxified Cart 📱 Responsive Design 🏎️ Review quickly cart products 🛒 Ajax Update quantity of products on cart 🚫 Ajax Remove prod...
Skyline Virtuemart Nested Accordion
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Skyline Virtuemart Nested Accordion

By extstore.com
VirtueMart extensions
Virtuemart Accordion is a powerful Joomla menu module that showcases Virtuemart categories/subcategories in accordion style with 4 clean themes and various options to be chosen. The accordion effect is written in native mootools javascript which is supported by Joomla! core so that there will be no javascript conflict. Virtuemart Accordion illustrates the products details including title and image...
Vina Category Menu for VirtueMart
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Vina Category Menu for VirtueMart

By VinaGecko.com
VirtueMart extensions
We are pleased to announce that Vina Category Menu for VirtueMart - a good module for Joomla 3.x and VirtueMart 3.x has released. This module allows you to show all categories of VirtueMart 3.x Component in Vertical or Horizontal menu. You can set the root category and sort category by Category Name or Ordering to display in menu. You also can change color of main menu, sub-menu, link when active...
vSearch for virtuemart
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vSearch for virtuemart

By WDMtech
VirtueMart extensions
vSearch For VirtueMart is offering you both a Powerful Product Search via Keywords and a Filtering module that filters with Categories, Manufacturers and Custom Fields which helps your customers to find their favorite products what they are looking for, in seconds. Customers can narrow the search scale by categories and its child level so that it saves time for them. It is very simple but powerful...
Latest Products Page for Virtuemart
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Latest Products Page for Virtuemart

By Web-expert.gr
VirtueMart extensions
This plugin gives the ability to have latest product page (creating a standard VM Category Menu), instead of having modules puplished under an empty article. This plugin automaticaly monitors your virtuemart products database and check's if there are any changes (modifed or new products), then it auto assign them on a specific category (ex named "Latest Products") The Display Style/Sorting is ba...
VM Cart Menu

VM Cart Menu

By Web-expert.gr
VirtueMart extensions
The "VM Cart Menu" plugin for Virtuemart fixes the cart link and always adds the missing menu ID. Some times Virtuemart (or third party modules) redirects to index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart BUT there is a problem, the menu that is linked with the VM Cart is ignored, so if you have excluded a module from cart it will appear. Also if you have SEF links enabled the cart link will not be c...