Joomla! Extensions Directory


Custom Filters Pro
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Custom Filters Pro

By breakdesigns.net
VirtueMart extensions
A Virtuemart search and filtering suite. Is offering both a Powrefull Product Search and a Filtering module that filters with Categories, Manufacturers, Custom fields, Stock and Price range. It is very fast and highly configurable. Search A Search Engine that returns results even with complex queries, that could contain Categories, Manufactuers and even Custom Field values and Meta-tags. All in...
Geek Elasticsearch
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Geek Elasticsearch

By JoomlaGeek
Site Search
HIGH PERFORMANCE SEARCH FOR JOOMLA! Geek ElasticSearch is the most powerful, extremely fast, highly relevant and flexible search and filter system for your Joomla site. Our extension uses the Elasticsearch engine - a highly scalable open-source full-text search and analytics engine to index data and perform the search. Hence, it is possible to index, search, and analyze large volumes of data quick...
Product excel-like manager for Virtuemart
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Product excel-like manager for Virtuemart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
Product excel like manager for Virtuemart 2/3 Must-have super simple utility component for VirtueMart online shops. It enables for user to change prices and stock very easy and fast like they do in MS Excel. UI and keyboard behavior is same as in MS Excel. Users can also add or delete products form online spreadsheet. Component is compatible both with VirtueMart 2.0.12+ and VirtueMart 3.x.x Ave...
Virtuemart Search Autocomplete
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Virtuemart Search Autocomplete

By DayCounts
VirtueMart extensions
This Joomla System plugin will add autocomplete function to your existing search fields. Start typing and your products will showup directly. Options to - show/hide product thumbnail - show/hide product sku - autofill with the first match - search in categories - search in manufacturers - search in sku - search in product description and/or short description - customizable CSS - and much more......
Ajax Live Search for Virtuemart
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Ajax Live Search for Virtuemart

By Jeyam Templates
VirtueMart extensions
Make your shop more attractive with ajax search results. Virtuemart Ajax Live Search is a simple, Lightweight & fully customizable Virtuemart ajax live search module with tons of options. It allows users to search for products, categories, and manufacturers in your shop/website, and shows the search results in real-time. Just enter a few letters and the products, categories, and brands which the...
Virtuemart Sales

Virtuemart Sales

By Web357
VirtueMart extensions
The Virtuemart Sales Joomla! component is a search tool that provides a list of Virtuemart products with discounts. It is supplied with a lot of features and multiple parameters and it would be ideal for e-commerce websites that were built with Virtuemart. USEFUL PARAMETERS MVC & Multi-language support. Data Type (You can choose if you want to display all Virtuemart products with a discount or...
Ajax Voice Search
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Ajax Voice Search

By JoomXone
Site Search
Search Joomla Content with your Voice Command This is an Amazing Joomla Extension that searches Joomla Content/Articles with your voice command. The extension package includes a Plugin and a Module. Once you install the package, both extensions will be installed. At first, enable the plugin and then publish the module anywhere you want. The Plugin has options to select which component it will se...
SJ Super Category for Virtuemart
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SJ Super Category for Virtuemart

By SmartAddons
VirtueMart extensions
SJ Super Category for VirtueMart is now available for VirtueMart users. The module is used to show any category with subcategories and product list. The module is well structured with a slider for subcategories and product tabs by name, price, latest... Besides, the module supports lots of beautiful effects for both product and subcategories that you can attractively present your products to your...
SJ Search Pro for Virtuemart
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SJ Search Pro for Virtuemart

By SmartAddons
VirtueMart extensions
SJ Search Pro for VirtueMart is a great module for any VirtueMart stores. The module will help the visitors to quickly and easily find the needed products based on keyword search. Specially, visitors don't have to wait for reloading the whole searching results page. When users start to type the keyword, the products which include the inserted letter will be beautifully suggested with image thumbn...
vSearch for virtuemart
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vSearch for virtuemart

By WDMtech
VirtueMart extensions
vSearch For VirtueMart is offering you both a Powerful Product Search via Keywords and a Filtering module that filters with Categories, Manufacturers and Custom Fields which helps your customers to find their favorite products what they are looking for, in seconds. Customers can narrow the search scale by categories and its child level so that it saves time for them. It is very simple but powerful...
Alternate search

Alternate search

By Dénes Székely (webGóbé)
VirtueMart extensions
The plugin is a replacement for the standard VirtueMart search plugin, useful for the case when you want to make one of more of your categories not showing up on search. For example you want to show up your sold items in the site, for historical reference and/or SEO reasons, but don't want to show them up in the site search results. The plugin has an extra field compared with the standard VirtueMa...