
ArasJoomla Auto Login for Joomla

ArasJoomla Auto Login for Joomla

By arasjoomla
User Management
With this plugin will allow users to automatically login after successful registration. To run properly plugin must set New User Account Activation to None in user manage options. You can set custom message for display users after login and set Redirect Menu after login from Plugin parameters....
IP Login

IP Login

By Regular Labs
Site Access
With IP Login you can log into you Joomla frontend and/administrator side automatically by IP address. You can simply set up your IP address and a secret URL key in your user profile in the administrator. How to use it:
Password Control

Password Control

By G S Chapman
Site Security
The Password Control system plugin enforces password changes upon registered site users. The change can be enforced for the initial (first) connection only, and/or for periodic changing. Optionally the users can be redirected back to the home page when a password change is enforced. There is the ability to define 'exempt' users, i.e. users for whom the administrator does not want to enforce pass...
Menu Wrench

Menu Wrench

By Matt Thomas
Menu Systems
Throw a wrench at your Joomla menus! This module allows you to render selected menu items, from any Joomla menu, at any depth in the menu tree, and render them all as one menu. Some possibilities include: Render child menu items onto the same level as their parent. Render some, but not all, menu items in a Joomla menu. Render menu items from multiple Joomla menus as one menu. Never render selec...
My Album

My Album

By Remco
My Album is a free, lightweight and easy to use image gallery component for Joomla! Features: > Support for JPG, GIF en PNG image formats. > Thumbnail navigation incl. automated thumbnail generation & scaling > Fast page generation using server-sided caching > Easy to use front-end management interface > Supports resizing of master images > Simple captioning system included > Upload individual im...
Authentication - E-Mail by NXD

Authentication - E-Mail by NXD

By nx-designs
Access & Security
E-Mail Authentication Plugin for Joomla! 4.4 / Joomla! 5.0 or never. This plugin allows your users to authenticate themselves on your Joomla! website with their email address (used during registration). Instead of the username, visitors simply enter the mail address of the account. A note: The plugin does not adapt the language files. This means that if you want the login window to say "user name...
Chatwee Social Chat

Chatwee Social Chat

By Chatwee
Build a buzzing community using our responsive, customizable chat extension with multiple chat rooms. Sign up for free and get going. There are multiple Joomla chat extensions available, so how's our different? Well our focus is primarily on online communities and their growth. Why? Because your website audience matters! People coming in to your site have a direct impact on whether your endea...
QR Code Friendly

QR Code Friendly

By Marco Molina
QR Code
The "QR Code Friendly" is a module that converts the displayed page url ( sef or non-sef ) on a "QR Code" using the Google Chart Tools: Infographics and standards: . International AIM (Automatic Identification Manufacturers International) standard (ISS - QR Code) in October 1997 . JEIDA (Japanese Electronic Industry Development Association) standard (JEIDA-55) in March 1998 . JIS (Japanese Indust...
PRISM Syntax Highlighter for Joomla

PRISM Syntax Highlighter for Joomla

By Andre Hotzler
If you want to use TinyMCE in Joomla! and its builtin "Insert/Edit code" feature, you need this plugin to have syntax highlighting on your site. Dont forget to enable the plugin after installation! If you want to use TinyMCE in Joomla! and its builtin "Insert/Edit code" feature, you need this plugin to have syntax highlighting on your site. SyntaxHighlighting in TinyMCE is based on PRISM, but th...
Registration HTML Email

Registration HTML Email

By ExtensionBase
Create rich HTML registration emails with Registration HTML Email for Joomla! Customization out of the box Registration HTML Email is designed to be fully customizable. Change every aspect of your registration email messages, making information easy for your users to consume. Multi-lingual Translate email messages into different languages. Target a wider audience globally. Register, remind, r...
Blogging XMLRPC for Joomla!

Blogging XMLRPC for Joomla!

By Yoshiki Kozaki
Blog integration
J4 Only! What can you do with this? You can post articles to your Joomla using a local blog editor. Keywords and tags are linked. (If you add a keyword, the tag will also be registered. However, deleting a keyword will not delete the tag.) New categories will be registered at the same time as the article is submitted. *These are the features I checked in Open Live Writer. There are many proble...
ARI Layer Slider
Paid download

ARI Layer Slider

"ARI Layer Slider" is a powerful Joomla! slider extension which creates interactive and amazing presentations, scrollers and etc. It is possible to use any media content like images, videos, HTML5 content and other elements in slides. Moreover the component supports different visual effects: parallax, rotation, zoom, moving effects and others. This Joomla! extension contains a mighty WYSIWYG edito...
Paid download


By Dimitrios Mourloukos
Calendars & Events
Grab and display events from Facebook, Google Calendars, Excel, CSV/Text,HTML, XML files, Database queries (local or remote), JEvents entries and combine all these events into a single display unit using a wide range of formats, including monthly calendar, weekly calendar, daily calendar, horizontal and vertical timelines, post-it like sticky notes and more!! EventBlender goes beyond the basics a...


By wassim jied
Contact forms
Simple and free contact form with captcha, customized mail format and possibility to send a copy of the form to website user Fully customizable, with possibility to add fields as many as needed Available fields kinds that can be added are: Text fields Number fields Date fields List (combobox) fields Textarea fields Raw html zones By default JQuickcontact comes with a builtin form composed of : A...
Smart Contact Box
Paid download

Smart Contact Box

By PulseExtensions Team
Contact Details
After check Facebook Like Box Slider We have one innovative idea in our mind if we make something same Contact Box Slider they Display site all contact links / Contact Emails / Phone number and Social network places all things on one place then how easy to find any detail on just one Slide box and this box able to place on each and every page so we have created it on code as a joomla Extensions an...
Class Overrider

Class Overrider

Coding & Scripts Integration
Compatible with Joomla 2.5/3.x/4.x This extension was developed for Joomla! Day 2012 presentation for Joomla Greek Commnunity With this extension you can simply OVERRIDE ANY PHP file on your joomla site. No need to loose the code changes after upgrade! Modify Joomla Core files without worrying about future updates! Plugin Documentation / Syntax option:comcompon,view:item,env:admin|pathtonewcl...
Custom Parallax CK

Custom Parallax CK

Create a multi-layers parallax effect with your animated custom content. You can write your content into an editor or load a module from the list of published modules into your website. Custom Parallax CK has an image manager with drag'n drop where you can select your image and order them easily. You can choose multiple backgrounds images and set the animation options for each one. Up to 3 back...
User Login Tracking

User Login Tracking

By A. S. M. Sadiqul Islam
Site Security
This is a sample plugin, tracks user(s) login and Store IP address, time-stamp, username & user ID in database and also send email to admin. Gets IP address in better a way. You can enable or disable sending email(enabled by default). You can enable Or disable tracking supper user's login (disabled by default). *This plugin has been created for Joomla version 2.5 but also has been enabled for...