
slider nice multi item

slider nice multi item

By joomhome team
We create responsive extension for slider nice multi item , it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you've published the module into the position you desire with supose using for view product item...
System - Disable Login

System - Disable Login

By alve89
Access & Security
This plugin prevents users to login in the frontend. It blocks access to direct system addresses like ?option=com_users and /component/users. It's good practice to use this in combination with disabling all login forms and modules, because with this plugin they are functionless anyway. You can login with these system addresses by providing a secret key in the URL. See documentation for more inform...
4AI - Community Edition

4AI - Community Edition

By Yannick Gaultier
Authoring & Content
4AI is a state-of-the art Joomla extension that gives you an always-on AI-powered assistant to create and revise the content of your website. Powered by the API behind the well-known ChatGPT system, it's always available, backend or frontend, at the click of an icon or through a convenient keyboard shortcut. New Full version supports Google Gemini models: faster and essentially free Newest Ope...
Paypal Subscriptions Pro
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Paypal Subscriptions Pro

By CMSJunkie
Membership & Subscriptions
PayPal Subscriptions Pro is the way to automate PaypPal subscriptions on your site. As simple as plug & play all you have to do is install the component and use it. Some of the features: - 5 minutes setup - you can easily create multiple subscription packages. - user accounts are automatically created upon subscription and deleted/blocked upon subscription expiration. - No registration hustle, u...
Add Print Stylesheet

Add Print Stylesheet

By Neil Robertson
Print & PDF
This plug-in with separate versions for Joomla 1.5, 2.5 and 3.x loads a print stylesheet in the [template path]/css folder. Most templates do not include a print stylesheet by default but a print stylesheet can be useful to remove unwanted elements from printed copies of your web pages. This might include dark ink wasting backgrounds, menus and other elements that have no use in a printed copy....
Royal Mail For Virtuemart
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Royal Mail For Virtuemart

By VirtuemartExtended
VirtueMart extensions
Sites Using : Available Options: UK Guaranteed Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 9amTM Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pmTM Parcelforce Worldwide express9, express10, expressAM, express24 UK Confirmed Royal Mail Signed ForTM 1st Class Royal Mail Signed ForTM 2nd Class Parcelforce Worldwide express48 UK Standard Royal Mail 1st ClassTM R...
JG IpOnline

JG IpOnline

By Joomla Geeks
Description: Jg Iponline is a joomla plugin that is used to by-pass offline feature to certain users based on IP when the site is offline. This will be very usefull in testing the sites in development and staging. Ex: Admin can enter ip address separated by comma so that users from that ip can only access the offline site and others will be blocked and see only offline site. Features: Easy sit...


By Michael Richey
Admin Reports
Are your server error logs hard or impossible to retrieve? Do you even know how to get them? Loggie can help! If your host is anything like mine, your log files are hard to get to. When they are available, they're slow to retrieve. In my case, it takes 5 minutes or more for a log to appear in the log file - and I must download it repeatedly looking for the errors I'm trying to find. Loggie i...
SJ Listing Ajax for Content
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SJ Listing Ajax for Content

By SmartAddons
Articles Display
SJ Listing Ajax for Content plugin supports to insert load more button in Category Blog or Featured Articles template of Content Component. This helps load items on the font-end just by clicking on load more button without reloading its page. SJ Listing Ajax for Content supports Ajax to load more items, this is very flexible to configure the number of items that are loaded more. TPlease visit our...
Location Management

Location Management

By Parul Khimani
Development Tools
This component manages Country, State, City by admin Panel. - Admin can easily add,edit and delete Country, State, City data. - Abbreviation of Country and State can be easily manage. - By default 200+ countries data provided....
JMP News Ticker
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JMP News Ticker

By JoomHelper
News Display
JMP News Ticker is a powerful, flexible, fast, easy to use and customize NEWS TICKER | BREAKING NEWS. This module supports article feeds (Joomla 4 only) or optional data. Main Features: - Fully customizable via CSS - Full Responsive - RTL Support - Article Feed Support (J4) - Custom Data Feed Support...
Zh BaiduMap

Zh BaiduMap

By Dmitry Zhuk
Maps & Locations
Component for dispaying maps by Baidu Maps service. You can also use plugin. The Module will be available in nearest future. You can * create and display any numbers of maps, placemarks * configurate many map settings * create any paths (use polylines) * set you custom image on placemark * markers can include site reference and image, and HTML code * you can use marker clusterer (markers grouping...
Lazy Slider

Lazy Slider

By Philip Sorokin
Universal bootstrap slider with lazy load. Imagine you have 20 slides to give a demonstration of your project. Without lazy load, the whole page can significantly increase in size, which can slow down the page load dramatically. A user will be waiting untill all these images load. With lazy load you can have unlimited slide number of any size. 4 animation types available: classic slide effect, fad...
KT Blank Page

KT Blank Page

By Katan Technologies
A component that generates blank pages so that you can have a page full of only modules!...
Random Fade Quote
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Random Fade Quote

By Philip Sorokin
A module that shows random quotes changing one another at an interval with fade-in effect. This highly customizable, mobile-ready and easy-to-use module can be very attractive to the visitors of your website. Besides, it can increase the time users spend on your website and reduce the bounce rate, which is important for the behavioral SEO factor of Google and other search engines. Style it by your...
JO Custom HTML

JO Custom HTML

By JewelOsman
Core Enhancements
JO Custom HTML is a powerful and flexible Joomla module that allows you to seamlessly integrate custom content—such as HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and CSS—into your website. Whether you're a developer looking to embed advanced scripts or a site owner wanting to add custom styling, this module provides all the tools you need in one intuitive interface. Key Features: ★ Custom Content Field: Easil...
JD News Headlines
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JD News Headlines

By Nick
Articles Display
JD Headlines is a module allow display article's title from one or many categories, The module support a lot of animations display. Please see the backend image for more details. Same product: Accordion News at New Headlines at LadaDeal:
Magic Led NewsTicker
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Magic Led NewsTicker

By Magic Point
Articles Display
The Magic Led NewsTicker is a complete solution to display latest titles on the website. Ticker has been prepared in two Standard Banner Size 468x60 – 728x90. Is designed to be easy to edit and update, comes with three different Led Models, possibility to change font size, led color, text speed. New Feature: From now you have possibility to load multiple instances of the same module on the same...