- Custom Fields

Module Loader - Advanced Custom Fields
Paid download

Module Loader - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
Effortlessly embed any existing module into your content. Save time and improve consistency across your pages....
Quick Fields

Quick Fields

By Christopher Mavros
Custom Fields
Quick Fields is a free Joomla module that shows custom fields and lets users edit their profiles on spot! Edit Field Values from a module Allow your users to alter custom fields from anywhere in your site. Native Joomla No hacks, no libraries. Free Download, install wherever you want. Includes EasyProfile version Works with EasyProfile user fields. Ready for J4, J5 Works with the latest...
WT Category

WT Category

By Sergey Tolkachyov
Custom Fields
A custom field plugin for a category selection that can be used in articles, contacts, banners and other components that use standard Joomla categories. - The custom field plugin allows you to specify entities (article, contact, etc.) more than one main category. - The standard plugin layout displays a comma-separated list of selected additional categories. The plugin is needed more for Joomla de...
File Upload - Advanced Custom Fields
Paid download

File Upload - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
A Drag & Drop Multi File Upload Custom Field that can be used in Joomla! Articles and with any component that supports the Joomla! Fields. File Upload Features Drag & Drop Uploads Multiple Uploads Set Upload Folder per Field Limit Files Limit File Size Restrict File Types Randomize file names Front-end Layout flexibility Awesome Support Cross Browser Compatibility Mobile Support Where you...
YouTube - Advanced Custom Fields

YouTube - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The YouTube Field enables you to add a YouTube Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
Google Maps - Advanced Custom Fields

Google Maps - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The Google Maps Field enables you to add a Google Maps Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
Address Complete

Address Complete

By coolcat-creations
Custom Fields
This custom field shows a simple textbox with an Algolia address autocomplete dropdown....
OpenStreetMap - Advanced Custom Fields

OpenStreetMap - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The OpenStreetMap Field enables you to add an OpenStreetMap Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
Alter Fields

Alter Fields

By AlterBrains
Custom Fields
Displays Joomla custom fields in backend item list. For each custom field, you can enable its display in backend item list with some handy settings like CSS classes for table column heading and data cell, field layout (except frontend templates overrides). Supports display of custom fields for Joomla articles, users, contacts and categories by default. Works with 3rd-party Joomla extensions if...
Vimeo - Advanced Custom Fields

Vimeo - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The Vimeo Field enables you to add a Vimeo Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
Twitter - Advanced Custom Fields

Twitter - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The Twitter Field enables you to add a Twitter Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
Bing Maps - Advanced Custom Fields

Bing Maps - Advanced Custom Fields

By Tassos Marinos
Custom Fields
The Bing Maps Field enables you to add a Bing Maps Custom Field to any Joomla Component that supports the Fields Component....
CF iVoox

CF iVoox

By Sergio Iglesias
Custom Fields
CF iVoox: cfivoox Joomla! Custom Field to integrate iVoox podcast into your Joomla articles Installation and Usage Install the plugin using Joomla! Extension Manager Add the field (CFIVOOX) to your component using com_fields How to get the podcast ID To integrate the podcast in the article you need to enter the id of the podcast: * Go to the podcast URL Example: https://www.ivoox.com/3-como...
CF Instagram

CF Instagram

By Sergio Iglesias
Custom Fields
CF Instagram: cfinstagram Joomla! Custom Field to integrate Instagram photo into your Joomla articles [GitHub Web](https://sergiois.github.io/cfinstagram.html "CF Instagram") Installation and Usage Install the plugin using Joomla! Extension Manager Add the field (CFINSTAGRAM) to your component using com_fields How to get the photo ID To integrate the photo in the article you need to enter t...
CF SlideShare

CF SlideShare

By Sergio Iglesias
Custom Fields
CF SlideShare: cfslideshare Joomla! Custom Field to integrate Slide of SlideShare into your Joomla articles [GitHub Web](https://sergiois.github.io/cfslideshare.html "CF SlideShare") Installation and Usage Install the plugin using Joomla! Extension Manager Add the field (CFSLIDESHARE) to your component using com_fields Intro the Slide URL: Example: https://www.slideshare.net/sergiois/joomladay...
TF Button

TF Button

By Tech Fry
Custom Fields
The Button custom field allows you to add download or link action buttons. Just add the Url of any file or link in the form and your users will see a nice button....
TF Tabs

TF Tabs

By Tech Fry
Custom Fields
Easily create content tabs and accordions (sliders) within Joomla articles, user profiles and any component that supports Joomla custom fields....
TF Countdown

TF Countdown

By Tech Fry
Custom Fields
Easily add countdown timers to your Joomla! websites for creating anticipation around upcoming events or dates. This custom field can be used with any component that supports the Joomla! Fields....