Extension Specific

SecurePay For Virtuemart
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SecurePay For Virtuemart

By virtuemart australia
VirtueMart extensions
Securepay for virtuemart Support both PCI And Non PCI version (onepagecheckout compatible) Anti-Fraud 3D-Secure Plugins: Securepay for virtuemart -- PCI DSS compatible, 2 steps checkout Securepay xml integration -- NON PCI DSS compatible, 1 step checkout Potential Porblems If you come across blank screen when confirming the order, please turn on debug in global configuration, u might see it...
EasyBlog toolbar for JomSocial
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EasyBlog toolbar for JomSocial

By stackideas
JomSocial Extensions
This free EasyBlog toolbar plugin adds a new toolbar group into JomSocial's toolbar. If you have EasyBlog already installed in your site, this toolbar integrates the blogging convenience that is easily accessible on the existing JomSocial toolbar. This plugin is backed by professional technical support by the same team who created EasyBlog. You can download this plugin at https://stackideas.com...
Word Count Inspector for the ARK Editor

Word Count Inspector for the ARK Editor

By Webx
Ark Editor Extensions
This Ark Editor addon counts the number of words and paragraphs in your articles and displays this information in the footer of the editor....
Shipping Estimator for Virtuemart
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Shipping Estimator for Virtuemart

By Web-expert.gr
VirtueMart extensions
Virtruemart Shipping Estimator on Product Details is an system plugin that adds AJAX shipping cost calculation functionality on your e-shop. Client fills his shipping address once and is stored in a cookie, so if customer comes back it will remember his details. Display's multiple shipping options Great features supported Address Validation: Unicode, Only Latin, Non-Latin Shippinng Calculatio...
Eway Payment For Virtuemart
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Eway Payment For Virtuemart

By virtuemart australia
VirtueMart extensions
Support Joomla 3 Vm 3 This is an all in one product, include eway direct post, iframe, responsive shared, transparent redirect, token payment. Direct post are not pci dss compatible, is one step checkout. Token payment method will remember credit card with masked digits for customers on recurring payments....
SJ Extra Slider for Joomshopping
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SJ Extra Slider for Joomshopping

By SmartAddons
JoomShopping extensions
SJ Extra Slider for JoomShopping is made with responsive design and added many extra layouts for your need with various cool effects. This Joomla extension will support JoomShopping store in showing products with many types of slider. Compatible with latest JoomShopping component, this module can be set up easily to show as many products as we want. Powered by 7 different layouts, by each, slide...
SJ Categories Accordion for K2
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SJ Categories Accordion for K2

By SmartAddons
K2 extensions
SJ K2 Categories Accordion made for K2 Component and inherits all features from famous SJ Categories Accordion - Joomla! Module released before. You can use this module for showing categories with many subjects like travel, hotel, furniture, eating and drinking... This module supports 2 types for showing tabs with image or no image. For articles inside, they can be presented with 3 layouts and ma...
Users App for Watchful

Users App for Watchful

By Watchful LLC
Watchful Client extensions
This App works with the Watchful.net service and checks if new Joomla users have registered on your site. If a new user has been found, you will be notified by email and an entry placed in your log files at watchful.net. In addition, you can configure the notifications to apply to all usergroups or just specific groups. For example, you may only want to be notified if a new SuperAdmin is created....
JEvents Support for Social Crossposting

JEvents Support for Social Crossposting

By The Krotek
Social Crossposting extensions
Adds JEvents support to Social Crossposting component. Works independently of any other content support plugins. ★ FEATURES ★ Does not require any setup, just plug and play. Allows to select networks for crossposting separate from main component. Allows to set categories or events to filter (include or exclude them). Set text format, using desired fields....
SJ Slick Slider for JoomShopping
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SJ Slick Slider for JoomShopping

By SmartAddons
JoomShopping extensions
Sj Slick Slider for JoomShopping is a responsive module for JoomShopping component. It is used as a front-end slider, we can use it to show featured products, with title, description, price and review... This slider will encourage customers engagement as well as increase conversion rate for your JoomShopping store. It has 2 main themes with different background to suit any current templates. More...
BM Gird Slider For K2
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BM Gird Slider For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
About Extensions: - This is a gallery to show items with many amazing effects when change page and many beautiful effects to show title & desciption when hover on images, module support for K2 component. - Module support 10 effects when change page, images will fly very beautiful, you can't leave your eyes from images when they change. - You can't believe that beside 10 effects for paging, it supp...
Payment Processor [Barclays Epdq]
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Payment Processor [Barclays Epdq]

By Rob Joyce
LMS King extensions
Barclays Epdq payment gateway for LMS King Professional System This is the Barclays Epdq payment gateway for LMS King. This Barclays Epdq payment gateway for uses the redirect method for transmission of information. The user is redirected to the Barclays site for checkout processing, then they are then returned to your site to continue the process. Special Requirements: None. Installation Inst...
Payment Processor [eWay Direct]
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Payment Processor [eWay Direct]

By Rob Joyce
LMS King extensions
This is the Eway Direct payment gateway for LMS King This payment gateway uses the direct method where the user enters their credit card details whilst still on your site without having to redirect them to the Eway site to make payment and then back to your site. Special Requirements: SSL Certificate Installation Instructions: Install as a Standard Joomla! Plugin and then Publish and Configure...
2Checkout for DigiCom
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2Checkout for DigiCom

By ThemeXpert
Extension Specific
2Checkout Standard is a plugin that allowing you to take payments via 2Checkout. 2Checkout’s international payment services are available to merchants and consumers in over 200 countries. 2CO lets customers make purchases in 15 languages and 30 currencies. When the order goes through, the user is taken to 2CO to make a secure payment. No SSL certificate is required on your site. After payment th...
Firebase Link for ZOO
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Firebase Link for ZOO

By ZOOModsPlus
Zoo extensions
This plugin will send your ZOO items to the Firebase database in realtime giving you the perfect mobile app backend with ZOO as you content manager....
Web Site Tour Builder for JomSocial
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Web Site Tour Builder for JomSocial

By JoomlaForce Team
JomSocial Extensions
Web Site Tour Builder for JomSocial is a powerfull Tour Module, which can be used as a site tour, helpers, guides or tooltips. Use the Web Site Tour module for your website, products, applications, landing pages or something else. DESCRIPTION The module is very easy to use and allow you to create a very cool tour in simple dinamics steps. Web Site Tour Builder gives you the ability to create ama...
2Checkout Inline for DigiCom
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2Checkout Inline for DigiCom

By ThemeXpert
Extension Specific
> A valid SSL certificate is required to ensure your customer credit card details are safe, however, this addons also uses 2CO JS to tokenize credit card numbers to make payments keeping card data secure. Certified by 2Checkout, Inline Checkout creates an iframe checkout option which displays a secure payment form inside your DigiCom store. You are able to receive transactions from over 200 count...
Price history for VirtueMart
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Price history for VirtueMart

By MiniJoomla.org
VirtueMart extensions
The plugin complies with the EU directive on displaying price and discount history. The plugin stores price history in a separate database table and allows to display the discount amount and price history graph on the product detail...