- Article Elements



By Bernard Saulmé
Article Elements
This plugin add the ability to split a long article into multiple linked pages. The splits are added using the 'Page break' button editor. The plugin add extra feature compare to the default Joomla pagebreak plugin. Key features Split a content or a personal page into a multiple linked pages Compatible with the Joomla articles, BS MyJspace personal page content, K2 items & category list, ZOO fo...


By Joachim Schmidt
Article Elements
Tooltips not only help with user interactions but may provide (unvisible until requested) informations to elements of a displayed page. jmootips is designed to separate article content from tooltip content - you just refer to a tooltip within an article but you do not need to code its content within the article. jmootips will help to design joomla articles and their informations be more attracti...
Tooltip GC

Tooltip GC

Article Elements
A plugin for making your tooltips really easy. It makes appear the tooltip with nice effects. It can contain pictures and link, the tooltip can be mouseovered. Styling customization Use the plugin options to set the styles of your tooltips : background, gradient, margin, color, opacity ... Can contain everything You can put what you want in the tooltip like images, links, or just text. You can...


By Michael Richey
Article Elements
Need accordions for content items? With this plugin, you can have multiple accordions per page, and even nested accordions are possible with this plugin. Each accordion can be automatically styled from 3 included templates, or using your own custom styles. The plugin alters existing code on your page, so there is no need to wrap your accordion content with tags. When a visitor arrives without J...
AutoAnchor Menu
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AutoAnchor Menu

By Pluginaria.com / Jtricks.com
Article Elements
Long article? Automatically generated menu to article sections will improve user experience. The menu is being composed from the header tags present in article (H1..H9) and links to the top and the bottom of the page and scrolls the user to relevant section. Extension is page-based so will work with any component (including K2). Features: - Configure which headers to include in the menu (for ex...
Super Responsive tabs
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Super Responsive tabs

By PulseExtensions Team
Article Elements
After Good response over Advanced Responsive tabs we just come with new idea Super Responsive tabs for you , its a easy responsive tab make your page more attractive , its concept without java-script usage , 6 different style, 3 mobile view style , 10+ animation effects and each and every dynamic options available to finish it , check below features related it.. ★★ GENERAL FEATURES LIST :- ->...
Easy Responsive Tabs
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Easy Responsive Tabs

By Infyways Solutions
Article Elements
Easy Responsive Tabs is a joomla system plugin that can be used inside any components or module by simply mentioning the syntax. You have option to choose a style from the list of 24 predefined styles to match your website layout. FEATURES ★ 24 predefined styles ★ Add the plugin code anywhere within the website ★ Have any number of tabs you want to have ★ Tabs automatically turns accordio...
Quick Index

Quick Index

By Regular Labs
Article Elements
Quick Index - add a table of contents quickly in Joomla! With Quick Index you can easily add an index (Table of Contents) to your content. The index will be generated based on the headings in your content. Simply place {index} where you want the index to show. You can see Quick Index in action on this website on all the Tutorial, FAQs and Videos pages (at the top of the content). Quick Index o...
Tabs and Sliders

Tabs and Sliders

By Joomlashack
Article Elements
The Tabs and Sliders extension makes it really easy to show your Joomla content inside tabs or sliders. This extension has been developed with ease-of-use and styling flexibility in mind! It simply works! Using simple syntax you can easily organize your content inside articles. For example, you can organize your long product descriptions into tabs. Sliders Display your sliders using one of the...
Easy Tooltip
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Easy Tooltip

By Infyways Solutions
Article Elements
Easy Tooltip plugin is a beautiful plugin that can be used to show any tip information whenever mouse is hover/clicked/focused on its associated link or image. ★ ★ FEATURES ★ ★ ★ Supported by IE7 + , Mozilla Firefox , Google Chorme , Safari and Opera ★ Compatible with iPhone and iPad. ★ Option to add javascripts files to head or body part which eliminates the possibilities of jQuer...
2J Tabs
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2J Tabs

By 2JoomlaNet
Article Elements
2J Tabs - it's a fresh breath for your website layout. Very easy and comfortable way to organize your front end content most effective way. 2J Tabs can emulate multi-pages structure based on the joomla content articles as result your visitors will get easy access to the big content articles (no need to scroll through a large page). Also 2JTabs have ability to load up joomla external modules to the...


By Mareike Riegel
Article Elements
qltabs adds tabs in your article; works with javascript jQuery. Just add start tags and one end tag into article text. The text inbetween the tags is going to be displayed in article a as tab. The editor plugin for inserting the code is available as well....
Pure Tabs
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Pure Tabs

By Michael A. Gilkes
Article Elements
Description: This is a flexible, simple-to-use plugin that is used to add tabs to any article created in Joomla. Pure Tabs can display tabs at four different positions: top, left, bottom, or right. You can have multiple tabs in the same article. The content of each tab is independent of the other tabs. You can place custom text, modules, or even the contents of other articles in a tab. This plugin...


By Regular Labs
Article Elements
Tooltips - add tooltips in Joomla! With Tooltips you can use a simple syntax to give any piece of text or image a nice and simple tooltip. You can create these tooltips virtually anywhere in your site. So not only in articles, but also in modules and components. Syntax The syntax simply looks like: {tip title="Wow!" content="Now I can give something a cool tooltip!"}This t...
Table Of Contents CK

Table Of Contents CK

Article Elements
Compatible with Scroll To CK for a smooth scroll Create automatically your table of content within your article with a simple tag/shortcode. It wil get all your Hx tags, create the list and it will scroll automatically on click. How to use it Just add the shortcode {toc} in your article and it will automatically create the table. Each title tag (H1, H2, etc) will get a custom ID where you can s...
Automatic Intro Image

Automatic Intro Image

By Mattia
Article Elements
This plugin automatically create a resized version of the full size article image and set it as the intro image. Simply enable the plugin, set parameters and leave blank the intro image field when saving the article. Automatic Intro Image needs iMagick php module to be installed and enabled on your Joomla server. Changelog v1.3.3 - Fix: allow plugin to work in frontend v1.3.1 - Use Joomla auto...
Alter Articles
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Alter Articles

By AlterBrains
Article Elements
Expand functionality of Joomla articles with highly customizable map, gallery, attachments and related articles features. Admin can configure additional data in backend article edit page, each feature can either inherit global settings or use own individual settings per article. Common features: Each feature can be enabled/disabled for certain categories. You can setup the feature position: 'A...
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By nx-designs
Article Elements
Exposer is a Joomla module that displays a selection of Joomla! articles or contacts in a grid overview, list or slideshow. By using the UIkit 3 framework your articles will be presented in a more exciting way than ever before. The Exposer Mainframe was designed with the best possible individuality in mind. Placeholders for elements are available at several positions within the template and can b...