- Content infos

Author List

Author List

By Jesus Vargas Garita
Content infos
Manages your content authors so your visitor can go to their pages either in a blog or a sortable article list table layout. Once you have properly created your desired author instances (each attached to a specific user) in the backend, you can create different types of Author List menu items: A list of your authors An article list or blog layout from a specific author with or without a "Select...
AIB - Author Info Box

AIB - Author Info Box

By Viktor Vogel
Content infos
AIB displays important information about the author above or underneath the article in an author info box! The plugin shows the following information: name, image (avatar), website, email address and description (about me). The author information is optional and can be activated in all possible variations. They are obtained from several sources: the name and e-mail address from the normal user pr...
Authorship Markup

Authorship Markup

By Alin Marcu
Content infos
Authorship Markup will improve your search engines results performance and will boost your CTR. This kind of rich snippet helps you establish a tighter relationship with your readers, gives you more credibility and helps you become an authority in your niche. Authorship Markup plugin is a Joomla extension which helps you display author information in search results for content. Authorship Markup...
Ajo Copyright module

Ajo Copyright module

By Danny Buytaert
Content infos
Display copyright message + year for use in footer. Auto update current year. Show sitename Add custom text...
db8 Site Last Modified

db8 Site Last Modified

By Peter Martin
Content infos
db8 Site Last Modified Module to display the last modification date, based on the article (create/modified) dates in your site. Note that it does not display any other changes, e.g. in Category or Modules. Versions Joomla 4 version: mod_db8sitelastmodified-j4-v4.0.1.zip Joomla 3 version: mod_db8sitelastmodified-j3-v3.0.1.zip Joomla 2.5, 1.5 and 1.0 versions are no longer available Usage Tex...
Columnist JT1
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Columnist JT1

By Joomlatema.net
Content infos
Columnist JT1 is an extension which helps users to display articles from selected columnist-categories. The Module uses joomla's own category-system. First create categories with each Columnist's name and enter each columnist's article under his or her category. Select columnist's image as category image. Then select all columnist category names at the right side of the module settings. Features...
Article Details

Article Details

By Olivier Buisard
Content infos
Override article information details and show them the way YOU want. Some features: - choose which categories can be altered by the plugin or use the plugin's syntax to individually target articles, - modify the article, blog/list (category) and featured views, - choose which elements to show (hits, author, rating - voting included, dates, times, categories, keywords, tags, links A..C, social, em...

Author Link

By Boris Komraz
Content infos
This pluging links the author name of the article to Contact item or Author article. Author article - is content item from specific Category with the Title defined as author name. Author description article may be automatically created by the Author Link plugin. Also author image may be shown....


By Peter v.d. Hulst
Content infos
ContentNotifier is the successor of jContentStatus (1.5 plugin) (thanx Josh Prakash for the idea !) Plugin to display New and Updated gif files from anywhere in a content or automaticly at the beginning of the article. The plugin enables the webmaster to display nice looking light weight gif files to notify the users where the contents has been updated or newly created. Just put the given syntax w...

Image Folder

By Bruce Doan
Content infos
This plugin will add Image Folder field to articles, so you can manipulate it later with $item->images property. NOTE: This plugin is for developer only...
JExtBOX Footer
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JExtBOX Footer

By Galaa
Content infos
This extension helps you to display copyright notice on the footer of your front-end web pages. The copyright notice is formatted as international standards and it provides a full custom footer module. Standard copyright notice Automated copyright year Custom copyright owner with a link. If it's empty, the site name and the site base url are automatically assigned as the owner and its link respe...
JExtBOX Article Status

JExtBOX Article Status

By Galaa
Content infos
This plugin displays badges indicating an article's status (New, Old, Edited, Featured, Popular, and Most Hit) above it. The plugin not only provides built-in badges but also allows your custom design for badges created by using HTML elements and inline CSS. Article selection by its ID and category. Multiple choices of Bootstrap-based built-in and custom badges created with HTML code and inline...
Intelephant AuthorBio for Joomla
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Intelephant AuthorBio for Joomla

By Intelephant Software
Content infos
Intelephant AuthorBio for Joomla displays author's bio, along with avatar and links, in your Joomla articles....
POWR About Us

POWR About Us

Content infos
For a limited time, get 30% off Yearly Upgrades! POWR About Us lets you add a responsive About Us profile to any site, without writing a single line of code! Create a custom profile for yourself, your company, or your brand with this easy to use extension. Connect with your users, build your team, or manage your personal brand. No programming or coding experience required! Edit right in your...
Urge Visitor
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Urge Visitor

By Pluginaria.com / Jtricks.com
Content infos
Urge visitors to purchase your product or rent your property by letting them know other people are looking at it too! The extension will show a box telling the visitors about the number of other views on the same page. Urge Visitor shows a box with a number of visits during past 12 hours. If this number is not enough then it shows a box with the number of visits during past 24 hours. If not high...
Pop-Art Tags for Joomla
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Pop-Art Tags for Joomla

By Michael Russell
Content infos
Do you run a blog site or a site with lots of articles? Would you like to attract your visitors to content that has been recently added/modified or the most "popular" content? With this simple plugin you can add additional tags to your Joomla articles: "new"/"updated", "hot" topics, "popular" topics, featured, archived, etc. Unlike similar plugins, this extension has accessibility in mind: th...
Author links

Author links

By Mattia
Content infos
This plugin has been created as an alternative to Joomla's core Content - Contacts plugin. Instead of simply link the author name to the associated contact page, it let you choose to link directly to the webpage or to the email of the associated contact. Changelog v1.1 - Add multilingual website support (thanks to Cedric Frossard) v1.0.1 - Fix license information header v1.0 - Initial release...
Article Details Profiles
Paid download

Article Details Profiles

By Olivier Buisard
Content infos
Use the full power of the Joomla! framework to create multiple Article Details configurations and design separate article details for different areas of your site. Features: use the plugin's syntax to target individual articles, setup multiple configurations (by creating module instances) and modify article, category blog and featured articles blog header and footer layouts, show different layo...