Photos & Images

Magic 3D Gallery
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Magic 3D Gallery

By Magic Point
If you are looking for a professional, modern and effecient flash, look no further. Have you ever been getting bored with all kind of 2D transitions effects that you see everywhere everyday around the web? If so, Magic 3D Gallery is the perfect choice. Magic 3D Gallery is easy to use, customize and you can save time and enjoy life! New Feature: From now you have possibility to load multiple insta...
Random img gallery pp zoom

Random img gallery pp zoom

By Gopi Ramasamy
The Random image with a pretty photo zoom Joomla module allows you to simply and easily show random images anywhere in your website with an on-click pretty photo zoom effect. In the admin, we can upload the original images directly into the folder or we can set the existing image folder location; this plugin will automatically generate the perfect thumbnail image based on the mentioned width. This...
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By Infyways Solutions
Photobox is a easy to use responsive image gallery that can be used to showcase images . The gallery works perfectly on all and mobile devices. *Browser Compatibility : IE8+, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome *Supported by all tabs and mobile ★ NEW OPTION - Start the slideshow on page load in a full screen or just clicking on a image in the gallery. MODULE SETTINGS ★ Define gallery width to b...
Scorpion Image Header

Scorpion Image Header

By Scorpion Computers & Software
Have you ever had the need to add one image as a header on your website but also change the way it acts on mobile devices. or even use an alternative image on mobile. This module is just the solution for that problem. Add images to a module positions with some specific parameters and add separated variables for mobile. In the mean time it's grown out to be a very mature module, with all kinds of...
Magic 3D Slideshow
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Magic 3D Slideshow

By Magic Point
Magic 3D Slideshow is a slideshow/banner rotator with amazing 3D effect, built with latest version of Away3D, real-time 3D engine which uses the hardware-accelerated Stage3D API's in Flash Player 11. Is easy to use, contain 7 fonts, 7 beautiful effects and is very customizable. Features: Supports images (JPG, PNG, GIF); Section size and thickness; Camera and light position; 7 fonts & effects...
Joombig Gallery Images Flow

Joombig Gallery Images Flow

By Jonh Smith
1.- DESCRIPTION The Gallery images flow is a picture gallery, which allows an intuitive image handling. Image flow is inspired by Apple’s cover flow. The javascript renders the cover flow effect without any noticeable flaw. Keyboard navigation (arrow keys), mouse scroll is supported. Very cool script to use. 2.- FEATURES List of features : - Compatible with Joomla 2.5 and 3.x - jQuery based imag...
fashion parallel slider beautiful

fashion parallel slider beautiful

By joomhome team
fashion parallel slider beautiful, it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you can using for slideshow fashion parallel web joomla we create slider show images with description of earch images. and the possibility to view with action hover on images to display detail slideshow This is perfect modu...
Truly Responsive Slides Pro
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Truly Responsive Slides Pro

By Olivier Buisard
Truly Responsive Slides Pro for Joomla! is not your typical slider: it specifically targets websites that are responsive in design. It not only resizes itself, using the full potential of the well-known jQuery-built Flexslider, but it handles different image sizes depending on devices viewports for faster page loading. With Truly Responsive Slides Pro, you can now create slideshows that are frie...
guillotine zoom rotation image

guillotine zoom rotation image

By joomhome team
guillotine zoom rotation image, it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you can using for zoom rotation image web joomla We create extension is Guillotine is a jQuery plugin that allows to drag, zoom or rotate an image to select a cropping area. Like selecting the display area of a profile picture...
TZ FlexSlider

TZ FlexSlider

By TemPlaza
FlexSlider is a Script image slideshow module which displays an awesome transition of images with title, description, vote, author and other information. It has a navigation system, including next and previous buttons, as well as other stunning features. The module offers an easy way to customize options from back-end. FlexSlider is fully responsive, resizable, which means it can automatically ad...
responsive images carousel fullwidth

responsive images carousel fullwidth

By joomhome team
responsive images carousel fullwidth, it easy to install the module using the Joomla Installer in the administration, and then that you have published the module into the position you can using for banner website joomla...
JUX Pinterest Feed
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JUX Pinterest Feed

By JoomlaUX
Photos & Images
Displaying Pinterest feed on your site will create a huge profit for your business. New clients will find your site profile through what you share on Pinterest as offers, eye-catching images, and other Pinterest contents, then react with your feed. It's a smart way to promote your business and attracts more followers. JUX Pinterest Feed has been released to cover you everything you need to grow yo...
EXT Roundabout images

EXT Roundabout images

The module is based on the popular plugin Roundabout for jQuery. Features: Script Roundabout v2.4+ 5 - 10 images Alt image Link to go Select version jQuery Checking download jQuery Automatic generation of ID Browser support: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE9+ Tons of configuration options...
Phoca Photo

Phoca Photo

By Jan Pavelka
Phoca Photo is Joomla! CMS component - it displays images on Joomla! site. It includes categories view (list of categories), category view (list of images) and image view. It does not include any administration features (images and categories should be managed by Phoca Gallery). It includes only frontend views, which load the content fast and easy on the site. It is a Bootstrap alternative to Pho...
Magic Slider (jArticle, K2, logo, video, products, ...)
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Magic Slider (jArticle, K2, logo, video, products, ...)

By Agionet
You can easily use the sophisticated Magic Slider module to speed up the presentation of a large number of images (e.g. company logos) / articles (including K2 items) / video from Youtube, etc. It is easy to set up and you have many options for setting resources. It allows you to use various graphic templates, effects, navigation, animation... It is responsive and allows you to use several templat...
joombig product pretty rotation

joombig product pretty rotation

By Jonh Smith
Photos & Images
1.- DESCRIPTION The joombig product pretty rotation is a Joomla product display images module. With this module, we will create to auto loading product with 3D effect or you can click to product image loading other product We’ll also add the possibility to navigate with action click next or previous. With create a responsive image flow using for product website 2.- FEATURES List of features: -C...
SJX Galleries
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SJX Galleries

By Tools JX
A Joomla component enabling you to create a highly customizable image and video galleries. They can be attached to articles or locations using one of our many exquisite templates....
Pure Slider
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Pure Slider

By Michael A. Gilkes
Pure Slider Minimum Requirements: > Joomla 2.5 or 3.0 Description: This is a flexible, simple-to-use plugin that is used to add a Nivo-based Slider to any article created in Joomla 2.5 or 3.0. It works with either Mootools or jQuery, or even both at the same time. Main features: > Choice of Nivoo v1.2.1 (Mootools) or Nivo v3.2 (jQuery) as slider engine > Makes a Slider of the images files in...