- Multi Categorization

CW Multicategories
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CW Multicategories

By CW Joomla
Multi Categorization
Allows you to publish Joomla! articles into multiple categories. Works for backend&frontend! Full integration for article URL routing, breadcrums, blogs, page navigation, etc. + Preview Button in Article edit page! FEATURES: - SMART CHOSEN layout - drag and drop sorting functionality for selected category order in this layout. - Long awaited drag and drop ORDERING FOR MULTIPLE CATEGORIES! - Drag...
WT Multicategories

WT Multicategories

By Sergey Tolkachyov
Multi Categorization
The Joomla plugin allows you to add articles or contacts more then one category (multi-category functionality). The additional category ID is taken from the user's articles or contacts field. Description This plugin adds the ability to specify more than one category for Joomla articles or contacts. To do this, create a custom field in which the ID of the additional category will be specified. In...


By Lucas Sanner
Multi Categorization
ABTag is a Joomla extension which allows to display articles by tag thanks to a tag view. It takes advantage of the Joomla native tag component to offer a very flexible way to sort and display your articles. The same article can have several tags and therefore being shown on different locations in your website (ie: transversality). ABTag provides a full integration for article URL routing, custom...