Redirect after Login, by Mishel Naguib - Joomla Extension Directory


Login Redirect, Login Restriction, Access & Security, Site Access, URL Redirection

This extension will save Your time and put all Your redirects in one place

Do You need to redirect Your users to certain page after they logged in according to their: Groups, Usernames, ..?

This Complete package contains component and plugin that you can use to redirect your users after log in depending on their user group , username , IP from both admin and front area>

You can set a separate redirect for first time login and another redirect for any other login for each user group , username , IP.

Working with all normal joomla groups and jackl groups.

Working with all login modules and does not need a special login module.

Working with Community builder , Joomsocial. and Easysocial.
Working at both front and admin area
you can set redirect per user or per user group or Ip.
You can redirect admins directly to any page at admin area

Working with latest joomla 3 , 4 , 5 versions

How to use this package?
1- install it from joomla admin area
2- go to redirect after login component at admin area
3- click add new redirect
4- fill the form , select a user group and add a url and select if this url will be for first time login or for any login.
5- save and you are done.

Redirect Klasse

Posted on 16 December 2022
Alles funktioniert wie erwartet! Nachdem der Support sich gekümmert hat!
Ease of use
Einfacher geht nicht! Es macht Spaß damit zu arbeiten! Kann ich nur empfehlen!
Also besser geht nicht hatte bei der Ersten Installation in Joomla 4.2.6 Fehlermeldung.
Diese wurden vom Support sofort erledigt, klasse!
Value for money
Absolut richtig wenn man das nicht selber programmieren möchte :)
I used this to: Um meine Benutzer einzeln oder per Gruppe auf entsprechende Seiten weiter zu leiten...
I have a complex sign up flow & need users to be able to join different services after making an account. This extension redirects perfectly
Ease of use
Simple install and amazing extra features that I wasnt even looking for such as redirect groups or even specific users!
I had a minor issue because of other plugins on my site and the developer fixed this for me in a matter of a minutes.
Value for money
Extremely affordable for what it does
I used this to: My sign up flow so that I can redirect first time users to my service sign up pages on their first login.

Nice Effort

Posted on 19 June 2014
Great extension. I have been looking for such extension for over a week. I needed to redirect users after login on the basis of their groups, so this extension made it possible in a quite simple way. Support is also awesome, didn't feel alone. Keep the good pace up (Y).


Posted on 31 December 2012
This module was exactly what I was looking for. It did not work for me at first. Support was quick, and went out of their way resolve my issue. Highly recommend!
Very easy to configure, just select a user-group and its redirect link through the component.

Much needed last piece of the puzzle for the members-only section of an online store.


Posted on 21 October 2012
This is an amazing extension! Easy to use! And the support given by this author was stellar! I am extremely pleased!!!!!
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Redirect after Login

Mishel Naguib
Last updated:
Oct 31 2023
1 year ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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