SLogin, by Joomline - Joomla Extension Directory


Authentication, Authentication - Cloud based, Social Profiles, Facebook integration, Access & Security

Joomla extension allows to login to Joomla using social network account: Facebook, VK, Google, LinkedIn, Yandex, Telegram, Twitter, Mail.ru, Instagram, WordPress, odnoklassniki, Bitbucket and Github.
The extension uses the OAuth authorization, and allows quickly account creation on your site using social network account.

Social authorization extension abilities:
1. Supported social networks: Facebook, VK, LinkedIn, Twitter, odnoklassniki, Twitch, Telegram, Bitbucket and Github.
1. Supported service: Yahoo, Yandex, Live.com, Ulogin, Instagram, WordPress, mail.ru and Google.
1. The two sets of skins.
1. The ability to change the appearance.
1. Localization: russian, ukrainian, spanish and english.
1. Ability to assign the social network account to the existing Joomla user.
1. Merge multiple social network accounts into the one user account.
1. Switch-off of an account of a social network from the account Joomla.
1. Ability to fill the Joomla user profile after authorization.
1. Avatars support social networks Vkontakte, Facebook, Mail.ru, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Google+, WordPress, LinkedIn, Yandex, Yahoo.
1. Support SEF Joomla.
1. Free plugins integration: JComments, Community Builder and Easyblog
1. Plugins integration: Community Builder, JoomShoping, JomSocial, K2, Kunena, EasySocial, VirtueMart.

Complete set comprises:
- Component Slogin.
- Authentication module.
- Account management plugin.
- Authentication plugin.
- Social profiles plugin.
- Plugin for Jcomments.
- Social networks authentication plugins for: Vkontakte, Ulogin, Yahoo, Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn, Live.com, Instagram, WordPress, Odnoklassniki, Yandex, Twitch, Google, and Mail.ru

Repository on Github: https://github.com/Joomline/slogin

Versatile, does the most

Posted on 28 September 2023
This offers a wide variety of social networks and services, unlike the other extensions which are limited to a small bunch, and works well.
Ease of use
Easy enough. The processes to get authorization keys depends on the social networks themselves, and may be complicated.
I did not need any, because the extension worked well without problems and because the documentation contained what I was looking for.
Very good. Available in english and also in russian (more extensive). I found everything I needed and much help with authorization keys.
I used this to: providing a variety of login methods to our visitors, which is not isolated to a boring few. Thanks to the developer for offering such a versatile extension with all these login options and providing it for free, it is much appreciated.
Working perfectly with gmail, but has problem with facebook login
Ease of use
Easy to use easy to install nice module for front end .......................
Can you fix facebook login to get real email for user please or tell me how to do it
With facebook not working fine, when user register or login using facebook, i see his email looks like 5674565@facebook com, not real email
I used this to: User login or register for my site
I used this to: Social Login

Worst Extension

Posted on 16 September 2016
I used this to: Ater Installing its not working as per expectation
I then uninstalled but giving an error when I login.
JAuthentication: :authenticate: Failed to load plugin: plgauthenticationslogin
tried to delete the folders related to slogin but still the same.
moreover over no support
Good concept, but zero functionality at this time. Slogin uninstall broke entire Joomla site login.
Ease of use
Needs sign up for service at Slogin.info. Free for 3,000 logins/month, but then must pay. Could not make it work as module or as menu link.
No forum. No way to communicate with author.
Some documentation.
I used this to: I could not use it. You should search Joomla.org forum for SLogin. My site received a SLogin update very recently, but it still did not work. After uninstall you must manually delete a lot of files left by SLogin.
Following documentation I tried to register to their service, but I didn't get any activation email. Support does not answer at all...
I used this to: my website
Lots of social media choices however it doesn't grab email properly. Twitter doesn't allow email but it couldnt grab for linkedin also
Ease of use
Easy and simple, not much options
Not sure
not a lot
I used this to: only google and facebook login. microsoft live doesnt work. coulnd be microsoft or could be the plugin, not sure.

Not as advertised.

Posted on 23 May 2015
Works as it should. In the description it states "Free plugins integration: JComments, Community Builder and Easyblog". It does not.
Ease of use
Easy to install.
Haven't asked for support. However it seems to be ok for others.
Plenty to read. The documentation is also easy to find.
I used this to: In the description it states "Free plugins integration: JComments, Community Builder and Easyblog" however when I installed it I got "Social Login Integration Community Builder - (publishing)No (installed) Buy". So, no it does not freely integrate with CB. I will be uninstalling.

Great component

Posted on 23 February 2015
Added fb, g+ and twitter in 15 minutes. Great component.
Ease of use
Not used yet
Owner's reply: Thank you for your feedback.

A must have extension

Posted on 20 September 2014
Thanks to JoomLine team for providing such great extension which is so actual nowadays.
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Last updated:
Nov 08 2022
2 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p
J3 J4

Uses Joomla! Update System


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