Smratresponder Integration, by MintJoomla - Joomla Extension Directory

Smratresponder Integration


Site Access

This is integration between SmartResponder and Joomla that allow subscribe to newsletter during registration.

To use this plugin you have to have paid Smartresponder account.

This plugin add new checkbox field on user registration form that allows subscribe user to your smartresponder channel, newsletter, group or series during registration process. You can make this field required if you want to force users to be subscribed. If it is not required users will be able to unsubscribe by editing profile.



By MintJoomla
Content Construction
8 years - 7th generation of free CCK. You can build almost anything: Blog, forum, support desk or private ticket system, real estate or auto market, job board or product catalog!!! Cobalt is a successor of Mighty Resources but all new, completely redone. Flexible CCK - Wide variety of fields text, textarea, html, image, select, multi-select, ... All fields are highly editable and will always...
Paid download

Hikashop - 2checkout payment

By MintJoomla
HikaShop extensions
Plugin payment system 2checkout, for component HikaShop 2Checkout (2CO) is one of the most popular, secure and whildely trusted payment gateways. Payment Plugin Features: Works with 2CO new INS (Instant Notification Service). Supports all messages including refund, fraud status change, invoice status change. Automatically cansel user order on refund or fraud pass fail Can allow immidiate asse...
Glossary for Cobalt

Glossary for Cobalt

By MintJoomla
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
This plugin creates Glossary on your site over your Joomla articles or any other articles supporting Joomla content plugins. You basically create a glossary in Cobalt CCK. Every glossary definition is an article. The title is a definition and text is a description. When you install the plugin, it will search text in Joomla articles and match against definitions. It will convert every match to lin...
Review/Discussion for Cobalt

Review/Discussion for Cobalt

By MintJoomla
Extensions Specific Non-sorted
This plugin cat turn any Cobalt 7 section into Review or Discussion for core Joomla articles. It utilize all the features of Cobalt such as bookmarks, personal home page, advanced search and at the same time has its own features like Total average rating, which calculate rating of all Reviews added for current article. Please see short video http://youtu.be/JYLnXfBeb9I...

Smratresponder Integration

Last updated:
Nov 19 2014
10 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System