Social Sharing, by Dev - Joomla Extension Directory


Social Multi Share, Site Access, Social Share

Let your users share via their accounts on popular social networks such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Vkontakte and over 50 more.

Install this free plugin to enable Social Sharing on your Joomla site and start driving high quality referrals to your website.

82% of users consider buying or trying products and services based on their friends’ recommendations. With social share, you give users the tools to share your content, product details and other information with their own networks.

More than 22 billion shares are viewed each and every day on the internet, with sharing becoming an increasingly important part of every website owner's marketing strategies.

Live Demo: https://www.social9.com

- Options to add social sharing widget on homepage, posts, feeds, content pages, etc.
- Compatible with JomSocial, Community Builder, Jcomment, JomFish, Kunena, VirtueMart
- Choose from many social sharing themes design
- Users can share content on over 50 social networks, can send content via email or can print
- A clean, user friendly Joomla admin U/I with tab structure with various options for social sharing
- Manage everything from your Joomla admin
- No programming skills required
- It's simple, secure and reliable
- Highly reliable as it runs on Cloud Computing with failover server support
- 24/7 community support, rich knowledge base, and active discussion forum

Other Social Plugins:
Social9 also provides social plugins for WordPress, Drupal, Magento, PrestaShop, Vanilla Forum, osCommerce, Zen Cart, X-cart, vBulletin, BlogEngine and DotNetNuke.

Important links:
Website: https://www.social9.com

Please share your comments and feedback at feedback@social9.com

Very good app

Posted on 28 January 2012
Thank Login Radius for you your great product. It works perfectly although I had to create the API for each provider :)

I just have the question. Is there any way to change the login form in to the horizontal menu at the top of website? Of course we will have the icon for social log in.
Owner's reply: Thanks for reviwing Social Login extension, J.O.Y.

Currently there is limited customization of the login interface, but we are working hard to offer you more customization options and will release many more features soon.

LoginRadius Team

Easy to add social logins

Posted on 25 January 2012
This module superb.... and easy to add.

Thanks to LoginRadius team which provides social login scenerio..
This simple module let me setup in no time a wide variaty of login such as facebook, twitter, linkedin and more. My users for my site www.autocritik.com can log in without registering and creating new user credential. It is all done simply via the module. Nobody needs to remember many passwords and usernames. It creates an easy to use functionnality to my site. I had also a great support from the dev team, responding quiclky to my question before installing and seting up the module.

Great work!


Posted on 24 January 2012
Probably the best module I've used. Offers fantastic functionality, excellent documentation, and (despite not expecting it) everything worked perfectly the first time. Good work!


Posted on 21 January 2012
Easy to setup. It's a long process though at not fault of the company, mostly to do with setting up things for Facebook, Twitter...etc. But detailed, step-by-step instructions are included for each login you choose.

A good extension

Posted on 18 January 2012
Thank you developers for this extensions. It does help.
I installed it, set up the parameters for google and for facebook and that's it, running after minutes.

And the help system ist perfect! If you set up the parameters for google or facebook, the (personal) parameters you need are already inside the help of this module (URL, Path), just read, copy and paste. Very good!

Be careful!

Posted on 13 January 2012
Though they offer a lot and I find it very interesting, there are two things that made me not to choose this (again):

- It takes time to register each key for every login type (not mentioning the loginradius key itself). It could be that those keys are mandatory by the login service sites and not by loginradius though; i don't know.

- It alters the joomla core users table (which is already rather ill advised), but does NOT put it back when you uninstall this.
Owner's reply: Hi e_builds,

Thanks for reviewing our extension Social Login.

1) The keys are required by ID Providers as per their terms of use, so we can't do much about that. However, the advantage of using your own keys is that when a user logs in, s/he sees your website name on the login page instead of LoginRadius.

2) This is the first version of our Social Login extension and we are working hard to further improve it. Regarding your second issue about altering the Joomla core users table, we add the additional column in order to save each provider's ID for user authentication. Once a user logs in the first time with an ID provider, we save that information in this column and reference it each time the user logs in going forward. If you delete this column after uninstalling Social Login, then you will lose all Social Login data collected thus far. The readme.txt file that comes with the extension specifies information about this additional column. In the next version of our extension, the admin will be able to choose whether to keep or delete this column during uninstallation.

Please let us know if you have any more suggestions at hello@loginradius.com. We'd love to hear from everyone! :)

LoginRadius Team

Perfect module

Posted on 07 January 2012
I instaled this module for Joomla 1.5 and everything works perfectly.
needless to say that it is a good extension but also very friendly and quick customer service if you have any problem or questions.

Social Sharing

Last updated:
Nov 12 2020
4 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c m p

Uses Joomla! Update System


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