UP, by LOMART - Joomla Extension Directory


UP realizes actions in your articles and customized modules.
Just add a shortcode with UP, action name and options.
Example : {up website=mysite.com | target=_self } displays a link with an screenshot of mysite.com
To discover the possibilities : https://up.lomart.fr/infos/premiers-pas

UP is called once, he calls the actions. A little or never used action does not penalize your site.
It’s easy to adapt UP to your site and create new actions

The 150 actions available for version 5.1


snippet create and load small text files (snippet)


bg-image Displays an image in the background of a block bg-slideshow Displays a series of scrolling images in the background of the site or one block bg-video Displays a youtube or local video in the site background or a block corner Displays text on a ribbon or corner snowfall Simulates snowfall or other events... tabslide add tabs to open a panel at window sides


ajax-view Displays a button to load the content of an article or a file bbcode Enter HTML code with a WYSIWYG editor date displays a date filter displays the content if all conditions are true hr displays a horizontal line with an icon and/or text icon standardizes the call of icons. Avoids switching to code mode for entry lang Choice of content according to visitor language link Displays a link to an URL or email listup Customize simple and/or ordered lists lorem Displays random text (style possible) lorem-flickr displays a random image lorem-unsplash displays a random image note Adding comments visible in WYSIWYG editor and not on the website popover Displays a big tooltip when clicking an element. printer Add a button to propose the printing of part of the page scroll-indicator Affiche la position dans la page dans un cercle autour du curseur toc Automatic Summary tooltip tooltips when hovering over an item


addclass adds a class to a CSS selector (default body) addcodehead adds free code to the head. addcsshead adds CSS code or files to the head. addfilehead Add JS or CSS files in the head addscript adds code or file JS or JQuery cache-cleaner Clears cache files data-info Returns fields from a data source according to a formatting template data2list Displays the content of a JSON or XML file as a list data2table Displays the contents of a JSON, XML ou CSV file as a table form-select drop-down box googlefont adds a GoogleFont font, as well as a class to use it gotop Displays a button with position indicator to return to the top of the page. php allows you to execute PHP code in an article. php-error Enable PHP error reports random selects one or more values from a list or folder site-visit counts the number of visit for a page sitemap Creation of a 'sitemap.xml' file in the root website


file Force the download of a file file-download Simple download manager with stats and password protection file-in-content Uses all files in a folder to build an article file-view Forces a file to load and display it in raw form markdown Displays MARKDOWN content from a file or entered between shortcodes pdf Displays a PDF in the content or generates a button to display it in a window pdf-gallery Displays a list of PDFs contained in a folder


site-stat counts the number of calls for this action and displays the number of visits


attr Adds attributes to the first internal tag center Center all child blocks by removing unnecessary margins color Returns the color value of an UP colorname csv-info Returns the raw value of an element (row/column) of CSV file div Facilitates the entry of an inline DIV block with a wysiwyg editor html allows you to create an HTML entity (tag) with class(es), style and attribute without switching to mode code iframe introduce a responsive iframe in an article popup Opens a popup after a delay or a position in the page sameheight equalizes the height of the direct children of the block (p or div) span Facilitates the entry of an inline SPAN block with a wysiwyg editor text-fit Adjusts a text to its container text-typewriter Display several sentences with a typewriter effect


image-compare comparison of 2 images by moving a cursor image-gallery Displays one or more images in a lightbox image-hover Overlay HTML content on an image with effects on hover image-logo Add an image or text on an image image-magnify displays a magnifying glass effect on an image image-pannellum Displays a 3D panorama from an equirectangular image image-random Randomly display one of the images in a folder image-rollover Change the image on hovering image-secure Prevent image saving imagemap a clickable and responsive imagemap slider-owl scrolling banner of images or HTML blocks


field Returns the value of a custom field for the current content jcat-image Displays an image related to the category of the current item jcategories-by-tags list of articles in one or more category jcategories-list list of descending categories. The parent category is not displayed jcontent-by-categories list of articles in one or more category jcontent-by-subcat list of articles by one or more category jcontent-by-tags list of articles in one or more category jcontent-in-content ONE article in an other article jcontent-info Displays information about the current article jcontent-list list of articles in one or more category jcontent-metadata for metadata control jextensions-list list of extensions installed on the site jmenus-list menu list jmodules-list list of modules on the site sql SQL query with formatting and sorting


anim-aos displays content with animations on page scroll (library in pure JS) faq an accordion folder-list returns a formatted list of the contents of a folder on the server marquee HTML content scrolling horizontally or vertically modal Displays content in a modal window (popup) readmore display/hide an HTML block using an accordion and 'read more' button scroller Vertical scrolling of an item list slideshow-billboard Responsive images slideshow with captions and links tab displays content in panels with tabs at the top, left or right. Responsive mode table-sort Sorting, filtering and paging a table treeview Displays a list as a tree (TreeView)


box displays a box with a title, subtitle, image, content and action cell displays 1 to 6 child blocks on the same line csv2def Converting CSV content into a definition list (DL/DT/DD) csv2list Converting CSV content into a list with a control point csv2table Converting CSV content into a table flexauto a responsive grid on several columns flexbox displays child blocks in a responsive FLEXBOX grid masonry Displays blocks in a fluid and responsive grid


media-plyr displays a video or audio player that fits at most in its parent block media-video displays a local video in HTML5 media-vimeo displays a Viméo video which is maximally in its parent block media-youtube displays a Youtube video that is registered at the maximum in its parent block sound-hover Plays a sound when flying over an element or event JS


table-by-columns responsive tables by stacking the rows of a column. table-by-rows responsive tables by stacking columns by rows. table-fixe responsible tables: header line remains visible table-flip responsive tables by row/column permutation


upactionslist INTERNAL - list of UP actions with information and parameters upbtn-makefile creation of HTML files for the editors-xtd plugin upprefset Displays a list of all UP presets for the site. upscsscompiler INTERNAL - Compile all SCSS files in the action folders upsearch Research an action in the content of articles and / or modules (params)


barcode Generates BarCode from TCPDF library. chart Statistical graphs with GoogleChart chart-org Shows an organization's graph clocks-gmt Displays an analog and/or digital clock with the time of a time zone countdown displays a countdown or digital clock countdown-simple Displays a simple and easily adaptable countdown timer counter Add a counter with prefix and suffix donation Donation form with Paypal facebook-timeline displays the Facebook timeline file-office-view Displays an MS Office file (word, excel, powerpoint) gmap displays a google map for an address kawa Serves as a virtual coffee mapael Shows an interactive vector map meteo-concept Returns the weather forecast for a given date for a FRENCH given city meteo-france displays the Météo France widget osmap displays an OpenStreetMap map page-search Search for a word in the current page qrcode Generates QRCodes with Google API tweeter-timeline displays the timeline Tweeter website Displays a screenshot of a site with link. website-preview Displays a preview of the site when hovering over a link

There are countless features available with this plugin, it's impossible to list them all here. It's a gold mine :)
Ease of use
If you're familiar with Joomla, you'll have no trouble understanding how to use it. The secret is inside the snippets to integrate in pages.
Lomart answers to all your questions, the forum is well categorized to ask any question related to the functionality you're interested in.
The website is very well documented, with detailed examples and is available in several languages.
I used this to: The plugin is installed on all my sites, for displaying maps, add CSS class in the head tag, add a pdf gallery, ... it's a real Swiss Army knife! You need to try it!
Insuperable. Es imposible (e innecesario) explorar todas sus funcionalidades, pero siempre se encuentra la opción necesaria.
Ease of use
Relativamente fácil de usar para quien no es un completo neófito.
No necesité contactar al desarrollador, pero la documentación es excelente y completa.
Muy buena. Con todas las variantes para cada opción y ejemplos para copiar con un clic. Superior a muchos complementos de pago.
I used this to: Counter, Countdown, Modals (popup), Tooltips y tantas otras cosas que ya no me acuerdo.
whaooo = beaucoup, offre pas mal de possibilité pour améliorer les fonctions de bases
Ease of use
peu faire un peu peur au début mais voir le chapitre documentation
rien à dire, le support est là. J'ai déjà contacté l'auteur , il est réactif et apporte son support.
Super documentation avec des exemples. Approche pédagogique. Il faut parcourir la demo, celà donne plein d'idée
I used this to: Outil indispensable accompagné d'une excellente documentation. Il peut faire un peu peur au débutant (c'est mon cas) mais l'essayer c'est l'adopter. Permet de réduire considérablement le nombre d'extension utilisé.
Très nombreuses et très importantes ce qui permet de remplacer plein d'autres petites extensions
Ease of use
Une fois cerné son besoin et avoir consulté la documentation c'est très facile pour l'utiliser
Toujours disponible s'il reste un point à clarifier et ouvert pour augmenter la puissance de cette extension
Documentation extrêmement complète qui permet de bien comprendre et appliquer l'usage
I used this to: Différents usages (dont je ne me souviens pas du tout) vu la variété possible

nifty tool

Posted on 05 June 2022
Very comprehensive tool set with a good set of options for most things you will ever need.
Ease of use
Once understood very easy and quickly to use in articles and modules.
Actually not needed but in my case fast and efficient when discussing a suggestion.
Very good, structured and concise, could feature some examples though.
I used this to: Building a FAQ page and other content sections in articles and modules.
This extension offers a huge number of functions, all in one extension. Well worth investigating what it can do.
Ease of use
Easy to use, with clear documentation giving multiple examples to assist.
Very good easy-to-follow documentation with plenty of examples in English and French.
I used this to: Improving the responsiveness of a couple of iFrames, and adding clickable corners to pages. Much more to explore.
At last a way to actually print a single article after J4! Lots of good gadgets for a web
Ease of use
Some functions are hard to get to work right away but there are lots of examples and documentation so it is just to start reading
I used this to: This is the far way best plugin since it made printing an article possible again since Joomla 4 stopped to support that! I don't understand why they did that.
More than 100 esay-to-use actions.
It does everything and mor, even virtaul coffe ;)
Ease of use
Very easy to use in articles and custom modules.
Just add in your articles and custom modules.
Very effcient, quick answers via its forum.
Ready to implement new "actions".
Very complete online documentation, just check its demo page.
You'll even find actions you did not think about.
I used this to: All my websites, to display youtube vidéos, image galleries, css customization, .....


Posted on 11 February 2021
Très bonne fonctionnalité mais je ne connais pas tout le potentiel
Ease of use
Faut s'y connaitre un peu tout de même mais cela ne dépend que de mes compétences
Excellent, bon suivi, bonne communication et bien aidé pour solutionner mon petit soucis
I used this to: imagemap responsive pour un site, une bannière avec zones cliquables

UP Lomart

Posted on 16 January 2021
Beaucoup de fonctionnalités qui facilitent réellement le développement d'un site joomla.
Ease of use
Up Lomart est facile à utiliser grâce à une documentation complète et évolutive en fonction des questions posées par les utilisateurs
Rapide et efficace !!! J'ai posé une question le soir et j'ai eu la réponse le matin. Que demander de plus.
Complète et évolutive. Elle est rédigée pour chaque fonctionnalité disponible. En plus il y a des exemples qui facilite la vie.
I used this to: Pour construire des blocs sur une page et assurer le bon fonctionnement sur ordinateurs, tablette ou smartphone.
SCSS Compiler

SCSS Compiler

Development Tools
SCSS COMPILER compiles all files (.SCSS) in folder SCSS for the active template to .CSS files with the same name in the active template CSS folder. It uses the script scssphp by leafo.net...


LM-MEMO can view and modify the content of a text file anywhere in the backend of Joomla!...


Page Background
bgMax is a module that simplify the management of background images on your site. The background image (defined or random) can grow depending on the size of the browser with optional fading effect, be repeated, appear during specific periods or by content. The block with the content can be customized by size, color and transparency. CSS code can be further provided. It is totally independent of th...


Admin Navigation
AdminOrder allows you to define and store the default order of sort for the tables for articles, plugins, modules and extension management....


Displays a phrase randomly or according to an hourly, daily, weekly cycle...


Admin Reports
The LM-mailModif plugin meets several needs: - organize content management by groups of users/administrators. Such a group will be notified when an article in a given category is added or modified. - put under 'friendly supervision" the editors of a site to be notified of additions or changes. - have a log of changes made to an online site during a local redesign. This plugin sends an email when...


Last updated:
Mar 09 2025
21 hours ago
Date added:
Jun 02 2020
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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