
Vertical Markets, Thematic Directory, Content Construction

This component will help you to show your collection of miscellaneous objects such as stamps, model cars, books,...
But it would be usable to display different listing.

I've wanted te create a configurable component to expand the possibilities.

To quickly summarize the different features:

  • multiples collections management
  • publication dates management for collections and objects
  • access management to collections and objects
  • creating fields for each collections using 7 possibles types of field:
    • line field
    • text field
    • list field
    • number field
    • date field
    • image field
    • file field
  • files management
  • import from excel
  • possibility of collaborative work with earlier versions management
  • templates management (to do)
  • RSS feed (to do)

Ce composant vous aidera à présenter votre collection de n'importe quels objets comme des miniatures, timbres, livres,...
Mais il pourra également être utilisé pour afficher différents listings.

J'ai voulu créer un composant configurable pour élargir les possibilités.

Pour résumer rapidement les différentes fonctionnalités:

  • gestion de plusieurs collections
  • gestion des dates de publication des collections et des objets
  • gestion des accès aux collections et aux objets
  • création de champs pour chaque collection en utilisant 7 types possibles:
    • champ ligne
    • champ texte
    • champ liste
    • champ nombre
    • champ date
    • champ image
    • champ fichier
  • gestion des fichiers
  • import Excel
  • possibilité de travail collaboratif avec gestion de versions
  • gestion de templates d'affichage (to do)
  • flux RSS (to do)

Great extension!

Posted on 19 February 2016
This extension does exactly what the developer says. It fits my needs perfectly.
Ease of use
I found this utility very easy to use, but I also have a formal education in database administration which may have given me a leg-up.
Amazing support. I emailed the developer and received a reply and a fix exceedingly fast. Best experience with a Joomla developer so far.
There isn't any documentation for this utility, which made it a little difficult to find solutions. However, the developer has a forum.
I used this to: Cataloging a hobby collection for other collectors to view, search, and have embedded on my site.

Very nice extension!

Posted on 19 January 2016
Works very well!
Ease of use
Very easy, had a bit of time trying to figure out how to use Defined Lists, but worked it out eventually.
I used this to: I'm trying to scan all of the coins in my collection and needed to display them all on a web page and this extension works very well! However, I scan all my coins at 600 dpi, and thumbnails would be better in the table on the front page because it takes a long time to load.
Owner's reply: Thank you for your report.
The thumbnails are a good idea and i will implement that in next release.
If you have other suggestions, you can contact me by mail or in the forum.
Does exactly do what the developer writes.
Ease of use
I just had one problem and needed the support.
Very, very fast. I got the answer after 20 minutes. With exlanations and screenshots.
works ok on php 5.3.29 and Joomla 2.5. Issues with use on Joomla 2.5 and PHP 5.4. Lost the list sort facility.
Tried 0.60 and 0.61 versions
Ease of use
Easy to setup

Great extension

Posted on 22 September 2011
Very easy to configure and use - Flexible and nice. I wonder if there is a upgrade to Joomla 1.7 on hold?
Owner's reply: Thank you,
I'm working on release 0.5 that will be compatible Joomla 1.7
I was looking for a simple way to build custom data tables and this is it! The level of functionality is a very pleasant surprise, although there are some tiny minor cosmetic things I'd like to add such as a print icon for the detail page, and a yes/no control would be great. But hey, this gets me 99% of what I wanted, and 200% of what I expected. I'm thrilled. Merci beaucoup!!

Great flexibility

Posted on 22 November 2010
Installed easily and works well. Terrific flexibility. Only thing I need added is ability to draw information from Amazon for my book collection.

Simple and efficient

Posted on 15 September 2010
Fine and flexible extension. Only front end upload and resize image is missing and you can use it in any collection. Great work!

great component

Posted on 07 August 2010
I agree with jester_le. It's a great component that would be even better with joomfish integration. I can't wait for it :)
Fits perfect not only to present collections. I used also to present several lists of projects. Highly customizable and easy to navigate for (front end) users. So: Many thanks to Steevo for the Multi Purpose Listing Tool.

Imho there´s only one thing missing to get the "excellent" rating: JoomFish Integration.


Philippe Ousset
Last updated:
Jul 18 2020
4 years ago
Date added:
Feb 13 2010
GPLv2 or later
Free download
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Uses Joomla! Update System


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