FlyzooChat, by Flyzoo - Joomla Extension Directory


Communication, Chat, JomSocial Extensions, Chat - hosted, EasySocial extensions

Connect, engage and grow your community with the perfect chat for JomSocial, EasySocial, Community Builder and Kunena!

Flyzoo Chat has been designed for communities of any kind and size: dating websites, online traders, gamers, radio stations, online events...

Start your 14-day free trial now!

Need more time to test it? Just open a support ticket and we'll extend your trial.

Core Features

Cloud based: hosted chat, built to ensure a fast message delivery without overloading your server

Single Sign On: users can join the chat using their existing Joomla! accounts

Group Chat: full featured chat rooms with avatars, emoticons, moderation, image and video, file sharing and more...

Embeddable: embed a group chat into your layout to improve user engagement (PRO+ Plans)

Private Chat: users can interact in private chat conversations

Live Support: customize online/offline greeting messages. Support requests are automatically routed to the first available operator

Real-time visitors monitoring: identify and chat with potential customers and increase sales! (PRO+ Plans)

Pop out chat windows: enjoy your conversations in external browser windows

Customization: customize colors, layout and features

Eye-catching Design: sleek, modern chat interface

Responsive: the interface will switch to an App-like layout on mobile devices

In-browser chat experience: browse your site and chat at the same time, resize or minimize chat windows when needed

SSL: chat encryption for HTTPS/SSL based websites

Chat Moderation: ignore and ban users, block IPs and control swearing in chat rooms

Chat History: group and private chat history & transcripts

Multilanguage: interface already available in 20 languages.

Side chat mode: add a site-wide global group chat to your site

User list mode: add a site-wide chat list with users, friends, group chats and recent conversations

Highly customizable user list: Show/hide guests, group chats and friends, a must have for your community!

Recent conversations: quickly find and reload previous conversations

File sharing: for guests and/or members (PRO+ Plans)

Role-based access: restrict group chats activity only to specifics roles (like paid, pro, moderators, top users)

Live Support Chat

Live support chat is essential to increase conversions and sales. See where visitors came from and what page they are on, chat with potential customers and increase sales!

All the most important insights are available at a glance:

  • Current visited page and pageviews
  • Keywords and Campaign data (utm source, campaign, medium, search terms...)
  • Referrer
  • Returning visitor

Flyzoo is the perfect chat for your e-commerce.

Interface available in: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, German, Finnish, Slovak, Polish, Russian, Persian (Farsi), Vietnamese, Bulgarian, Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew, Japanese, Swedish, Czech, Serbian, Danish and Chinese. Need another language? Contact us!


Is that a free live chat?

Currently we don't offer free live chat plans, but our subscriptions - starting from $9.9/m - are very affordable!

Try it free for 14 days (no credit card required). Save up to 33% with the yearly plans and upgrade, downgrade or cancel your subscription at any time.

I need more time to test Flyzoo, can you extend my trial period?

SURE! We'll be glad to extend your trial to help you get the most out of Flyzoo.

How do I go online and chat with visitors?

Visit your website and locate the chat at the bottom of the page
Click on MENU > "Log in or Sign up"
Enter the e-mail and password you used to join Flyzoo
The main button will turn from "Leave a message" to "We are online".

Can I test it on my localhost?

Yes, but you still need to provide your production url when you sign up, if you don't have one yet please contact us and we'll provide a "fake" temporary url.

Great for 1 2 1 chat, chat rooms and support chat
Ease of use
Simple for both users and admin
Amazingly fast support and very efficient
Great documentation which makes it very easy to set up, use and adapt
Value for money
Great value for money with a good range of subscription options
I used this to: My social networking site, Buzz50 for 1 2 1 chat, chat rooms and for support.
I simply have to give Flyzoo Chat 100 in all areas because it is simply the best!
Try it free on my Buzz50 site if you like.


Last updated:
Mar 15 2016
8 years ago
Date added:
Jun 12 2015
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p

Uses Joomla! Update System


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