Joomla! Extensions Directory


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By Techjoomla
Banner Management
Start generating serious revenue with this powerful powerful and scalable advertising solution! SocialAds is an extremely powerful and scalable advertising solution which brings the best innovations in online advertising to the Joomla World. Leading Advertising systems like Google AdWords, Facebook and LinkedIn Ads as well various Ad networks have been researched while designing SocialAds. With S...
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By Techjoomla
Paid Events & Ticketing for EasySocial, JomSocial Events & JEvents. Add some more Monetization Punch to you Website today! Wouldn't it be Awesome if you could let users sell Tickets for their JomSocial Events on your website & you earn a nice commission on every sale ? Run your own mini Eventbrite within your own Joomla Site ? JTicketing from Techjoomla lets you do just that! Get this extension...
Full Contact for Easy Social
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Full Contact for Easy Social

By OpenSource Technologies
EasySocial extensions
“Easy Social Full Contact” Plug-in fetch social profile links from the Full Contact based on user email, and display the links under user profile in the Easy Social. “Easy Social Full Contact” Plug-in fetch social profile links from the Full Contact based on user email, and display the links under user profile in the Easy Social. -- Very easy and instant setup. -- Efficiently fetch so...
OST Social Share Button
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OST Social Share Button

By OpenSource Technologies
Social Share
OST Social Share button enhance the power of Easy Social and JomSocial. This extension generate a share button which works like FB or other social site Share button. With JoomSocial and Easy Social features you will get the power of Share Button. End user can put this Share button on their personal/related site and what ever they share on their personal/related site it will reflect on their JomSo...
Enjoy I Welcome
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Enjoy I Welcome

By OpenSource Technologies
Social Media
It works with EasySocial extension and takes public post from an easy social extension which is posted by the users. It shows the random post in matrix form. Display the public post from EasySocial extention which is post by user. It is working with EasySocial extension. It takes public post from EasySocial extention which is post by user. It show random post as a matrix form. You can contac...
OnScreen Facebook Likebox Popup

OnScreen Facebook Likebox Popup

By Santosh Padire
Social Web
OnScreenFacebook isFacebook likebox pouup widget for joomla. This allows your blog to displays FaceBook Likebox Popup Widget on screen with close button on entry to your Website/Page. This is configurable widget with option to set number of days,to display widget for user after every n number of days....
Paid download


By Joobi
Shopping Cart
jMarket is a complete multi-vendor shopping cart for Joomla that has been carefully developed to support your online business and allow you to connect with your business community. ★ Responsive/Mobile Ready - jMarket is built using Bootstrap 3 Shopping Cart Features ★ Unlimited Products, Categories, Types, Attributes/Options ★ Sell anything: electronic / shippable products, events, servic...
Nice Social Bookmark Pro
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Nice Social Bookmark Pro

By Nikola Biskup
Social Share
Nice Social Bookmark Pro module shows icons from 15 most known social sites, you can choose between different types of social display, use them together or separately for best sharing results. Responsive Icons, Standard Icons, Like & Share Buttons Drag & Drop ordering of all icons Asynchronous loading of all external scripts Mouseover icon animation It validates with W3C HTML5 Standard Icons: Th...
Kunena for EasySocial

Kunena for EasySocial

By stackideas
EasySocial extensions
This plugin would add the following integrations with the Kunena extension: Avatars Points System Activity Stream Profile linking Conversations...
Kunena Signature For EasySocial

Kunena Signature For EasySocial

By stackideas
EasySocial extensions
A field to add in to the profile form for user to enter signature to use with Kunena...
Articles for EasySocial

Articles for EasySocial

By stackideas
EasySocial extensions
This is a Joomla! article plugin which displays author information at the bottom of an article. It also enhances the articles by adding a comment form on normal Joomla articles....
Paid download


By Flyzoo
Chat - hosted
Connect, engage and grow your community with the perfect chat for JomSocial, EasySocial, Community Builder and Kunena! Flyzoo Chat has been designed for communities of any kind and size: dating websites, online traders, gamers, radio stations, online events... Start your 14-day free trial now! Need more time to test it? Just open a support ticket and we'll extend your trial. Core Features...
Letter Gravatar
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Letter Gravatar

By Nordmograph
User Management
Assign an avatar to users if not set, based on first letter or Gravatar service (custom Letter Avatar based on user's Initials letters from name (2 letters), username or email) Compatible with Community Builder, Jomsocial, EasySocial, EasyDiscuss To come: support for K2, EasyBlog etc ......
NorrCompetition Application for EasySocial
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NorrCompetition Application for EasySocial

By NorrNext
EasySocial extensions
The plugin creates events in EasySocial activity stream on specific actions of the NorrCompetition - a voting contest extension for Joomla....
Birthday Greetings Suite
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Birthday Greetings Suite

By Nordmograph
This Joomla component , module , plugins, points rules and alerts is the full swiss army toolkit for birthdays ! Must have features for any community or e-commerce sites. About the component: com_bdaygreets The combdaygreets lets you use a cron job to check everyday what members have their birthday. The component can check the birthday field from Joomla user profile (profile.dob field) Community...
Komento for EasySocial

Komento for EasySocial

By stackideas
EasySocial extensions
The Komento application for EasySocial extends the integrations between both Komento and EasySocial by offering a number of cool integrations such as: Ability to process stream items in EasySocial. Badge integrations with EasySocial Points integrations with EasySocial Displays comments post that is posted by user on a user's profile Notifications whenever user posts a comment Note: This app r...
Discuss for EasySocial

Discuss for EasySocial

By stackideas
EasySocial extensions
The discussion application for EasySocial extends the integrations between both EasyDiscuss and EasySocial by offering a number of cool integrations such as: Ability to process stream items in EasySocial. Badge integrations with EasySocial Points integrations with EasySocial Displays discussions created by user on a user's profile Notifications whenever user posts a reply to a discussion. Not...
MailChimp field for EasySocial

MailChimp field for EasySocial

By stackideas
EasySocial extensions
This is the MailChimp integration custom field for EasySocial...