SWFobject module, by Walid - Joomla Extension Directory


Core Enhancements, Flash Management

With this module you can use the syntax of the SWFObject script to insert a Flash object inside a module in Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5 and 3.x. leaving the HTML code clean and validated.

SWFObject is an easy-to-use and standards-friendly method to embed Flash content, which utilizes one small JavaScript file.
This module includes version 2.2 of SWFobject.
It's compatible with all browsers, so you no longer have to go crazy distinguishing code for each one.


If you want help with the translation into your language just send me the en-GB.mod_swfobject.ini file translated, indicating the language. I'll add it to the next update.

Donations are welcome!

Help audio in swf file is not working what is the solution?
Ease of use
Help audio in swf file is not working what is the solution?
Help audio in swf file is not working what is the solution?
Help audio in swf file is not working what is the solution?
I used this to: Help audio in swf file is not working what is the solution?


Posted on 13 January 2014
...great Module ..... but the Alternative content area does not work ...

its fast and flexible .. but with lack of documentation .. even though you do not really need that ..but how to place a picture alternatively is a wonder ;-)

thanx and support would be great if there would be any

thank you

Posted on 15 June 2013
U+I was trying to add some flash objects on my joomla site. thanks to SWFobject programmers team for building this extension. Now i can embed any flash components by this extension's help.
Must say I had some initial concerns but the support team behind this little fabulous piece of kit got it working and I have to say it was my ignorance that caused it to fail in the first place...Thanks so much Shabab...you are very clever and I love this little module now...I am off to create

Terrific Find!

Posted on 28 March 2013
Excellent extension. I struggled for hours trying to embed a swf file in my site and thankfully found this!!! Thanks so much. Is there a way to loop a file?
Owner's reply: of course, you can use:
parameter name 1: loop
parameter value 1: true


Fabulous and easy.

Posted on 27 January 2013
This worked quickly and out of the box. I'm having difficulty with one aspect of a complext flash application - xml-driven imageloaders aren't working for me and so far no answer on the support forum. But all other aspects of the application (including xml menus) work perfectly.

Great little extension

Posted on 22 November 2012
Very easy install. I'm no web wizard - it's all jargon to me so it has to be simple! A simple yet so useful extension. I searched for ages for a 2.5 compatible flash player and it came down to two products. This one won out on every level. I've now got my two animations for my wife's website running very nicely. I can't take all the credit though with an almost instant response from technical support on a simple (as it turned out) configuration question. Many thanks Wal!d.

Five Star Stuff

Posted on 27 September 2012
really a fine piece of programming. for a joomla!admin easy to apply.

works great with no problems.
Owner's reply: thanks for your rating!
it's a pleasure to read words like yours! next thing I'll do is check compatibility with joomla 3.0

best regards!
Works as advertised. No fuss, no problems.

Well done. Highly recommended.

Great extension

Posted on 19 June 2012
I have tried using the Flash module extension before without success then I tried with this one and everything goes very good for me... it´s totally compatible with joomla 2.5 version.



SWFobject module

1.1 - 2.1
Last updated:
Dec 11 2009
15 years ago
Date added:
Dec 11 2009
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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