
Site Performance, Core Enhancements, SEO & Metadata, Performance, Site speed

JCH Optimize improves the performance of your website by performing several optimizations to the HTML page aimed at improving the Web Vitals measured by PageSpeed Insights, such as First Contentful Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Speed Index (SI), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), Time to Interactive (TTI), and Total Blocking Time (TBT). These metrics attempt to quantify the quality of the user experience. JCH Optimize can improve these metrics to provide a better user experience and improve your PageSpeed scores.

Optimizations Performed By JCH Optimize

JCH Optimize optimizes your pages by automatically performing some recommended strategies offered by PageSpeed, which include:

  • Minify CSS and JavaScript files and the HTML. Unnecessary whitespaces and other characters are removed to reduce network payload sizes and script parse times.
  • Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources. Inline critical JavaScript and CSS and defer all non-critical resources to prevent resources from blocking the first paint of your page.
  • Defer offscreen images. Offscreen and hidden images are lazy-loaded after all critical resources have finished loading to lower Time To Interactive (TTI).
  • Add Width and Height attributes to images. Set an explicit width and height on image elements to reduce layout shifts and improve CLS.
  • Enable text compression. Boilerplate codes are placed in the .htaccess files at the site's directory root to instruct the server to serve text-based resources with compression (deflate or brotli) to minimize total network bytes.
  • Preload critical resources. Automatically analyzes each page to identify critical resources to load with a high priority by HTTP/2 enabled servers to improve LCP time.
  • Reduce initial server response. A Page Cache plugin is included in the package that integrates well with the JCH Optimize component and significantly reduces time-to-first-byte.

… and more.

Benefits of Using JCH Optimize

Research has confirmed that 40% of visitors will leave a website if it takes more than 4 seconds to download. Also, Google and other search engines have indicated that their ranking algorithm increasingly factors website download speed. The benefits of using JCH Optimize then include the following:

  • Improved user experience. Your users will have a pleasant experience as they browse your site.
  • Improved SEO. Your rankings in Google search pages can increase and improve organic visibility in internet searches.
  • Improved conversions. Your website revenue also increases with increased traffic volume and visitor retention.
Pro Version Available

A paid version is available on our website with more optimization options, advanced features, and premium support to resolve issues and assist with optimizing your site.

The only weakness is the template or the user. It is that good.
Ease of use
Again, the weakness is the user. Approach carefully and RTFM!
Seriously, for the amount paid? Outrageously good!
For what isn't in the documentation, forum or FAQs there is the support button.
I used this to: ALL my J!3 sites

The free version does a lot but with most modern sites pulling in js and css from other servers the PRO version is becoming a vital inclusion. I have used many, excellent, extensions for this task in the past. This is a mature, well supported product. BUY I
Всі потрібні функції
Ease of use
Легкий в користуванні, Вміло і зрозуміло розписані функції
не потрібний суппорт)
Розписано непогано
I used this to: ??? ????? ?????? ????????????)
After a lot of manual adjustments this tool proved to be surprisingly effective in reaching large speedups
Ease of use
Setting is amazingly simple and the dummy setting works excellent.
Hardly necessary
Great features! Offers easy options for the novice & advanced options for the seasoned Joomla pros!
Ease of use
Very easy to use need to use caution. Not all features will work with all Joomla templates. Read the documentation.
There were a few options that conflicted with my template but Samuel was quick to help get everything set to optimal levels. Super Support!
Great documentation. I failed to read everything before playing with the features of the plugin. Read JCH documentation prior to setting.
I used this to: I purchased the pro version because I wanted to support this development. I used this for a responsive Joomla 3 templated website. This is a great plugin that is very functional and extremely useful! Thank You Samuel!

An extremely useful plugin

Posted on 29 January 2015
Amazing, It does more than I thought it would
Ease of use
I'm not really one for reading documentation if I can avoid it so this was perfect for me. Installed it and 2 minutes later I was done!
I used this to: Mainly for SEO and Pagespeed. I decided on the paid option because of what other reviews said and it turned out to be exceptional value for money and worth every penny. A hearty congratulations to the developer(s) for doing such a great job! Many thanks :)
One word... awesome.
Ease of use
Another word... easy.
Speeds up your webseite and improves Google Pagespeed ranking
Ease of use
basic config is peace of cake, advanced vonfig requires some andvanced knowledge
outstanding! quick response time and nice talk.
docs are on the website
I used this to: Speed up my webseite and improve Google Pagespeed ranking
Once configured properly works great.
Ease of use
A bit tricky as had j/s errors but Samuel helped to sort in the end
Very good, Samuel replied promptly with the issue I had and fixed it quickly.
Extensive documentation, potentially complex due to the amount of options but still great.
I used this to: Improving the Google Page Speed ranking on sites and generally just speeding sites up.

Simply perfect

Posted on 05 January 2015
This plugin is so fuking awesome... its perfect.
Ease of use
Select your mode in the automatics settings and go! Awesome
Clear and concise
This extension works wonders for whose who cherish good website performance. Even if you don't understand what this extension does, just go for the PRO version and it treats everything for you at a click. I am now ahead of my competitors with the rating my websites get from web analyzers.

JCH Optimize

Samuel Marshall
Last updated:
Oct 21 2023
6 months ago
Date added:
Nov 18 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c p
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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