db8 Colors, by Peter Martin - Joomla Extension Directory


A Joomla 4 and 5 admin module to document the used colors


Install like any other Joomla 4 or Joomla 5 module.


After installation, configure the module via:
- Content > Administrator Modules > New > select Module - db8 Colors
- Give the module a title, e.g. db8 Colors
- Give the module a Module Position, e.g. cpanel
- Under Color Name add your color names, or LESS variable names
- Under Color Value add your color value in hex format (like #ff0000 for Red, #00ff00 for Green, or #0000ff for Blue)
- Save the module


In the dashboard of the back-end the module should display the colors that you added.


18-Mar-2024 : 1.0.5
- added Turkish (tr-TR) (thanks @joomlaphp)

14-Mar-2024 : 1.0.4
- added Dutch (nl-NL)
- added French (fr-FR)
- added German (de-DE)
- added Italian (it-IT)
- added Portuguese (pt-PT)
- added Spanish (es-ES)

13-Mar-2024 : 1.0.3
- Initial release with language file English (en-GB)

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Admin Reports
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Content infos
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Options Manager
Paid download

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db8 Backend Content Images

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db8 Colors

Peter Martin
Last updated:
Mar 18 2024
11 months ago
Date added:
Mar 13 2024
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System