Joomla! Extensions Directory - Page 162




By Joomla Official Extensions
Official Extensions
The Web Links Manager allows you to add, edit and remove links to other web sites on your Joomla! web site, and organize them into categories. You can then display these links on your site, and optionally let visitors add new links....
OS Recently Hit Articles
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OS Recently Hit Articles

By OSTheme Team!
News Display
This extension contains a responsive module for showing off article recently visited by a visitor. With this module you can choose number of article to display, show or hide intro image, option to choose display title, sort, etc .......
Parallax Scroll

Parallax Scroll

By LogicHunt
Style & Design
Parallax Scroll is the Amazing Joomla Parallax Scrolling Background Module to Build a Responsive and Attractive section with Background Parallax Effect on Joomla Site. Joomla Parallax Scroll is a Popular Parallax Section Builder Module for Joomla. The Easiest Way to Get a Parallax Scrolling Background Image with Desired Message, Title, and Logo on Your Joomla Website. Exclusive Features Jo...
Facebook photo album
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Facebook photo album

By Neeraj maurya
Social Web
Joomla Facebook Photo Gallery module allows you to show all your Facebook albums and photos from any Facebook account and displays them as a photo gallery on your website.Click on the cover image to browser all the photos under the album. Click the first photo of an album to display all the photos in a lightbox-style popup window with next/prev navigation arrows....
AA 360° Image Virtual Tour
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AA 360° Image Virtual Tour

By AA Extensions
Photos & Images
AA 360° Image Virtual Tour – it’s very good viewer of panoramic images for Joomla. It is fully responsive. Features it has : ✅ Multiple panorama photos ✅ Virtual tour ✅ Panorama view of your image ✅ AutoRotate on Start ✅ Controls, Animations speed, mousewheel etc ✅ Nice Layout ✅ Fully Responsive ✅ Cross browser support. ✅ Simple and Friendly user interface. ✅ Ease to us...
IP2Location Country Redirection & Blocking

IP2Location Country Redirection & Blocking

By Hexasoft
Access & Security
IP2Location Country Redirection & Blocking allows user to block the visitors from accessing your pages based on their country by using IP geolocation technology. This extension works for both IPv4 and IPv6 address. In addition to blocking by returning 404 page, this extension also allows user to redirect visitors to different URLs. For example, you can redirect the visitors from specific countries...
System - Block Access

System - Block Access

By alve89
Access & Security
This plugin disables the access to specified parts of the Joomla installation, if a configured security key is not provided. Just append the security key as parameter to the URL (e. g. https://myjoomla.tld/?thisIsMySpecialSecurityKey or https://myjoomla.tld/?key1=value1&key2=value2&thisIsMySpecialSecurityKey) to be able to enter the secured website part. When the configured website part (possible...
Ad Agency Pro
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Ad Agency Pro

By iJoomla.com
Ads & Affiliates
**The ultimate advertising extension for Joomla! ** Monetize your traffic with the ultimate advertising extension for Joomla! support all major ad types: Standard Banners, Flash Banners, HTML5 ads, Floating Ads, Pop-Up, video, Pop-Under Ads, and Text Ads including Google Adsense support. Zones Show ads on ANY module position available on your template and even on other sites. Where to place your...
Image Upload Field

Image Upload Field

By Netamity
Core Enhancements
The Image Upload Field consists of two Joomla! plugins. A custom field plugin allowing you to add a file input into your component forms, and an ajax plugin that saves the file in the specified folder. You can now add an image field to your user registration form, allowing your users to add a profile picture or other image. The addition of images was previously impossible without providing users...
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By iJoomla.com
Clients & Communities
JomSocial is an award-winning, powerful, social networking component for Joomla! It allows you to create your own Social Network with Photo and Video Gallery, Event Management, groups, poll, Activity Stream and other features that work out of the box. There is no better or more powerful community extension for Joomla! JomSocial is designed to quickly build your member base and let them engage in...
4AI - Community Edition

4AI - Community Edition

By Yannick Gaultier
Authoring & Content
4AI is a state-of-the art Joomla extension that gives you an always-on AI-powered assistant to create and revise the content of your website. Powered by the API behind the well-known ChatGPT system, it's always available, backend or frontend, at the click of an icon or through a convenient keyboard shortcut. New Full version supports Google Gemini models: faster and essentially free Newest Ope...
Timetable Responsive Schedule For Joomla
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Timetable Responsive Schedule For Joomla

By QuanticaLabs
Calendars & Events
Timetable Responsive Schedule For Joomla is a powerful and easy-to-use schedule plugin for Joomla. It will help you to create a timetable view of your events in minutes. It is perfect for gym classes, school or kindergarten classes, medical departments, nightclubs, lesson plans, meal plans etc. It comes with Events Manager, Event Occurrences Shortcode, Timetable Shortcode Generator and Upcoming Ev...
Easy GCalendar Lite

Easy GCalendar Lite

By Daniel
Calendars & Events
Easy GCalendar Lite Easy Calendar is a fully responsive native Joomla calendar extension based on Google calendar integration. List of included features: 1. Joomla! 4.0+ extension (Joomla 3.4+ (EOL since version 1.4)) 2. Full responsive 3. Support for Bootstrap 4 & Bootstrap 5 based Templates 4. Multi-language support 5. Multiple calendars on a single page 6. Calendar Month, week, day views 7. D...
Image Comparison Slider
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Image Comparison Slider

By Junk Theme
Photos & Images
Image Comparison Slider for Joomla is perfect solution to get before and after image on your website. You can easily compare between two images. It's nice, smooth and very easy to use. jQuery is require - If you face any issues - contact us - we will help you to include jQuery on your Joomla 4 theme Features of Image Comparison Slider for Joomla Easy to use. Nice design. Easily Customizable....
JUX Before After
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JUX Before After

By JoomlaUX
Photos & Images
JUX Before /After Image is a simple Joomla extension that beautifully shows the visual changes between two images (Before image and after image) on the same screen. Specifically, the awesome Joomla extension is a complete solution to display both edited images and the image before editing to compare these two versions then visitors can easily identify the differences. JUX Before After extension d...
Responsive Accordion
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Responsive Accordion

By Infyways Solutions
News Display
Responsive Accordion is an easy to use module which can have unlimited number of accordion. You can create accordions by just adding the title and contents and publishing it to a module position. This extension can also be placed into an article using loadposition plugin. The module has feature to change the color of the accordion , option to set the particular accordion open or close when page i...
J51 Numbers
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J51 Numbers

By Joomla51
Included with your template is the animated J51 Numbers module. This module is perfect for displaying stats relative to your brand in an attention-grabbing manner. Each number will animate from 0 to its value as the user scrolls the module into view. The module is very simple to set up allowing you to add unlimited stats quickly and easily. Several useful options are included allowing complete co...
AA Anti AdBlocker
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AA Anti AdBlocker

By AA Extensions
Ads & Affiliates
AA Anti AdBlocker can tell visitors to disable adblcoker who use adblocker addons on their browser. Features it has : ✅ You can easily change the title text ✅ You can easily change the content text ✅ You can easily change the background color. ✅ You can easily change the font color. ✅ You can do override css with it. It has custom css option. ✅ It works nicely beside any issue. ✅ I...