Herzog Dupont for YOOtheme Pro, by Thomas Weidlich - Joomla Extension Directory


Extension Specific

This plugin adds more elements to the element library of the YOOtheme Pro page builder.

The following elements for the YOOtheme Pro page builder are included:

  • Toggle Element: Display a button to hide content, switch between content or change its appearance. It's based on the UIkit Toggle component with all its options.
  • Progress Element: Display your stats visually in an animated progress bar with a text label. It's based on the UIkit Progress component with all its options.
  • Timeline Element: Display multiple panel elements in a vertical timeline. It has all the panel and card settings and many more style and layout options.
  • Counter Element: Display your stats visually in an animated circular progress counter. Choose from many style and layout options.
  • Flipcard Element: Display a panel element with a flipcard animation. It flips the panel on hover to reveal another panel with different content on the back side.
  • Image Comparison Element: Quickly compare two images with a draggable slider showing a before-after effect. Choose from many image and slider icon options.
  • Slideshow Grid Element: Display multiple Slideshows within one grid. Every grid item will contain its own Slideshow including navigations, animations and other features.
  • Lottie Element: Display eye-catching and engaging Lottie animations. Choose from a variety of triggers.
I can't believe I'm getting this for free! It's fantastic. I got it for the Lottie element but I'm sure I will use the other features too.
Ease of use
It's just so easy and intuitive. All the elements are just there to select from and add to your layout.
I didn't need to use support but it's fantastic that it's even there since this is a free plugin.
Documentation is fine (some of it still in the works). I haven't even needed it so far.
I used this to: I use this to be able to display my own Lottie animations on my website with Yootheme Pro. I'm sure I'll be trying out more of the other features as well.

Parfait pour Yootheme

Posted on 08 November 2021
Cette extension apporte des fonctionnalités qui devraient être nativement dans Yootheme. Aucun bug c'est parfaitement intégré et gratuit
Ease of use
C'est très facile à utiliser, il suffit d'installer l'extension et les éléments apparaissent dans le Builder.
I used this to: J'utilise cette extension pour tout les sites que je fais sur Yootheme, c'est un indispensable à installer, bravo et merci
I would like to see youtube video preview in Timeline. Have not used other extensions
Ease of use
Just added to Yootheme Pro, it appears in the builder. Its interface mixes seamless with the builder
Very accurate and fast with github, my problem was solved, with message and a screenshot
OK I would like to see howto tutorials, videos and examples. Longer text in this box I do not need.
I used this to: A business history after my other timelinesoftware with Google spreadsheet no longer works.
Funktioniert einwandfrei! Einfache Plugin installation über den Joomla Installer.
Ease of use
Einfache Bedienung, unterstützt auch Dynamischen Inhalt. Erweiter die Element Bibliothek.
Support in der Regel nicht nötig. Der Entwickler antwortet jedoch sehr schnell.
Auf der Webseite findet man die Produktbeschreibung und Demoseiten.
I used this to: Für meine Kundenwebseiten im privaten wie auch professionellen Bereich.

Very good!

Posted on 06 July 2021
Great extension. Works out of the box. Everything works as expected.
Ease of use
Easy to install and to configue. After installing it integrates into the Yootheme builder items.
Never needed support. If you need support, I think you will get it on Github.
Documentation is availble via website or Github, but it is so easy that there is not much documentation needed anyway.
I used this to: I used this for image comparsion on a customer´s website. Works very well.

Herzog Dupont for YOOtheme Pro

Thomas Weidlich
Last updated:
Nov 16 2023
1 year ago
Date added:
Apr 16 2021
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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