Mollie Payment for HikaShop, by Sky Spider - Joomla Extension Directory

Mollie Payment for HikaShop


Payment Gateway, HikaShop extensions

A plugin for the HikaShop e-commerce component letting you accept payments through the Mollie platform.

This Mollie Payment plugin lets you accept payments from any of the payment methods accepted by the Mollie platform in your HikaShop store. Accept iDEAL payments in the Netherlands (without huge upfront and recurring monthly fees). Let your Belgian customers pay with Bancontact. If you're insane, you can even take payment in Bitcoin!

For more information on the payment methods you can accept through Mollie visit their website at https://www.mollie.com/en/payments

User Action Log Action for Chronoforms v6
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User Action Log Action for Chronoforms v6

By Sky Spider
User Management
A plugin for Chronoforms and Chronoconnectivity V6 that lets you record actions to Joomla's User Action Log The Joomla User Action Log Action for Chronoforms and Chronoconnectivity V6 lets you use Joomla's powerful new User Action Log to keep track of the things your users are doing with your forms. The action is incredibly easy to use - just drag the action where you want it to fire, put in you...
Save to Google Sheets Action for Chronoforms v6
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Save to Google Sheets Action for Chronoforms v6

By Sky Spider
Data Import & Export
This plugin lets you save data from your form to your Google Sheets spreadsheets. It's finally here! With the Sky Spider Save to Google Sheets action you will be able to save any data - from forms, database reads, or custom code - from any of your Chronoforms V6 forms and Chronoconnectivity V6 connections to your Google Sheets Spreadsheets. The plugin supports saving a pre-built array with multi...
Google reCaptcha v3 for Chronoforms v6
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Google reCaptcha v3 for Chronoforms v6

By Sky Spider
Access & Security
The Google reCaptcha V3 action and view lets you utilise Google's frictionless AI-powered reCaptcha V3 technology with your Chronoforms forms. You can ensure a user is genuine without making them click buttons or solve puzzles, and decide how to treat a request automatically without any user interaction. The verification action will get a score from Google, telling you how likely it is that a us...
Read From Google Sheets Action for Chronoforms v6
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Read From Google Sheets Action for Chronoforms v6

By Sky Spider
Data Import & Export
This plugin lets you read data from one of your Google Sheets spreadsheets so you can use it in your Chronoforms or Chronoconnectivity application. You don't need to make your Google Sheet public either - you can read your Sheet's data without compromising your data integrity! With the Sky Spider Read from Google Sheets action you will be able to get data from any of your Google Sheets spreadshee...
Pushbullet Notify Action for Chronoforms v6
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Pushbullet Notify Action for Chronoforms v6

By Sky Spider
Alerts & Awareness
A plugin for Chronoforms V6 that lets you send a Pushbullet Notification. Easily send Pushbullet notifications to one or more devices from your Chronoforms v6 forms and ChronoConnectivity v6 connections! This action lets you send a easily send a Pushbullet Notification to your devices, with the title and message you choose, wherever you want. Just drag the action in, fill in your API key, title,...
Mailchimp Subscribe Action for Chronoforms V6
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Mailchimp Subscribe Action for Chronoforms V6

By Sky Spider
Mailing & Distribution Lists
The MailChimp Subscription Action lets you quickly and easily subscribe a user to any of your MailChimp lists, all without writing a single line of code. This custom built action for Chronoforms and Chronoconnectivity v6 also allows you to add any of your form data to your custom fields set up through your Mailchimp list....

Mollie Payment for HikaShop

Sky Spider
Last updated:
Feb 16 2023
2 years ago
Date added:
Mar 19 2019
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
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p e
J3 J4

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