BM Nice Slideshow Res For K2, by Brainymore - Joomla Extension Directory

BM Nice Slideshow Res For K2


Extension Specific, K2 extensions

-Module BM Nice Slideshow Res For K2 is a powerful responsive slideshow.
-The module support 22 nice effects for change images.
-This is a dynamic slideshow with many params to config, you can control everything on your slideshow.
-Slideshow support responsive, so it display nice on all devices size( desktop, laptop, mobile, tablet..).
-You can config color text, icon font, title, loader..
-This module use icon font awesome, it use for icons, buttons(next, preview, pause, play, paging).
-You can control how description appear with 9 effects.

Configs For Module:


Category: Selects Articles from one or more Categories. If no selection will show all categories as default
Show subcategory's items: Show subcategory's items of categories were selected
Count: The number of Articles to display (the default is 5)
Featured Articles: Show/Hide Articles designated as Featured4
Order: Recently Added First: order the articles using their creation date. Recently Modified First: order the articles using their modification date. Recently Published First: order the articles using their publication date. Recently Touched First: order the articles using their modification or creation dates.
Authors: Filter by author.


Image's width: Put image's width.
Image's height: Put image's height.
Thumb's width: Put thumb's width, use for thumbs on paging
Thumb's height: Put thumb's width, use for thumbs on paging
Select Resize Type: Select a Type to Resize Images (6 types, you can use ORIGINAL IMAGE type if want to show image not resized).
Get Images From: Where do you to get a image from an article (Full article image, Intro Image  or Intro Text).
Auto Play: Auto play or not
Auto play mobile: Auto play for mobile size
progess bar position: Where you want progess bar display
Progess bar direction: Select progess bar direction
Effects: Select one or random effect for slideshow
Columns effect: Number of columns will be processed
Rows effect: Number of rows will be processed
Easing effect: Easing for effect
Description effect: Select how descripiton appear
Stop Hover: Stop when hover
Loader type: Select type for loader (bar, pie or none)
Loader color: Choose color for loader
Loader bg color: Loader background color
Icon Font Color: Select color for icon font. color for next, preview, pause & play button, color for buttons of paging too
Loader Opacity: Loader Opacity has value from 0 to 1, Eg: 0.1, 0.2 ... 1
Loader padding: Change size of loader when use this param, bigger loader with bigger value
Loader stroke: The thickness both of the pie loader and of the bar loader. Remember: for the pie, the loader thickness must be less than a half of the pie diameter
Show Navigation: Yes or No, to display or not the navigation buttons
Naviagtion Hover: Display Navigation
BM Slider For K2

BM Slider For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
Module BM Slider For K2 support to show K2 items as a slider. Support Responsive Feature, The slider (slideshow) can auto resize when display on other devices (Display nice on desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile). This Module has 2 themes (Default and Theme1). If you want a slideshow or a slider for your website, you are seeing it. What are you waiting for, get it and love it. This is a Module for jo...
BM Articles Grid Slider
Paid download

BM Articles Grid Slider

By Brainymore
Articles Display
About Extensions: - This is a gallery to show artilces with many amazing effects when change page and many beautiful effects to show title & desciption when hover on images, module support for content component. - Module support 10 effects when change page, images will fly very beautiful, you can't leave your eyes from images when they change. - You can't believe that beside 10 effects for paging,...
BM Slide Login

BM Slide Login

By Brainymore
Site Access
This module support responsive(Set 'Width From' is 100%). This module support font awesome icons. This module displays a username and password login form. This Module kept all params of default login module. Support 6 beauty themes, you can select one or multi for your website. Support 2 type (Slidedown or Full): Select 'Slidedown' when you want show a button then hover or click to that login for...
BM Smooth Slideshow For K2
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BM Smooth Slideshow For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
** Module BM Smooth Slideshow For K2 is an Amazing slideshow for K2 component. ** This module support 100% responsive both for main image and paging. You can set number items of paging to show. Eg: you have 7 items but you only show 5 on paging you can do it. Smooth slideshow support 4 nice effect, it make you slideshow is really smooth. You can paging with 3 different type: show thumbnails, sho...
BM Articles Nice Slideshow Res
Paid download

BM Articles Nice Slideshow Res

By Brainymore
Articles Display
Module BM Articles Nice Slideshow Res is a powerful responsive slideshow. The module support 22 nice effects for change images. This is a dynamic slideshow with many params to config, you can control everything on your slideshow. Slideshow support responsive, so it display nice on all devices size( desktop, laptop, mobile, tablet..). You can config color text, icon font, title, loader.. This modu...
Brainy More Article Skitte

Brainy More Article Skitte

By Brainymore
Articles Display
This is a Module for joomla 2.5 and 3.x The Module support to show articles's images or folder's images. You can control many part of slideshow, show them or not, it belong to you. You can select theme (5 theme), control part on it. It support many amazing animation (38 animations). Work nice on all browsers. Show aticles's images: Category: Selects Articles from one or more Categories. If n...
BM Tab Ajax Slider For K2
Paid download

BM Tab Ajax Slider For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
This is an amazing module for show categories's items like a tab. The module support for K2 component. It is a supper tab with many config help you control it. The module use ajax to load data, help your website look nice. This module maybe called is 'Tab Ajax Category', because each tab is one category was selected in module's config. When click to tab, the data will be loaded to tab content area...
BM Tab For K2

BM Tab For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
BM Tab For K2 is a special module to show items of K2 component. Because the module doesn't use any javascript, it only use CSS and CSS3. Although has no javascript but the module still has nice effects! Please Enjoy it. This is an easy and simple module to show your articles like a Tab. Module support to show items of content component. You can control number of tabs (items number). You can se...
BM Mega Menu Pro
Paid download

BM Mega Menu Pro

By Brainymore
Menu Systems
BM Mega Menu Pro help you show menu with many configs. You can config almost color on menu (text, background, active background, border). - This Menu module support responsive: It can display nice on tablet and mobile. This module does't create 2 menus, one for desktop and one for responsive (tabet, mobile) same almost Mega Menu module now. Our module only create one menu for both desktop and resp...
BM Articles Tab Ajax Slider
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BM Articles Tab Ajax Slider

By Brainymore
Articles Display
Description: This is an amazing module for show categories's items like a tab. It is a supper tab with many config help you control it. The module use ajax to load data, help your website look nice. This module maybe called is 'Tab Ajax Category', because each tab is one category was selected in module's config. When click to tab, the data will be loaded to tab content area. ** New Features u...
BM Cool Menu

BM Cool Menu

By Brainymore
Menu Systems
This is a Module for joomla 2.5 and 3.x BM Cool Menu help you show menu with many configs for color. You can config almost color on menu (text, background, active background, border). Select Menu: Select a menu in the list Start Level: Level to start rendering the menu at. Setting the start and end levels to the same # and setting 'Show Sub-menu Items' to yes will only display that single level....
BM Slideshow Pro For K2
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BM Slideshow Pro For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
Module BM Slideshow Pro For K2 is a professional slideshow. It support joomla 2.x and joomla 3.x with K2 component This module support 100% responsive both for main image and paging. Module has 3 types for paging (Horizontal, Vertical, Special): - With Horizontal type, paging display under the bottom of slideshow, at the paging you can show title and short description of items. - With Vertical typ...
BM Articles Sweet Slider

BM Articles Sweet Slider

By Brainymore
Articles Display
This module support joomla 2.5 and 3.x. This module show images and content of content component (content slider or content slideshow). This a special module with amazing image and text effect. Module show main images and thumbnails. When click to thumbnails main images and text will fly to their position. You can show or hide description, paging, arrows. You can make it auto play or not. You can...
BM Articles Flip Master
Paid download

BM Articles Flip Master

By Brainymore
Articles Display
BM Articles Flip Master support to show items's images of content component Do you have a Flip for your items's image? You are seeing a best choice for you. This module support many params are very useful for you. You can select items from categories or from specific items (You can type items's id that you want to show in 'Items's id' param). This module support 3 themes for control how title an...
BM Flip Master For K2
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BM Flip Master For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
BM Flip Master For K2 support to show items's images of K2 component Do you have a Flip for your items's image with K2 component? You are seeing a best choice for you. This module support many params are very useful for you. You can select items from categories or from specific items (You can type items's id that you want to show in 'Add items' param). This module support 3 themes for control ho...
BM Articles Accordion
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BM Articles Accordion

By Brainymore
Articles Display
** Module BM Articles Accordion show your items in the acoordion. ** This module support Content component . You can use this module on the top of your website as a slideshow. Your website will be more beautiful. This Module support 2 direstions are Horizontal and Vertical. Support 3 styles: Dark, Light, Sticth. You can config with and height of Acoordion, if - you want it auto resize follow scr...
BM Articles Slider Master
Paid download

BM Articles Slider Master

By Brainymore
Articles Display
** This module is what you need for slideshow or slider, module support for content component. This Module give 8 themes, you can select the theme that you want and you will be happy with it. ** - Each theme support to show title and description - with different ways. - You can select data in categories or specific items that you want to show. - This module support you config color for title, desc...
BM Gird Slider For K2
Paid download

BM Gird Slider For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
About Extensions: - This is a gallery to show items with many amazing effects when change page and many beautiful effects to show title & desciption when hover on images, module support for K2 component. - Module support 10 effects when change page, images will fly very beautiful, you can't leave your eyes from images when they change. - You can't believe that beside 10 effects for paging, it supp...
BM Accordion for K2
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BM Accordion for K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
Module BM Accordion For K2 show your items in the acoordion. This module support K2 component. You can use this module on the top of your website as a slideshow. Your website will be more beautiful. ** Some module's configs ** This Module support 2 direstions are Horizontal and Vertical. Support 3 styles: Dark, Light, Sticth. You can config with and height of Acoordion, if you want it auto r...
Skitter Slideshow For K2

Skitter Slideshow For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
This is a Module for joomla 2.5 and 3.x The Module support to show K2 item's images (K2 component) or folder's images. You can control many part of slideshow, show them or not, it belong to you. You can select theme (5 theme), control part on it. It support many amazing animation (38 animations). Work nice on all browsers. Show aticles's images: Category: Selects Articles from one or more Categ...
BM Slider Master For K2
Paid download

BM Slider Master For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
** This is what you need for slideshow or slider, module support for K2 component. This Module give 8 themes, you can select the theme that you want and you will be happy with it. ** - Each theme support to show title and description with different ways. - You can select data in categories or specific items that you want to show. - This module support you config color for title, desciption and spe...
BM Articles Smooth Slideshow
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BM Articles Smooth Slideshow

By Brainymore
Articles Display
** Module BM Articles Smooth Slideshow is an Amazing slideshow for content component. ** This module support 100% responsive both for main image and paging. You can set number items of paging to show. Eg: you have 7 items but you only show 5 on paging you can do it. Smooth slideshow support 4 nice effect, it make you slideshow is really smooth. You can paging with 3 different type: show thumbnai...
BM Top For K2

BM Top For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
** BM Top For K2 Support K2 component. ** This module support Show items of K2 on top of your website. You can use this module for your home page to show latest or special items. This module support 5 themes. Retrieve items from categories or Select specific items Image size : XSmall, Small, Medium, Large, XLarge Image's link: Link for image or not Select Themes: 5 themes Image's width & Image's...
BM Sweet Slider For K2

BM Sweet Slider For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
This module support joomla 2.5 and 3.x. This module show images and content of K2 component (K2 slider or K2 slideshow). This a special module with amazing image and text effect. Module show main images and thumbnails. When click to thumbnails main images and text will fly to their position. You can show or hide description, paging, arrows. You can make it auto play or not. You can change size fo...
BM Articles Tab

BM Articles Tab

By Brainymore
Articles Display
This is a special module! Why? Because this module doesn't use javascript, it use only css and css3 but it's effects still amazing! This is an easy and simple module to show your articles like a Tab. - Module support to show items of content component. - You can control number of tabs (items number). - You can select color for tabs. - Module support 4 effects for content (how show when change tabs...
BM Nice Slideshow Res For JoomShopping
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BM Nice Slideshow Res For JoomShopping

By Brainymore
JoomShopping extensions
Module BM Nice Slideshow Res For JoomShopping is a powerful responsive slideshow. The module show products from JoomShopping with nice effects. The module support 22 nice effects for change images. This is a dynamic slideshow with many params to config, you can control everything on your slideshow. Slideshow support responsive, so it display nice on all devices size( desktop, laptop, mobile, tabl...
BM Slider Master For JoomShopping
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BM Slider Master For JoomShopping

By Brainymore
JoomShopping extensions
This is what you need for slideshow or slider, module support for JoomShopping component. This Module give 8 themes, you can select the theme that you want and you will be happy with it. Each theme support to show title and description with different ways. You can select data in categories or specific products that you want to show. This module support you config color for title, desciption and s...
BM Grid Slider For JoomShopping
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BM Grid Slider For JoomShopping

By Brainymore
JoomShopping extensions
This is a gallery to show products with many amazing effects when change page and many beautiful effects to show title & desciption when hover on images, module support for VirtueMart component. Module support 10 effects when change page, images will fly very beautiful, you can't leave your eyes from images when they change. You can't believe that beside 10 effects for paging, it support 10 effec...
BM Smooth Slideshow For JoomShopping
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BM Smooth Slideshow For JoomShopping

By Brainymore
JoomShopping extensions
Module BM Smooth Slideshow For JoomShopping is an Amazing slideshow for products. This module support 100% responsive both for main image and paging. You can set number products of paging to show. Eg: you have 7 products but you only show 5 on paging you can do it. Smooth slideshow support 4 nice effect, it make you slideshow is really smooth. You can set number products of paging to show. Eg: yo...
BM Moon Slider For K2
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BM Moon Slider For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
This module support for K2 component. This module show your items with images and descriptions on two parts (left or right). You can config to show image on left, right or top This module support responsive, it display nice on every device and every screen size. You can get data from categories or from specific items. Module's theme: Image on left, Image on right, Image on top Resize type: SCALE...
BM Articles Moon Slider
Paid download

BM Articles Moon Slider

By Brainymore
Articles Display
This module support for Content component. This module show your items with images and descriptions on two parts (left or right). You can config to show image on left, right or top This module support responsive, it display nice on every device and every screen size. You can get data from categories or from specific items. This module support get images from : Intro Image, Full article image or...
BM Articles Slideshow Pro
Paid download

BM Articles Slideshow Pro

By Brainymore
News Display
Module BM Articles Slideshow Pro is a professional slideshow. It support joomla 2.x and joomla 3.x This module support 100% responsive both for main image and paging. Module has 3 types for paging (Horizontal, Vertical, Special): - With Horizontal type, paging display under the bottom of slideshow, at the paging you can show title and short description of items. - With Vertical type, paging displa...
BM Articles Scrollbar Master
Paid download

BM Articles Scrollbar Master

By Brainymore
Articles Display
This is a scrollbar master module because it help you build a scrollbar for items like you want. It support show scrollbar with One Row, One Column or Multi rows and Columns, is it amazing? If you show multi rows and columns you can config Columns number too. You can config width for each item. You can config width and height for scrollbar. This module support a lot of theme for scrollbar buttons...
BM Scrollbar Master For K2
Paid download

BM Scrollbar Master For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
This is a scrollbar master module because it help you build a scrollbar for K2 items like you want. It support show scrollbar with One Row, One Column or Multi rows and Columns, is it amazing? If you show multi rows and columns you can config Columns number too. You can config width for each item. You can config width and height for scrollbar. This module support a lot of theme for scrollbar butt...
BM Scrollbar Master For Virtuemart
Paid download

BM Scrollbar Master For Virtuemart

By Brainymore
VirtueMart extensions
This is a scrollbar master module because it help you build a scrollbar for products virtuemart like you want. This Module support for Virtuemart 2 an Virtuemart 3. It support show scrollbar with One Row, One Column or Multi rows and Columns, is it amazing? If you show multi rows and columns you can config Columns number too. You can config width for each item. You can config width and height for...
BM Articles Mega Category
Paid download

BM Articles Mega Category

By Brainymore
Articles Display
This module show categories's article. This module can be showed on any where (Special on home page), it can show all categories with articles (latest, recent modified, recent published, recent touch). You can show sub catgories's items or not. You can config columns number for items display on the right of main item, it support from 1 to 6 columns. This module support responsive, it can display...
BM Mega Category For K2
Paid download

BM Mega Category For K2

By Brainymore
K2 extensions
This module support K2 component and show categories's items. This module can be showed on any where (Special on home page), it can show all categories with articles (latest, recent modified, recent published, recent touch). You can show sub catgories's items or not. You can config columns number for items display on the right of main item, it support from 1 to 6 columns. This module support resp...
BM Smooth Slideshow For VM
Paid download

BM Smooth Slideshow For VM

By Brainymore
VirtueMart extensions
Module BM Smooth Slideshow For VM is an Amazing slideshow for products. This module support 100% responsive both for main image and paging. You can set number products of paging to show. Eg: you have 7 products but you only show 5 on paging you can do it. Smooth slideshow support 4 nice effect, it make you slideshow is really smooth. More Detail: You can set number products of paging to show....
BM Slider Master For VM
Paid download

BM Slider Master For VM

By Brainymore
VirtueMart extensions
This is what you need for slideshow or slider, module support for VirtueMart component. This Module give 8 themes, you can select the theme that you want and you will be happy with it. Each theme support to show title and description with different ways. You can select data in categories or specific products that you want to show. This module support you config color for title, desciption and spe...
BM Nice Slideshow Res For VM
Paid download

BM Nice Slideshow Res For VM

By Brainymore
VirtueMart extensions
Module BM Nice Slideshow Res For VM is a powerful responsive slideshow. The module show products from VirtueMart with nice effects. The module support 22 nice effects for change images. This is a dynamic slideshow with many params to config, you can control everything on your slideshow. Slideshow support responsive, so it display nice on all devices size( desktop, laptop, mobile, tablet..). You c...
BM Grid Slider For VM
Paid download

BM Grid Slider For VM

By Brainymore
VirtueMart extensions
This Module support both Virtuemart 2 and Virtuemart 3. After download you can unzip package first, you can see 2 packages. - This is a gallery to show products with many amazing effects when change page and many beautiful effects to show title & desciption when hover on images, module support for VirtueMart component. - Module support 10 effects when change page, images will fly very beautiful, y...
BM Moon Slider For VM
Paid download

BM Moon Slider For VM

By Brainymore
VirtueMart extensions
This Module support both Virtuemart 2 and Virtuemart 3. After download you can unzip package first, you can see 2 packages. - This module show your items with images and descriptions on two parts (left or right). - You can config to show image on left, right or top - This module support responsive, it display nice on every device and every screen size. - You can get data from categories or from sp...
BM Slideshow Pro For VM
Paid download

BM Slideshow Pro For VM

By Brainymore
VirtueMart extensions
Module BM Slideshow Pro For VM is a professional slideshow. It support Virtuemart 2 and Virtuemart 3 It support to show products on an amazing slideshow. - This module support 100% responsive both for main image and paging. - Module has 3 types for paging (Horizontal, Vertical, Special): - - With Horizontal type, paging display under the bottom of slideshow, at the paging you can show title and s...

BM Nice Slideshow Res For K2

Last updated:
Mar 05 2015
10 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System