
Photo Gallery, Extension Specific, Images, Slideshow, K2 extensions

With this plugin you will be able to add multiple images to your K2 Articles with the same way as in standard K2 item add form. It supports multiple images adding from admin panel and also from the frontend. Also with this plugin you will be able to add watermark to images and restrict uploads limit from frontend.

It is possible to sort your images after upload and upload several images at once. And also with this plugin you will be able to add watermark to images and restrict uploads count from the frontend.


  • Upload multiple images;
  • Order images;
  • Different template styles for show image gallery;
  • Responsive design;
  • Watermarks;
  • Upload limit from frontend.

Different template styles available for show the images gallery:

  • Standard view - shows an images in classic style;
  • Slider - image slider without image expand function;
  • Slider HS - image slider with image expand function;
  • Fotorama - image slider based on Fotorama js library;
  • Default - raw style for simply apply your own styles.
  • Swiper - most modern mobile touch slider


Posted on 12 December 2017
Ease of use
Value for money
I used this to: COMPANY WEBSITE


Posted on 06 July 2017
This extension its great and easy to install. Work perfect! Drag and Drop work very well. And multiple upload very usefull!
Ease of use
Yes, really simple. You can set in two minutes.
This is the BEST type of this review! The support its incredible, he have customized something for me in few time!!!!! THANKS!!!
Yes its enough!
Value for money
Good, for the power of this extension.
I used this to: Many Websites with k2 installed.
Great, work like a charm
Ease of use
Install and use, very easy
Fast and efficient
It`s Ok
Value for money
100% recommended
I used this to: Built a K2 catalog, like directory image gallery view.

Awesome Product

Posted on 05 March 2016
This product fulfilled the requirement of the multi-images on k2,
Ease of use
Code is very Flexible
Support is awesome, they provide us more support
Value for money

Great One

Posted on 24 December 2015
Ease of use
Easy to use
I received fast and effective support from Andrey Miasoedov
Value for money
It works like a charm
Ease of use
It's easy to install
I received GREAT SUPPORT from Andrey. 5 STARS to Andrey for fixing up image size issue.
Very well documented
Value for money
It's worth it for money
I used this to: My News website

Great Support

Posted on 16 April 2014
I had an issue with the amount of images i could upload. I contacted the developer and Andrey was able to work it out. It was my server! not his plugin. So, support this time extended beyond the developers build!
I've been using this extension and am completely satisfied that meets the needs of my website.

The support is excellent and is very easy to master the operation.
A very good addition to k2, easy to configure and excellent support
I created a k2-based directory where users are meant to upload images in order to create a small gallery for each created item and decided to give it a try because I have an excelente experience with another extension from same developer. The plugin is easy to use for my frontend users and the available templates (yes, it has different displays for your custom gallery) worked well.

Once again, when I needed support, it was fast and efective. Great work!
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Multiple Images for K2

Andrey Miasoedov
Last updated:
May 24 2020
4 years ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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