Flance Carousel for SobiPro, by frog - Joomla Extension Directory

Flance Carousel for SobiPro


Code Display, Directory & Documentation, SobiPro Extensions

Flance Carusel Show Items for Sobipro - Joomla Module for showing Sobipro items multiple images and its contents in Carusel Show within website page on a in single and effective way.
This module will help you to show more Sobipro Component Items in beautiful responsive carousel images display. It has options for setting to select sobipro categories.
It supports responsive design and works well on touch devices. You can use this module to show Items from a category or some categories.
This module is not only used for news websites, but also for any other kinds in general using SobiPro component. Open a new chance by yourself with us to express and deliver your idea to the world perfectly.

Flance Carusel Show Items for Sobipro - Joomla Module for showing Sobipro items multiple images and its contents in Carusel Show within website page on a in single and effective way.
This module will help you to show more Sobipro Component Items in beautiful responsive carousel images display. It has options for setting to select sobipro categories.
It supports responsive design and works well on touch devices. You can use this module to show Items from a category or some categories.
This module is not only used for news websites, but also for any other kinds in general using SobiPro component. Open a new chance by yourself with us to express and deliver your idea to the world perfectly.

Multi Product Express Order Form Content
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Multi Product Express Order Form Content

By frog
VirtueMart extensions
The Express Form enables Multiple items adding to your cart only by one click "add to cart" button. works now for joomla 3 and Virtuemart 3.0.X it supports virtuemart 1.0.x , virtuemart 2.0.x , version of virtuemart 2.6.x, 2.7, 2.8 and newest version of virtuemart 2.9.x for joomla 3 and Virtuemart 3.0.X afor joomla 3 and 2.5 With same page multi products' total price calculation. It now has ver...
Aliexpress Affiliates for Virtuemart
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Aliexpress Affiliates for Virtuemart

By frog
VirtueMart extensions
Aliexpress Affiliates component for Virtuemart is used to import products from Aliexpress Into your Joomla/virtuemart ecommerce site. The Component can create the site with specific aliexpress products. You can easily import products from Aliexpress. Once uploading process is completed, uploaded items will appear in your Virtuemart Products section admin panel . The component uses the offic...
JB Hide
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JB Hide

By frog
Site Security
Hide the Fact Your Website is Powered by Joomla with JB Hide Component and plugin Joomla websites are susceptible to a wide range of attacks including SQL injections, brute-force attacks, and unauthorized logins. There are many joomla security plugins can improve the security of your website by addressing common security issues such as changing the administrator account from admin. Current joom...
Webmoney payment gateway for Virtuemart
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Webmoney payment gateway for Virtuemart

By frog
VirtueMart extensions
VM Payment - Webmoney plugin for Ecommerce site based on Joomla component Virtuemart WEBMONEY is very well know payment plguins which has very strong security protection. We have developed Webmoneypayment plugin for virtuemart. Installation Guides Setting and configuring the parametrs in webmoney merchane page Please read the setting info merchant webmoney service here http://www.wmtransfe...
Multi Product Express Order Form for Joomshopping
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Multi Product Express Order Form for Joomshopping

By frog
JoomShopping extensions
Multi Product Express Order Form for Joomshopping enables multiple product ordering-adding to your cart only by one click "add to cart" button. And calculates in same page he total price of the order. works for joomla 3 and joomshoping it supports Joomshopping 4.X.X and newest version Joomshopping for joomla 3.x It now has very useful and popular functionality developed by request of the clients....

Flance Carousel for SobiPro

Last updated:
Dec 31 2015
9 years ago
Date added:
Oct 21 2015
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
Related extension :

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System