Aliexpress Affiliates for Virtuemart, by frog - Joomla Extension Directory


Virtuemart Administration, Virtuemart Ads & Affiliates, Affiliate Auctions, Ads & Affiliates, Affiliate Systems

Aliexpress Affiliates component for Virtuemart is used to import products from Aliexpress Into your Joomla/virtuemart ecommerce site. The Component can create the site with specific aliexpress products.

You can easily import products from Aliexpress. Once uploading process is completed, uploaded items will appear in your Virtuemart Products section admin panel .

The component uses the official providers APIs.

** - Advanced Search**
- Bulk Import aliexpress products
- Bulk Upload aliexpress products' images to virtuemart
- Quick editing csutom titles and description
- Price, Sellers rating, Commissions sorting
- Sinchronizations of virtuemart products to Aliexpress products

Aliexpress account setting

1.      Account setting  You need to setup API Keys to work with platforms, or you can use our prepared key that initially set in the Setting.
Aliexpress products Search

You can looking for specific product using ProductId field. Also there are several search filters for Aliexpress: keywords, category, price range, total orders (last 30 days), feedback score, high quality items.


You can easily import products into Virtuemart using our built-in API key or use your own keys

Please use for Backend demo access
username: test
password: test

**Backend demo link: **


Frontend demo link:



When searching for products on Aliexpress, it shows these and just press a button to select. Unfortunately only 1 could be imported :-(
Ease of use
Idea is good, search and select products. Unfortunately only one could be imported in virtuemart. This is a lot of work.
The guy is answering but only say "not use this, just select only one product every time" when selecting more than one product.
There is a website to try. Not much documentation but product is easy.
Value for money
I will not use it very much because only 1 product could be imported one by one, When more than 1 could be used, it should be valuable.
I used this to: It could be helpful to search for products on Aliexpress which could be easily imported in virtuemart. Because you should search, select only 1, search again, select only 1, etc. this is still a lot of work for importing and not useful.
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Aliexpress Affiliates for Virtuemart

Last updated:
Feb 28 2017
8 years ago
Date added:
Feb 16 2017
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
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