Currency Automatic Switcher for VirtueMart


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Currency Automatic Switcher for VirtueMart allows to set/switch/convert current currency on the fly according to the plugin's rules and a visitor's country.

Let's suppose you live in German, all visitors from German can see prices for your products in EUR. It's good for visitors from France, Austria, Spain, Italy as well. But what about UK, Switzerland, Denmark and many other countries which still use their local currencies? I guess it would be good if these visitors can see prices in their currency. UK - £, Swiss - CHF, Denmark - DKK, USA - $. It's quite easy to implement the feature by using this plugin to change your site's currency. Just set up rules for countries and enjoy it!

Flexible Currency Toolbar for Virtuemart
Paid download

Flexible Currency Toolbar for Virtuemart

By mySITE4u
VirtueMart extensions
Flexible Currency Toolbar for VirtueMart shows floating toolbar which allows to select a currency of VirtueMart store and adds a modern floating toolbar on your site Possibly to Set Menus ItemId to Be Displayed Possibly to Select Currencies to Be Displayed Possibly to Place it on the Left or on the Right Flexible Colors Styling Predefined Dark and White Color themes Colors for Every Currency Ite...

Currency Automatic Switcher for VirtueMart

Last updated:
Jul 24 2015
9 years ago
Date added:
Jul 24 2015
GPLv2 or later
Paid download

This extension does NOT implement the Joomla! Update System