Joomla! Extensions Directory


Product Builder for Virtuemart
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Product Builder for Virtuemart

By breakdesigns.net
VirtueMart extensions
The user could build his own kit, selecting various products from predefined product groups. A good example is a computer or a bike which consists of different parts that the user has to select. Features • Groups of products could be created either connecting a group with an existing category of Virtuemart or selecting manually the products of that group. • Compatibility check functionality...
BIT Virtuemart Product Badges
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BIT Virtuemart Product Badges

By Barg-IT
VirtueMart extensions
Draw the attention of your visitors to new, featured, discounted, topseller or sold out / low stock products! Or badge individual products or all products of specified categories. This plugin automatically adds badges(stickers) to those products in your shop. Plugin-Features: - badge new products - badge featured products - badge discounted products - badge hot products (topsellers) - badge so...
Custom Fields For All
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Custom Fields For All

By breakdesigns.net
VirtueMart extensions
Assign to your products any kind of custom field, like colors (color swatches), numbers, text and display it in multiple ways (color buttons, buttons, checkboxes, drop-down lists, etc.) Also translate your custom fields to your shop's languages while you create them. Assign to your products custom fields such as: ★ Colors, ★ Integer or decimal Numbers ★ Strings/Text Display your custom f...
Stockable Custom Fields for Virtuemart

Stockable Custom Fields for Virtuemart

By breakdesigns.net
VirtueMart extensions
Create child products, using custom fields Now the creation of stockable variants in Virtuemart is easy and fast Use existing custom fields to create variations. A variation can be a new child product or an existing one (for those inserting products with a bridge or csv). Can be combined with other custom plug-ins to offer more attractive results and better usability in the back-end. Easy creat...
Product excel-like manager for Virtuemart
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Product excel-like manager for Virtuemart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
Product excel like manager for Virtuemart 2/3 Must-have super simple utility component for VirtueMart online shops. It enables for user to change prices and stock very easy and fast like they do in MS Excel. UI and keyboard behavior is same as in MS Excel. Users can also add or delete products form online spreadsheet. Component is compatible both with VirtueMart 2.0.12+ and VirtueMart 3.x.x Ave...
Order Files Upload for Virtuemart
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Order Files Upload for Virtuemart

By WDMtech
VirtueMart extensions
Many Virtuemart shop owners wonder "How to upload images or any type of files on Virtuemart product detail page". This is the solution for the problem. Order Files Upload for Virtuemart plugin is very easy to use, yet powerful and allows users easily and quickly to upload multiple images and files for their products with Ajax based. Moreover, shoppers can choose the option either to “Send Files...
Product Bundles for Virtuemart
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Product Bundles for Virtuemart

By breakdesigns.net
VirtueMart extensions
Prompt your users to buy multiple products, at a discounted price, instead of a single one....
VM Product Image magnifier

VM Product Image magnifier

By Abdulgani Tumbi
VirtueMart extensions
Virtuemart Product Zoom plugin is a small smart solution for display your virtuemart product images magnifier effect. Virtuemart Product Zoom Plugin enables site users to zoom in the predefined areas of the product image. Features : - Easy to setup. - Using of this plugin user can show the virtuemart product image with magnifier effect. - Developer can customize this plugin with a lot of...
FW VirtueMart Rental
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FW VirtueMart Rental

By Fastw3b
VirtueMart extensions
FW VM Rental adds Rental option to your VirtueMart website! Plugin extends functionality and allows you to RENT and/or SELL products or services. Works with latest VM and Joomla. FW Virtuemart Rental Features Virtuemart Native - Integrates into Virtuemart product payment block as a Custom Field Type. Pricing Grid - Allows setting a pricing grid with terms devided by rental periods with respectiv...
Genius Product Wall for Virtuemart
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Genius Product Wall for Virtuemart

By Genius WebDesign
VirtueMart extensions
Genius VM Product Wall is a revolutionary new All-In-One professional product module for displaying Virtuemart products anywhere on your Joomla website. This module is extremely feature rich, versatile and easy to configure making it unrivalled in it´s category and a must have for any Virtuemart shop owner. Try the DEMO and experience all the superior features first hand. Main features: ✔ Bea...
Banner Printing Attribute for Virtuemart
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Banner Printing Attribute for Virtuemart

By WDMtech
VirtueMart extensions
Banner Printing Plugin for Virtuemart is a virtuemart custom field plugin that allows the shop owner to create different style of banners with any numbers of Font Families, Font Colours and an option to make the text Mirrored. Shop owners can manage colors, fonts, mirror image option for each Product. It displays the preview of the banner on the fly with the user's customized options. Many Virtue...
Virtuemart Sales

Virtuemart Sales

By Web357
VirtueMart extensions
The Virtuemart Sales Joomla! component is a search tool that provides a list of Virtuemart products with discounts. It is supplied with a lot of features and multiple parameters and it would be ideal for e-commerce websites that were built with Virtuemart. USEFUL PARAMETERS MVC & Multi-language support. Data Type (You can choose if you want to display all Virtuemart products with a discount or...
Order Backend Edit For Viruemart
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Order Backend Edit For Viruemart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
In VM3 / VM2 it is sometimes hard to edit products of created order becuse only thing offered are plain text fields for name, SKU and price. This plugin enchaints virtuemart back-end edit interface. It adds searchable drop-downs for Name and SKU. It also makes all price/discount/vat fields editable. Every change updates price boxes accordingly by attribute price value. Drop-downs for attribute...
Calendar Date for Virtuemart
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Calendar Date for Virtuemart

By Virtuemart Plugins
VirtueMart extensions
A front-end, user driven calendar date selection field for Virtuemart 2 and Virtuemart 3 eCommerce stores that allows a buyer to select a date from a popup calendar. The calendar date section tool has been designed to install as a Joomla 2.5 or a Joomla 3 plugin. Once installed it works directly with Virtuemart eCommerce stores. The calendar date picker can be applied to your product or service...
VM OG Meta Tag

VM OG Meta Tag

By Abhishek Das
SEO & Metadata
Open Graph Protocol enables you to integrate your Web pages into the social graph. VM OG Meta Tag Plugin allows you to integrate your Joomla and VirtueMart website into the Open Graph Protocol. By adding Open Graph tags to your website, you can classify and describe the content you attach Like buttons to. This allows Facebook to present the right image, category, and other information about your s...
WWM Product Zoom for Virtuemart

WWM Product Zoom for Virtuemart

By Jobin Jose
VirtueMart extensions
WWM Product Zoom for Virtuemart plugin helps you to create an attractive product details image zoom facility on your Joomla – Virtuemart store.The integration of the Joomla Virtuemart product image zoom plugin is pretty simple and easy to setup if you’re a non technical person. Virtuemart 3.x ready Free version now available for VM 3.x and VM 2.x 1)1 zoom mode available(Standard). 2)Supports...
xml/csv/html/json exporter for VirtueMart
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xml/csv/html/json exporter for VirtueMart

By Ivan Milic
VirtueMart extensions
THIS IS ULTIMATE EXPORTING COMPONENT FOR VIRTUEMART SHOPS It lets you define your XML/HTML/CSV/JSON export format in totally free way. You can add unlimited link that will output configured format. You can create any shape of exported file with this plugin. Features: totally free shape of output optional require authentication (if not log-ed in user will be redirected to login page than afte...
Flexible Zoom Effect on Product Page for Virtuemart
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Flexible Zoom Effect on Product Page for Virtuemart

By Flexible Web Design
VirtueMart extensions
Responsive Zoom Effect for Virtuemart Add a nice zoom effect to product pictures in Virtuemart. Now Supports VirtueMart 3.2.x and Joomla 3.7.x ZOOM ONHOVER, MODAL POPUP ONCLICK. This functionality was one of the most wanted features in our Zoom Effect Extensison. Finally we did it. From now on; our zooming effect extension doesn't just zoom pictures when mouse-hovered, but also opens them in...