Multilingual Availability for Virtuemart, by Total Apps World - Joomla Extension Directory

Multilingual Availability for Virtuemart


Virtuemart Products Display, Virtuemart Administration, Multi-lingual Content, VirtueMart extensions

Create custom availability texts and multi-lingual images for each language, so that you can display availability with both text and images for each language separately. Now you can create a truly multi-lingual Virtuemart e-shop!

The only plugin that allows you to enter custom, multi-lingual texts and images for any kind of availability you might require.

Create as many availability texts and as many images as you wish. Name the as you wish. Configure all texts for all languages installed easily and in a very straight-forward manner, just write your availability texts in the corresponding language box separated by a | and that's all:

In Stock|Out of Stock|Coming Soon (for English)
Disponibile|Non Disponibile|Prossimamente (for Italian)
Verfügbar|Nicht Verfügbar|Demnächst (for German) and so on... no limitations, no hassles...

Apart from these exciting and very much needed features, Multilingual Availability for Virtuemart replaces the text input availability type-in area in product status with a drop down selection box just to make your life easier... No need for you to re-type the availability text for each and every new product you insert. Just select the text you wish from the drop-down menu and that's it. To make it even easier, the drop-down language for the texts shows the default language of your front-end regardless of the language selected for the admin area.


Fully customisable availability texts
Assign different availability images for each availability and for each language separately
Unlimited availability texts
Unlimited availability images
Drop-down availability selection in Product Status
Install in unlimited domains


Joomla 3.6+
Virtuemart 3.0+
PHP 5.6+  

Advanced Sales Reports PRO for Virtuemart
Paid download

Advanced Sales Reports PRO for Virtuemart

By Total Apps World
VirtueMart extensions
The most advanced Sales Reporting Component ever found in a CMS! ASR is designed with the shop owner and businessman in mind! Advanced Sales Reports for Virtuemart allows you to have a firm grasp and an exact depiction of what sales you make, who buys most, what your costs per sale are, how your P&L looks and what your expenses are. You are able to enter purchasing cost, advertising for each a...

Multilingual Availability for Virtuemart

Total Apps World
Last updated:
Jun 15 2018
6 years ago
Date added:
Feb 26 2018
GPLv2 or later
Paid download

Uses Joomla! Update System