UT Cryptocurrency Calculator
UT Cryptocurrency Calculator is a Joomla module for calculate the price of a cryptocurrency in any fiat currency (Euro, Dollar, Pound, etc) or another cryptocurrency in real time or static (price loaded with page). You can choose the number of cryptocurrencies to be calculated, choose the type of currency to calculate (fiduciary, cryptocurrency or both).
Real Time
UT Cryptocurrency Calculator is a Joomla module for calculate the price of a cryptocurrency in any fiat currency (Euro, Dollar, Pound, etc) or another cryptocurrency in real time or static (price loaded with page). You can choose the number of cryptocurrencies to be calculated, choose the type of currency to calculate (fiduciary, cryptocurrency or both).
Criptocurrency & Fiat Currency
UT Cryptocurrency calculator can calculate from cryptocurrencies to cryptocurrencies, from cryptocurrencies to fiat currency, or from cryptocurrencies to both currencies.
UT Cryptocurrency Calculator
- Version:
- 1.2.0
- Developer:
- Unitemplates
- Last updated:
May 04 2024
10 months ago - Date added:
- Oct 10 2020
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Free download
- Includes:
- m
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5