FW VM Rental adds Rental option to your VirtueMart website! Plugin extends functionality and allows you to RENT and/or SELL products or services. Works with latest VM and Joomla.
FW Virtuemart Rental Features
Virtuemart Native - Integrates into Virtuemart product payment block as a Custom Field Type.
Pricing Grid - Allows setting a pricing grid with terms devided by rental periods with respective recalculation.
Stock Control - Keeps track of booked and rented items for all products allowing only in-stock quantity.
Rent and/or Sale option - Allow rent and/or sell products when adding to cart for more flexibility.
Individual product settings - All product settings are individual and can be adjusted separately.
Deposit and insurance - Requires deposit and insurance amounts if required for a rent.
Multitype rental products - Stock control can be adjusted to block quantity for paid and pending orders.
Booking delay - Some products may require prior preparation and need a booking in advance.
Date format - Start week day and date display for country native date format.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.15.3 (Maintenance)
released on 13 Jan 2022, 2 modifications
- Virtuemart 3.9.x compatibility.
- A fix for stock control in cart when a user checks out the items.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.15.2 (Maintenance)
released on 21 Dec 2021, 1 modification
- Fixes on stock remainder and availability calculations in some cases when rental dates overlaps.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.15.1 (Maintenance)
released on 03 Dec 2021, 2 modifications
- The first and the last free days option ignored unless the rental period in more than 2 days.
- Rental total was showing the price without rental period selected.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.15.0 (Minor)
released on 30 Nov 2021, 1 modification
- New rental parameter to make the last day free. With this parameter, you can now make first and last day free in case of need.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.14.1 (Maintenance)
released on 01 Jul 2021, 1 modification
- Fixed a non-tax rental form template to hide double total price.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.14.0 (Minor)
released on 23 Jun 2021, 5 modifications
- New admin design for Custom Fields parameter and Product Settings
- Completely reworked context help for every admin parameter and column.
- New verification system that uses account login versus Access code.
- A new design for pricing table when Prices with tax parameter is activated.
- COMVIRTUEMARTORDERSTATUSCONFIRMEDBYSHOPPER Virtuemart status is now rendered as booking status when used.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.13.0 (Minor)
released on 24 May 2021, 1 modification
- Price with VAT is shown with a total rental price if VAT is activated in Virtuemart settings.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.11.1 (Maintenance)
released on 10 May 2021, 2 modifications
- Language translation for the new fields and language constants.
- Rent total decimal issue fixed.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.11.0 (Minor)
released on 10 May 2021, 3 modifications
- Comments field that allow to add any description, including HTML tags. The field is optional and will show only if filled.
- Responsive layout reworked for small devices.
- Denied adding products directly to cart if rental dates are not set and rental option is turned on.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.10.1 (Maintenance)
released on 13 Jun 2019, 2 modifications
- Discounted price layout and styles.
- Decimal number format is now synced with Virtuemart settings and will show coins for all prices if it is set to Yes.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.10.0 (Minor)
released on 06 Jun 2019, 2 modifications
- Discount prices. Set discount prices via a pricing grid. As a result, the old price is shown as crossed and a new price is highlighted with red color.
- Rental dates display. Fixed rental dates display within the pricing grid.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.9.0 (Minor)
released on 06 May 2019, 2 modifications
- Add to cart on category page. Now Add to cart button is displayed on the category page. This feature allows to make bookings right on the category page without going to product details form.
- In-stock availability check at checkout. Now the product number is checked on the checkout stage. It doesn’t allow booking more than available in stock. If the product number doesn’t match the stock number, it will be automatically adjusted to the number available in stock.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.8.0 (Minor)
released on 18 Apr 2019, 3 modifications
- Booking form display in different positions. Now along with an “addtocart” position you can assign a few extra positions to the booking form - on top, normal and on bottom.
- Total rental price and stock details on the category page. Now total rental price and stock details can be displayed on the category page, not just on the individual product page, for better usability.
- Calendar translation. Now booking calendars get automatically translated to the language of your website.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.7.0 (Minor)
released on 10 Mar 2019, 2 modifications
- FW VM Rental Dates Module. Facilitates group renting. The rental dates specified via the module get automatically filled for each particular product within the category and, as a result, the rental prices get automatically calculated.
- Available quantity display. Now you can see the exact quantity available in stock. Earlier you could only see whether the product is available in stock or not via the availability indicator.
FW Virtuemart Rental Version 3.6.1 (Maintenance)
- Layout styles update.
- Deposit and Insurance fields in parameters are changed to textareas.
- Rental price is 0 when form is empty.
- Total price includes deposit after dates are selected.
Version 3.6.0 - minor release
- New Booking form design.
- New plugin parameter Deposit HTML Desciption. Shows up on Booking form is not empty.
- New plugin parameter Insurance HTML Desciption. Shows up on Booking form is not empty.
- Optional FontAwesome load parmeter.
- Language contants review and translation fix.
- All calculated parameters are visible on Booking Form.
- Rental values get recalculated as user changes the date.
- Active pricing layer is highlighted for better price calculation clarity.
- Joomla 3.9.x compatibility check.
- Virtuemart 3.4.x compatibility check.
Version 3.5.0 - minor release
- Booking Delay global parameter allows setting time in days before booking can be made for rental products
- Booking calendar pop-up display correction on different templates
- Virtuemart 3.2.21 compatibility check
- Joomla 3.8.6 compatibility check
FW VirtueMart Rental
- Version:
- 4.0.7
- Developer:
- Fastw3b
- Last updated:
Feb 23 2024
1 year ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Related extension :
- VirtueMart
- Includes:
- p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5