IP2Location Country Redirection & Blocking allows user to block the visitors from accessing your pages based on their country by using IP geolocation technology. This extension works for both IPv4 and IPv6 address. In addition to blocking by returning 404 page, this extension also allows user to redirect visitors to different URLs. For example, you can redirect the visitors from specific countries to a promotion pages, and so on.
Key Features:
- Block users from accessing your pages by country.
- Redirect user to different page URL by country.
You can choose to use the Geolocation API or to download the IP2Location BIN database in order to use this extension.
To register a free API key, please sign up at
To download the IP2Location IP Geolocation BIN format database, please visit:
- IP2Location LITE BIN database (FREE)
- IP2Location BIN database (Commercial)
IP2Locaiton commercial BIN database provides you high accuracy on geolocation result in comparing to the IP2Location LITE BIN database.
IP2Location Country Redirection & Blocking
- Version:
- 1.7.1
- Developer:
- Hexasoft
- Last updated:
Dec 23 2024
2 months ago - Date added:
- Aug 02 2016
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Free download
- Includes:
- p
- Compatibility:
- J4 J5