JSW CRM, by JS Webdesign - Joomla Extension Directory


CRM, File Management, Contact Details, Content Construction, Maps & Locations

JSW CRM Version 5 is a extended CCK, Content Management system, for Joomla 3, 4 and 5.
** Article items, CCK, CRM, DMS, Events, Files, Maps, Relations and Contacts, Locations, Reactions, Reviews.**

Version 5.2.3
- Changes to the location system
- Small other improvements
- Improvements to reaction system
- Improvements to the Photo gallery system
- Other small code improvements

Version 5.2.1
- Various code improvements
- Improvement to the Marker view (administrator), make and edit markers
- update combined table view

- various code improvements
- New mapsystem with Mapbox gl maps
- Remarks field added to the categories in the administrator

- small update on the gallery view. If there is not a file uploaded/present on the item, the download select box does not show anymore.
- Update of the import.php of the migrator.

New in version 7
- Code cleanup
- Make a page with only the categories and items of the logged-in user in the various layouts.
- Export the data to a csv file. Select the fields / order of the exported data in the csv.
- Improvements to edit items screens.
- Location is now easier to add, map and data separated
- Added version system
- You can now make use of the extra fields system of Joomla 5 in JSW CRM if you want
- New editor layout for easier making items
- Standard extra fields system of Joomla added

**Evaluation version for testing JSW CRM 5 available **

- Updated editor layout for easier adding items
- standard extrafields system added so you can use that also in JSW CRM if you want
- Update Framework
- Improved search view

JSW CRM is set up multi language in the core, just like Joomla.
Create and manage articles
Only the title of the item and a selected category are the required fields to make a new item
Set the layout (see examples in the Demo) of items per category. Can be overruled on a item.
Very good frontend editor system.
All screens are full-responsive.

You can choose a large amount of ways you want show your items:
Tree view
Table view
Flatlist (items from one or more categories)
Calendar view
Add a New item
React on a item
Forms views
Upload a file
upload multiple files at the same time and create items

There are forms built in for:
registrations for a event
Member registration form
Upload a file

Editor screen
The frontend editor screens are the same as the backend editor screens

JSW CRM can handle all sorts of Files:
(main) image for a item. it shows on the page in a thumbnailed version if you upload a large image
JSW CRM can handle video files from Youtube or Vimeo and you can even stream your mp4 file directly on your server
Video's get a player layout automatically. You can even add a poster to local streamed video's
All added files in JSW CRM to the items are stored separately in a map with the category name in his own directory
All files are managed with JSW CRM self, if you delete a file it gets removed from your site automatically
so your serverfiles that are present are up to date

JSW CRM comes with modules for items, categories and a map module.
The items module can show your items in different ways: list, gallery, slideshow or calendar.
You can set the SEO of items on category level,
so if you for example make a category for events, all new items added get that setting automatic.
JSW CRM comes with a quick icons module for your administrator screens. (needs to be activated)

Lots of SEO setting are present and get if needed extra fields visible:
Local Business
Creative work
SEO setting of a item can be overruled per item if you need to

You can add a location with a map to a item with Openstreetmap or Google maps
Items with location can also be shown on a special module that shows all location of one or more categories on a map
You can make your own marker selection in the administrator screens and use them for your items.

JSW CRM has a plugin to add a JSW CRM category or item to for example a normal article

So, JSW CRM 5 can almost always suit your needs to create all sorsts of websites that are easy to maintain.
Use it for example as a replacement for K2.
Take a look at the Demo website!

Works like a charm

Posted on 11 January 2022
Very easy to set up & manage component.
You can use it for multiple forms of data. Documents, contacts, relations, even (online) video.
Ease of use
Very easy to use. Excellent interface for editing the data on front & backend.
Excellent support.
Fast response if you have questions about the component & how to use it.
Very good.
Very well documented.
There's a special website with the explanation & screendumps of JSW CRM
Value for money
Because JSW CRM can be used for lots of data in all sorts of situations/needs, it is very usefull.
I used this to: we use JSW CRM it for Managing a business directory on our website along with a few other components
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JS Webdesign
Last updated:
Dec 23 2024
2 months ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
c m p
J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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