JSW CRM Version 5 is a extended CCK, Content Management system, for Joomla 3, 4 and 5.
** Article items, CCK, CRM, DMS, Events, Files, Maps, Relations and Contacts, Locations, Reactions, Reviews.**
Version 5.2.3
- Changes to the location system
- Small other improvements
- Improvements to reaction system
- Improvements to the Photo gallery system
- Other small code improvements
Version 5.2.1
- Various code improvements
- Improvement to the Marker view (administrator), make and edit markers
- update combined table view
- various code improvements
- New mapsystem with Mapbox gl maps
- Remarks field added to the categories in the administrator
- small update on the gallery view. If there is not a file uploaded/present on the item, the download select box does not show anymore.
- Update of the import.php of the migrator.
New in version 7
- Code cleanup
- Make a page with only the categories and items of the logged-in user in the various layouts.
- Export the data to a csv file. Select the fields / order of the exported data in the csv.
- Improvements to edit items screens.
- Location is now easier to add, map and data separated
- Added version system
- You can now make use of the extra fields system of Joomla 5 in JSW CRM if you want
- New editor layout for easier making items
- Standard extra fields system of Joomla added
**Evaluation version for testing JSW CRM 5 available **
- Updated editor layout for easier adding items
- standard extrafields system added so you can use that also in JSW CRM if you want
- Update Framework
- Improved search view
JSW CRM is set up multi language in the core, just like Joomla.
Create and manage articles
Only the title of the item and a selected category are the required fields to make a new item
Set the layout (see examples in the Demo) of items per category. Can be overruled on a item.
Very good frontend editor system.
All screens are full-responsive.
You can choose a large amount of ways you want show your items:
Tree view
Table view
Flatlist (items from one or more categories)
Calendar view
Add a New item
React on a item
Forms views
Upload a file
upload multiple files at the same time and create items
There are forms built in for:
registrations for a event
Member registration form
Upload a file
Editor screen
The frontend editor screens are the same as the backend editor screens
JSW CRM can handle all sorts of Files:
(main) image for a item. it shows on the page in a thumbnailed version if you upload a large image
JSW CRM can handle video files from Youtube or Vimeo and you can even stream your mp4 file directly on your server
Video's get a player layout automatically. You can even add a poster to local streamed video's
All added files in JSW CRM to the items are stored separately in a map with the category name in his own directory
All files are managed with JSW CRM self, if you delete a file it gets removed from your site automatically
so your serverfiles that are present are up to date
JSW CRM comes with modules for items, categories and a map module.
The items module can show your items in different ways: list, gallery, slideshow or calendar.
You can set the SEO of items on category level,
so if you for example make a category for events, all new items added get that setting automatic.
JSW CRM comes with a quick icons module for your administrator screens. (needs to be activated)
Lots of SEO setting are present and get if needed extra fields visible:
Local Business
Creative work
SEO setting of a item can be overruled per item if you need to
You can add a location with a map to a item with Openstreetmap or Google maps
Items with location can also be shown on a special module that shows all location of one or more categories on a map
You can make your own marker selection in the administrator screens and use them for your items.
JSW CRM has a plugin to add a JSW CRM category or item to for example a normal article
So, JSW CRM 5 can almost always suit your needs to create all sorsts of websites that are easy to maintain.
Use it for example as a replacement for K2.
Take a look at the Demo website!
- Version:
- 5.2.4
- Developer:
- JS Webdesign
- Last updated:
Dec 23 2024
2 months ago - Date added:
- Nov 19 2014
- License:
- GPLv2 or later
- Type:
- Paid download
- Includes:
- c m p
- Compatibility:
- J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)