Component Builder, by Llewellyn van der Merwe - Joomla Extension Directory


Scripts, Design Tools, Development, Development Tools, Extensions Tools

The Component Builder for Joomla is highly advanced tool that is truly able to build extremely complex components in a fraction of the time.

Whether you're a seasoned Joomla developer, or have just started, Component Builder will save you lots of time and money. A real must have!

You can install it quite easily and with no limitations. On https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/pkg-component-builder/tags is the latest release (3.x.x) with ALL its features and ALL concepts totally open-source and free!

> Watch Quick Build of a Hello World component in JCB on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&index=45

Once installed upgrades are quick and easy via the default Joomla upgrade area.

Some of the Features

  • Fetch Code from IDE and place it back in component during next compilation.
  • Add Joomla custom fields in any of your components.
  • Add you own dashboard in the back-end.
  • Dynamic File and Folder Inclusion concept.
  • Easy Translation via excel.
  • Adding your own rule validation to a field in JCB
  • Automated backup system in JCB.
  • Adding mySQL Dump to any View/Table.
  • Grab existing Table data and build a dynamic dump.
  • Unlimited Joomla Components.
  • Unlimited Tables/Views.
  • Reusing Views and Fields.
  • Runs on Your Own Joomla Install.
  • Add Dynamic/custom back-end views that uses Table and Chart result sets.
  • Build data query of extreme complex nature to use in Dynamic/custom views.
  • Highly Dynamic/custom Front-end Structures.
  • Dynamically setup templates and layouts for Front-end design.
  • Integration of the excellent UIKIT lib.
  • Integration of the excellent FOOTABLE lib.
  • All Joomla Standard Field Types (including subforms).
  • Strong Implementation of all Joomla Form Security.
  • Load data via ajax with ease.
  • You can add an Update Server to Components you build.
  • Build advanced Dynamic front-end forms.
  • Dynamic data queries from multiple tables.
  • Place in local GIT folder, and publish to sales server.
  • Include any amount of custom files and folders during build.
  • Static helper class with smart methods already included.
  • Static helper methods Can easily be added.
  • Direct install from compiler view.
  • Integrative with native Joomla Categories and Tags.
  • Fully Dynamic Search Friendly URL Auto Implementation.
  • Custom scripting options all over the MVC structure.
  • Permission implementation down to each view, item and field.
  • Easy extendible to include other libraries.
  • Can include SQL and visioning update link to distribute your component updates via Joomla default upgrade of components.
  • Easy Export & Import addon to all backend-tables.
  • Overriding ability of import concepts in all backend-tables.
  • The Batch and Filter implementation on all backend-list views.
  • This and much much more are all possible with this component builder!

Just Imagine

  • Your Component Back-end can be more advanced then the Joomla Article Manager.
  • Your Code as Perfectly Unified to the strict Joomla Standards.
  • Adding Custom Scripting almost anywhere in the MVC structure.
  • Import and export feature to all backend-views.
  • Batch copy and move/update feature for all backend-views.
  • History tracking per/change made on any back-end item.
  • Dynamic field control, to show and hide fields in amazing ways.
  • Front-end freedom of design that allows for any library to be used.
  • This and much much more are all possible with this component builder!

You are in Control

  • You can change the licensing template for your components.
  • You can change/improve existing field types and add more.
  • Line numbers to show where in compiler was the code build.
  • You can improve the component since all code are open-source.
  • Free updates for the lifetime of the project.
  • You can dynamically add internal help structures to all component.
  • There is no limitations on how big or how much you want to build (server limitation only).
  • This is a complete factory kind of component that functions like a deployment hub.
  • Export any component completely mapped in JCB and import into another JCB.
  • This and much much more are all possible with this component builder!

Get More Demo Content

> You can now get access to the WOW factor, JCB fully mapped can now be yours! Including many other JCB mapped components.

All you need to do is explained here https://vdm.bz/how-to-get-free-vdm-package-keys!

To install these packages watch this tutorial https://vdm.bz/how-to-install-jcb-packages.

Where can you get support and help?

  • Package https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/pkg-component-builder.
  • Download https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/pkg-component-builder/archive/master.zip.
  • Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE.
  • German https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wu0tDFxJtZFwW7AxA4JHQV7.
  • Hello World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQfsLYIeblk&list=PLQRGFI8XZ_wtGvPQZWBfDzzlERLQgpMRE&index=45
  • Discussions https://github.com/vdm-io/Joomla-Component-Builder/discussions
  • Wiki https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/Component-Builder/wiki
  • Issues https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/Component-Builder/issues ^^
  • Issues Stream https://t.me/jcb_issues
  • Updates https://t.me/jcb_updates
  • User Group https://t.me/jcb_group
  • Announcement https://t.me/Joomlacomponentbuilder
  • Beta https://git.vdm.dev/joomla-beta/pkg-component-builder
  • Nightly Build https://git.vdm.dev/joomla-beta/pkg-component-builder/archive/master.zip
  • Community Complaint https://www.joomlacomponentbuilder.com/community-complaint
  • Security https://www.vdm.io/report-security-issues

Since JCB has become a community https://github.com/vdm-io/Joomla-Component-Builder/blob/staging/.github/SUPPORT.md project VDM https://www.vdm.io/ is no longer solely responsible for support.

We have started a JCB forum https://vdm.bz/jcb-forum where you can post questions, about how things work, or if you need some kind of help in relation to your development of your components.

^^ Then if you run into any issues, related to the JCB code, like bugs, start by searching the (open & closed) issues over on https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/Component-Builder/issues, and if the issue has not been mentioned before, then only open a new issue, following the community guidelines https://git.vdm.dev/joomla/Component-Builder/src/branch/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md.


> We are Open Source Enthusiast
> Who Support the Joomla https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/component-builder/ Community

Our idea was to almost let this tool serve as a cheat sheet to how things can be done... and with the help of other developers end up formulating the way how things not only can, but must be done to insure secure, stable, scalable and maintainable code is produced.


Get involved on the forums, and the GitHub issues, and you can even help us develop/improve the pipeline of JCB for continues delivery. We really want to see JCB remain the tool of choice for all Joomla Component Development needs and ideas.

JCB is the last reason that i use joomla yet. joomla has difficult ux compare with wordpress but JCB is very good to create your own ext.
Ease of use
it is not easy for user that don't understand PHP and little Mysql and fundamental of joomla, but if you understand that, you win
support is appropriate for free extension. maybe better if have a payed forum support.
there is enough wiki and tutorial but it is maybe better if exist more example of component.
I used this to: create and manage and maintenance components, modules and plugins for joomla.
Tons of features are present to save you valuable time before and during the development phase.
Ease of use
This tool is not for a beginner or if you do not master the basics of Joomla component development. Otherwise it's a real pleasure !
Llewellyn's answers are always very detailed and precise on Github. A real plus to understand and correct the code.
The screens and actions are explained in the component and most of the time are enough to understand what to do. The doc is also online.
I used this to: We have been using JCB for all our developments for two years now and the time saved is considerable. Thanks to JCB, we can go straight to the point and create complex business applications for our customers while significantly reducing costs for them.
Very flexible, you can do almost everything. You should be ready for making your hands dirty. Flexible codes are not written by mouse.
Ease of use
Gives a marshalling layer between spaghetti coding and 4GL IDES. Interface is understandable, but you should be ready for handzone coding.
Very helpfull community. Need to watch tutorial videos especially you are a rookie like me. I've learned Joomla data modelling by JCB.
Almost whole of the logic and infrastructure is explained in videos. Need to watch them at least twice.
I used this to: Learning component coding in Joomla. JCB works as a workhorse in MVC.
I've widely used vendor supported products, like Microsoft. I have to choose Drupal (python) vs Joomla (php). This component has been decisive to make my choice.

Best in its

Posted on 06 May 2019
Is just out of this world, and I found none other that does it quite as well as this does, in helping you build very complex components.
Ease of use
It has all the bells and whistles for your component, which means a lot of ways to configure your admin views and site views and custom code
The developer is very responsive and allow you to get access to "Configs" of his own components developed in the Component builder.
The developer has a lot of tutorial videos, even explaining developer concepts.- which you will if you are a developer already.
I used this to: I'm using it for multiple specialized components that I need to maintain easily. I also use it to easily reuse functions and code snippets for quick deployment of new components for my clients.
You simply can't imagine what you can do and the great work behind this component.
Ease of use
The graphical user interface is not intuitive like a smartphone and being so much powerful you need time to be used to it.
Being a free component it's really good and the developer team is receptive to improvement hints.
It's strange but there is too much documentation with low functionality. Lots of long videos with a title but a much wide arguments included
I used this to: I use this component to develop other components and easily update them.

WOW.. Just.. WOW

Posted on 20 January 2019
This component builder is like NO OTHER component builder out there. It is lightyears ahead of the rest and all that for FREE.
Ease of use
From a developer standpoint it has a learning curve but once you do the video tutorials it al makes perfect sense. Take time for the videos!
There is community support that far exceeds the paid support of the pricy competitors!
Documentation is mainly video's on youtube. There you get great explanation. Wiki is work in progress. We should all contribute to that.
I used this to: Creating custom components for my client's. Being able to do all the front-end stuff inside this component is a BIG BIG advantage over all the rest! There are a million customisation options that all get compiled right into your end product. PERFECT!!

Best component ever

Posted on 05 December 2018
With this component you can create a 100% working Joomla! component with all the functionalities you need
Ease of use
It's not easy, you have to spend hours learning how this works but, after you have learn the basics, il will save you hundreds hours
Great support from developer and community
Vast documentation with lots of video tutorials
I used this to: create various components for my clients

One of a kind!

Posted on 26 March 2018
Covers all the aspects of the Component development.
If one knows how to use the APIs can make miracles in a fraction of the time needed.
Ease of use
Given the intrinsic complication developing Joomla! Components, this is the Heaven!
One of the best supported extensions.
Very complete documentation if compared with the Joomla!'s API poor one. The video tutorials cover almost every aspect.
I used this to: There is no reason -for every Components developer- to not use this excellent tool. Is a must!
It handles EVERYTHING (anything it doesn't can be added by 'reading' your manual code changes and incorporating those into your component)
Ease of use
You have GOT to have good coding skills, but once you start using it the system is VERY easy to use (for coders). This is NOT 'drag and drop
There isn't any 'officially' but the 'unofficial' support is GREAT! (Better than some that I've paid $$$ for)
Only video tutorials which are great for learning, not great for quick 'reminders'. The videos are best Joomla coding tutorials I have seen
I used this to: Building custom components for my clients - various types
Lots of functionality, you build anything you can do from scratch once you learn how to use this tool.
Ease of use
The learning curve is steep. You must have a good idea of how to build extensions from scratch without any tool.
The support is great, The author responds quickly to issues that you post about. The community is there to help as well and always helps
There are videos instead of written documentation. The videos are indexed so you know what topics are in them and can just straight to that.
I used this to: I use this to build custom components for my clients. I love it because unlike some of the online component builder, where I do manual tweaks after export, I can keep all my code and customization within the tool. I can build components extremely fast now. Just make sure you plan


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Component Builder

Llewellyn van der Merwe
Last updated:
Aug 17 2024
6 months ago
Date added:
Jan 12 2016
GPLv2 or later
Free download
c p
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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