EasyCreator, by elkuku - Joomla Extension Directory


Miscellaneous, Development

EasyCreator is a developer tool.
It tries to speed up the developing process of custom components, modules, plugins, libraries, templates, CLI- and Web Applications.
You can create a 'frame' for your extension and an installable zip package with just a few 'clicks'.

EasyCreator tries to assist from the start to the release of your custom extension.
You can start up by creating a 'frame' (read: 'hello world' applications - slightly enhanced) for your extension based on predefined templates for components, modules, plugins and templates. This frame will be installed automatically into your running Joomla! installation. Ready to use.
You can also import your already existing and installed extension. Now it's up to you to fill that frame with your custom code (we assume you already know about that ;)

EasyCreator also tries to assist you in the creation of multilingual extensions.
This is done by comparing the existing language file to each other and then examine the PHP and XML code for appearences of 'JText::***'.
The results are then compared and give you a pretty overwiew of untranslated strings, missing and obsolete translations.
EasyCreator also assists you in the creation and modification of your language files.
We have also created an interface for managing translations which we think should speed up the process of getting your extension multilingual and should be easy to use for translators which generally are more comfort with a form than to edit some source code.

There is also an interface for creating config XML files for your component which is really handy to use. You will get a form with all available parameters for a given type.

We are actually doing some tests with PHP 5's reflection class. You can inspect your classes with it's methods and the Joomla! core class it extends. If you know Eclipse PDT you know what i mean. You will see all methods, parameters and doc comments like in phpDocumentor.

When you are ready to release a test (or final) version of your component, EasyCreator will do the arduous work of copying files and folders, creating the xml install file and packing the whole thing in a ZIP package with version number and creation date included.
So you can create an installable package instantly whenever you want.

If you are new to Joomla! development you will find lots of information about creating extensions for this great CMS.

If you are an experienced Joomla! developer you will get a helper aplication which can speed up some necesary tasks during the development of your component.

Creation of packages containing multiple Joomla! extensions.

There are handy features to create, edit, and deploy Joomla! extenstion packages.
Ease of use
To use this extension, you need some skill. Well, you need some skill to create Joomla! extensions anyway.
I used this to: I'm using EasyCreator for some years. I mostly use it to create a wireframe structure for extensions I create and to build extenstions installation packages. Most of my extensions carry the =;) sign under the hood. I'd like to thank Nikolai for this great development tool.


Posted on 23 April 2012
I have been using EC for some time now with nothing but success. This component is more than excellent, it's AWESOME! Everything I need for developing modules, components, etc. all rolled up into one component.

Thanks to EasyCreator, I have a much more organized development setup for all my custom extensions. This has not only sped up my developlent, it has simplified it as well!


brill extension

Posted on 17 April 2012
this is one amazing component however does anyone no how to create an image upload facility through it im creating a component to upload propties and need to upload six images attached this is really great piece of work
I've built modules and plugins but always found components to complex, I could never get them to "Go". Easy Creator has allowed entry into component development for me and of course speeds up the whole process of modules and plugins to. Excellent Component and thank you.

Amazing !

Posted on 22 December 2011
It is the powerful componment i ever seen!

I hope it will not be commercial in the future.
Dear developer! Thank you for your invaluable work! This component is just a godsend to developers. Your component can reduce the development time to a minimum. Now I'll always use it when creating new projects. Very nice that it can be used to edit already created components. Thank you very much!


Posted on 07 July 2011
Chose this to automate extension zipping, simply doesn't work reliably!

Awesome and then some

Posted on 08 February 2011
Mate I dont know how I would have any decency giving you less than 5 stars for this one. Whilst I understand there are some glitches but its nothing you cant overcome if you persist in development. This is something that with a few additions I would happily pay for :) Time is money and this component saves time.

BTW its in the completely wrong section. It should be in tools.....and maybe update description etc because its bloody hard to find if you dont download it first instance.
This has the potential to be a great tool, but troubleshooting the glitches has been a real pain. I began to understood some of the conventions and implicit pluralizations, however, it often builds names in an unexpected way. It also will write all sorts of functions, but leave out necessary includes. Very annoying to have basic things like declaring $this->items in the view and then auto creating $this->elements in the view-layout.

Would highly recommend just taking the time to write a full component on your own and then cut and paste, easier to change a few files in the correct location then to search for oddities.

See great potential over time, and will submit to author the list of glitches I run into.

Best Development tool

Posted on 04 September 2010
This is the most valuable development tool in my bag of tricks. Reduces tedious work and creates components with so many built in short cuts from producing translatable labels for forms to naming scripts automatically creating all the parts of an MVC extension. Really nice work!


Last updated:
Oct 10 2017
7 years ago
Date added:
Sep 09 2008
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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