Joomla! Extensions Directory


n3t Coming Soon

n3t Coming Soon

By Pavel Poles
This plugin when published will block displaying live site. Instead of it is displayed Coming Soon page, with title, some text, autosize background image, and javascript countdown, if applicable. Newsletter components are supported (currently AcyMailing and jNews), so visitors could leave their email to get news about the website. It is possible to exclude IP addresses, specify the date and time...
JED Checker

JED Checker

By Joomla Official Extensions
Joomla extension to check components, modules, or plugins for possible problems for submission to the JED. # NEW JED Checker v2.4 - Joomla4 Ready! and much more... Checks the extensions to discover Submission Error Codes https://extensions.joomla.org/support/knowledgebase/item/submission-error-codes/ PH1 - Headers missing GPL license notice PH2 - Files missing JEXEC security PH3 - License ta...
Web Site Tour Builder
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Web Site Tour Builder

By JoomlaForce Team
Web Site Tour Builder for Joomla is a powerfull Tour Module, which can be used as a site tour, helpers, guides or tooltips. Use the Web Site Tour module for your website, products, applications, landing pages or something else. DESCRIPTION The module is very easy to use and allow you to create a very cool tour in simple dinamics steps. Web Site Tour Builder gives you the ability to create amazin...
JUX Coming Soon
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JUX Coming Soon

By JoomlaUX
JUX Coming Soon is an extension by JoomlaUX team that allows you to quickly and easily set up. A stylish coming soon page when your site is under construction or goes offline. It comes with a nice countdown timer, detailed contact forms, and 3 different styles of layouts. Responsive on tablet and mobile JUX Coming Soon can be displayed nicely on any screen size and run smoothly on a tablet or s...
Site Lock

Site Lock

By JoomlaShowroom.com
Site Lock is a FREE, one of a kind extension for the Joomla CMS that will allow you to password protect your site from being viewed while you are still in development mode. This is much different from using the standard "Site Offline" feature of Joomla and has a lot more features. No more need to use an HTaccess file to lock down your site. The Site Lock extension will give you much more flexibi...


By Joomlashack
Mass Content
OSContent is designed for managing, adding, creating, and deleting articles, categories and menu links. OSContent is a wonderful time-saver if you need to quickly add content to a Joomla site. With a few clicks, you create all the categories, articles and menu links you need for your Joomla site. Why waste time repeating steps over and over again, when you can do the same thing with just a few cl...
Less Compiler

Less Compiler

By Andreas Tasch
A system plugin to automatically compile templates .less files on page load - for easier template development. Available are different versions of lessphp compilers to support Twitter Bootstrap from 2.3 to the most recent versions. Features: + compiles template.less file and all imported files to template.css + uses caching to track changes and better performance + option to force compilation on...
Form XML Override

Form XML Override

By Randy Carey
This plugin enables overriding of the XML files which define the fields to be used on a JForm. (Note: All core components and many third-party components use JForm, but not all third-party extensions do.) ----- Application of overriding form fields ----- Any field attribute within the XML can be changed. This provides many opportunities:   • add/change default values   • dis...
What? Nothing!

What? Nothing!

By Regular Labs
What? Nothing! does nothing... just nothing! Are you just like me and sometimes just want to do nothing, nothing at all? Well, that brought me to this revolutionary plugin for Joomla! All these plugins that are available do all sorts of stuff. All busy doing their thing. Adding functionality here. Manipulating html output there. Making your website better and better. Well, that's all good and n...
No Boss Combo
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No Boss Combo

By No Boss Technology
Extension Specific
Through the combo you can purchase our best extensions with great savings. Want to be sure of the discount? Compare the price difference of our 3 best extensions Calendar (https://www.nobossextensions.com/calendar/), Video Gallery (https://www.nobossextensions.com/video-gallery/) and FAQ (https://www.nobossextensions.com/faq/) with the values available on our combo sales page. QUICK START Extens...
Asikart QuickContent Generator

Asikart QuickContent Generator

By Asika
Mass Content
Asikart QuickContent Generator can auto generate Joomla! content and menus VERY QUICKLY by writing HTML "< ul >" list. You can choice "Blog" or "Category list" as menu view type, and setting params of generated menu. FEATURES: * Use < ul > tag to generate multi-level content. * Auto translate alias by Google Translate API. * Category, blog and article params same as menu manager. * Restore l...
LG Offline Page

LG Offline Page

LG Offline Page plugin allows you to easily create and customize your Joomla! offline page. This page can be used for an under-construction website or an under-maintenance website. You will also be able to choose displaying the connexion form or not. This plugin works with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0. With this plugin, the offline page is customizable, you'll be able to show or not the information...
Easy Source Component

Easy Source Component

By Top Position
Build your own Joomla extensions easily without packaging the source. Easy Source Component lets you to cretae forms, lists or any php script in just 5 minutes. You will be able to rescate your old php scrips and insert them into the Joomla Framework. Sometimes you need to buid your own extension into the Joomla Framework, with this component you can easily create your own extensions without pac...
EER - Easy Error Reporting

EER - Easy Error Reporting

By Viktor Vogel
Easy Error Reporting sets the error reporting level depending on the selected user groups! This small plugin changes the error reporting level depending on the selected user groups. The big advantage is that you may disable the display of errors for visitors but, at the same time, they show up for selected user groups for debugging. Features Changes the error reporting level for specific user...
Easy Tour
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Easy Tour

By PulseExtensions Team
We comes with one useful plugin Easy tour via it you able to set any tour , demonstration or nice way presentation to user so they got all things easily , also here only you need to define tour with number of steps via Component and put plugin code so your tour steps auto present whole tour on your specific pages , check below basic key features.. ★★ GENERAL FEATURES LIST:- -> Define New tou...
Coming Soon Page Builder

Coming Soon Page Builder

By JoomlaForce Team
Coming Soon Page Builder for Joomla! is a responsive and fullscreen coming soon page Template with some features and style that makes this plugin unique and fascinating. Up to now there is nothing similar for joomla. And also free! FEATURES ## ★ Responsive Template ★ High Resolution Retina Display Ready ★ 1 Color Themes ★ Countdown Timer ★ Menu Page content/menu ★ +24 Social Network...
JUX Offline Page
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JUX Offline Page

By JoomlaUX
Finding out a complete solution to set up and customize the offline page when your site goes offline with JUX Offline Page. This Joomla plugin allows users to easily set up and customize a page to inform that your site is under-construction or under-maintenance. Following the minimal style, the JUX Offline page creates a sophisticated look for your site by nicely display the essential information...


By elkuku
EasyCreator is a developer tool. It tries to speed up the developing process of custom components, modules, plugins, libraries, templates, CLI- and Web Applications. You can create a 'frame' for your extension and an installable zip package with just a few 'clicks'. EasyCreator tries to assist from the start to the release of your custom extension. You can start up by creating a 'frame' (read: 'h...