
Cache, Mobile, Mobile Apps, Offline, Performance

One of the top PWAs for Joomla, miTT PWA offers excellent support and ongoing development. Test the miTT PWA for seven days for free.

miTT PWA, a Joomla PWA extension with great functions

Short Introduction of Progressive Web App

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a hybrid between regular web pages and mobile applications. They offer users an app-like experience without the need for an app store. PWAs are increasingly becoming popular for businesses looking to improve user engagement and performance without the complexity of native app development. They work across different devices and provide a seamless experience irrespective of the browser or operating system.

Features of miTT PWA Joomla plugin:

  • Compatibility: PWAs can be installed across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • Caching Strategies: Intelligent caching mechanisms, such as service workers, enable optimal performance and user experience, such as:

  • Automatic and static caching for faster load times.

  • Network-first and cache-first strategies that adjust based on the network conditions.
  • Custom caching and fetching rules to suit specific app needs.

  • Network Enhancement: PWAs can operate effectively even with poor network connections, offering features like background sync for content updates and personalised offline pages that display when connectivity is lost.

  • Design and Customization: Joomla Users can tailor the look and feel of their PWA by setting their themes, background colours, icons, and splash screens, contributing to an engaging user interface. This will be setted in the Joomla Backend
  • Update Management: They offer control over how and when updates are applied, often utilising a set interval for content refreshing.
  • Installation Process: The installation can be prompted with a custom button, and for iOS users, an installation notice simplifies the process.
  • Multilanguage: miTT PWA works on a Joomla Multilanguage site
  • App Scope: The scope of an app could be defined as
  • App Shortcuts: Quick actions that can be performed within an app without navigating menus.
  • Protocol Handler: Allows to open the app from an external resource

Support across Browsers and Devices:

The level of PWA features support varies:

  • On Android devices, users are often prompted to add the PWA to their home screen.
  • In the Chrome browser on desktops, adding a PWA is streamlined and user-friendly.
  • Apple devices, including iPhones and iPads, allow PWAs to utilize a custom iOS status bar and splash screens for a native-like appearance.

Advanced Caching and Updates:

Advanced strategies are implemented within PWAs for resource management:

  • CDN support ensures quicker loading times for external files.
  • Developers can set custom caching rules and exceptions to efficiently manage data storage and retrieval.

Statistical Tools:

Tools for monitoring PWA installation statistics on iOS and Chrome provide valuable insights for developers, helping them to optimise the user experience.

Push Notifications:

If you are looking for Push Notifications is miTT PWA Push is the right for you.

Conclusion of PWAs

PWAs present a solution for businesses that wish to combine a website’s reach with an app’s immersive experience. They are designed to be lightweight, high-performing, and to offer enhanced capabilities, contrasting sharply with traditional web applications. Moreover, PWAs can be updated on the fly and are discoverable, which means they are easily found through search engines, a potential advantage over native apps that must be downloaded from app stores. Typically, PWAs also allow for full-screen browsing and can be accessed offline, further enriching the user experience.

As technology evolves, so too does the scalability of PWAs. They allow users to interact with content like a native app, supporting intricate web functionalities independent of the browser. Brands leveraging PWAs can testify to improved user retention and conversion rates attributed to their high-quality user experience.

miTT PWA, eine Joomla PWA Extension mit großartigen Funktionen

Als eine der besten PWAs für Joomla bietet miTT PWA exzellenten Support und kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung.

Kurze Einführung in die Progressive Web App

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) sind eine Mischung aus normalen Webseiten und mobilen Anwendungen. Sie bieten Nutzern ein App-ähnliches Erlebnis, ohne dass ein App-Store erforderlich ist. PWAs werden immer beliebter für Unternehmen, die die Nutzerbindung und Leistung ohne die Komplexität der Entwicklung nativer Apps verbessern möchten. Sie funktionieren auf verschiedenen Geräten und bieten ein nahtloses Erlebnis, unabhängig von Browser oder Betriebssystem..

Eigenschaften von miTT PWA Joomla Plugin:

  • Kompatibilität: PWAs können auf verschiedenen Geräten installiert werden, darunter Desktops, Tablets und Mobiltelefone.
  • Caching-Strategien: Intelligente Caching-Mechanismen, wie z. B. Service Worker, ermöglichen eine optimale Leistung und Benutzerfreundlichkeit, wie z. B.:

  • Automatisches und statisches Caching für schnellere Ladezeiten.

  • Network-First und Cache-First-Strategien, die sich an die Netzwerkbedingungen anpassen.
  • Benutzerdefinierte Caching- und Abrufregeln zur Anpassung an spezifische Anwendungsanforderungen.

  • Netzwerk Erweiterung: PWAs können auch bei schlechten Internetverbindungen effektiv arbeiten und bieten Funktionen wie Hintergrundsynchronisierung für Inhaltsaktualisierungen und personalisierte Offline-Seiten, die bei Verbindungsabbrüchen angezeigt werden.

  • Design und Anpassung: Joomla-Benutzer können das Aussehen ihrer PWA anpassen, indem sie ihre Themen, Hintergrundfarben, Symbole und Startbildschirme festlegen und so zu einer ansprechenden Benutzeroberfläche beitragen. Diese Einstellungen werden im Joomla-Backend vorgenommen.
  • Update Management: Sie bieten die Kontrolle darüber, wie und wann Aktualisierungen durchgeführt werden, wobei oft ein bestimmtes Intervall für die Aktualisierung der Inhalte verwendet wird.
  • Installationsprozess: Die Installation kann mit einer benutzerdefinierten Schaltfläche eingeleitet werden, und für iOS-Nutzer vereinfacht ein Installationshinweis den Prozess.
  • Mehrsprachigkeit: miTT PWA funktioniert auf einer mehrsprachigen Joomla-Website.
  • App Scope: Der Geltungsbereich bzw. Scope einer App kann als definiert werden.
  • App Shortcuts: App Verknüpfungen, die innerhalb einer App ausgeführt werden können, ohne durch Menüs zu navigieren.
  • Protokoll Handler: Ermöglicht es, die App von einer externen Ressource aus zu öffnen.

Browser- und geräteübergreifende Unterstützung:

  • Der Grad der Unterstützung von PWA-Funktionen ist unterschiedlich:
  • Auf Android-Geräten werden die Nutzer oft aufgefordert, die PWA zu ihrem Startbildschirm hinzuzufügen.
  • Im Chrome-Browser auf Desktops ist das Hinzufügen einer PWA rationalisiert und benutzerfreundlich.
  • Bei Apple-Geräten, einschließlich iPhones und iPads, können PWAs eine benutzerdefinierte iOS-Statusleiste und Splash-Screens verwenden, um ein natives Erscheinungsbild zu erhalten.
  • Erweiterte Zwischenspeicherung und Aktualisierungen:
  • In PWAs werden fortschrittliche Strategien für das Ressourcenmanagement implementiert:
  • CDN-Unterstützung gewährleistet schnellere Ladezeiten für externe Dateien.
  • Entwickler können benutzerdefinierte Caching-Regeln und Ausnahmen festlegen, um die Speicherung und den Abruf von Daten effizient zu verwalten.

Statistische Tools:

Tools zur Überwachung von PWA-Installationsstatistiken auf iOS und Chrome bieten Entwicklern wertvolle Einblicke und helfen ihnen, das Nutzererlebnis zu optimieren.

Push Notifications:

Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Push Nachrichten sind, ist miTT PWA FIRE Push das Richtige für Sie. 

Fazit der PWAs

PWAs stellen eine Lösung für Unternehmen dar, die die Reichweite einer Website mit dem immersiven Erlebnis einer App kombinieren möchten. Sie sind leichtgewichtig, hochleistungsfähig und bieten erweiterte Funktionen, die sich deutlich von herkömmlichen Webanwendungen unterscheiden. Ferner können PWAs im laufenden Betrieb aktualisiert werden und sind auffindbar, d. h. sie können leicht über Suchmaschinen gefunden werden - ein potenzieller Vorteil gegenüber nativen Apps, die aus App-Stores heruntergeladen werden müssen. In der Regel ermöglichen PWAs auch das Browsen im Vollbildmodus und den Offline-Zugriff, was das Benutzererlebnis weiter verbessert.

Mit der Weiterentwicklung der Technologie steigt auch die Skalierbarkeit von PWAs. Sie ermöglichen den Nutzern die Interaktion mit Inhalten wie eine native App und unterstützen komplexe Webfunktionen unabhängig vom Browser. Marken, die PWAs einsetzen, können eine verbesserte Benutzerbindung und höhere Konversionsraten nachweisen, die auf das hochwertige Benutzererlebnis zurückzuführen sind.

Excellent tool!

Posted on 22 September 2024
Extensive feature set that allows to implement all relevant aspects of a PWA.
Ease of use
Requires basic knowledge about PWAs, but it that's present, it's a piece of cake!
Excellent support. Super quick reaction times, helpful and friendly answers.
Every setting is extensively documented, making onboarding easy.
Value for money
10/10. There are a ton of features an reimplementing them yourselves takes ages.
I used this to: Shipping a Joomla site to iOS and Apple Store as a PWA using pwabuilder DOT com.

Excellent support

Posted on 30 April 2024
Works as needed. IPhone and Android users find it very easy to download and have on the home screen.
Ease of use
My limited knowledge was more of a factor on this one. It's very easy to use once I had it up and running.
This is the big one for me. The Support was 100% spot on. I struggled with the setup and Robert went above and beyond w
I followed it step by step from the website. Excellent documentation and when my skill ran out, I asked Robert for help.
Value for money
Very reasonable indeed. We will be renewing our subscription next year and the year after.
I used this to: I use this for my client to view their cycling holiday tour documents. The app replaces all the old style PDF's. We now there have an easy function clickable app, rather than PDF which people can't print anymore (No printers).

Excellent PWA Extension

Posted on 29 December 2022
iOS & Android appears a message to install the PWA. Microsoft Edge and Chrome on macOS & Windows shows an icon to install in the address bar
Ease of use
The plugin is very easy to use. The instructions in the documentation are understandable.
Super fast, friendly and professional "just perfect" the way it has to be
Value for money
For a cheap price you can have a fully functional Progressive Web App for your Jooma website in minutes.
I used this to: For a business website to increase their return and the number of visits.
iOS and Android appears a message to install the PWA. I tried another extension, there was no option for iOS.
Ease of use
There are so many helpful features that the app feels like a native app. So I would recommend you read the documentation to benefit from it
I had a question about the caching strategy and app screenshots. Robert answered quickly.
There is step-by-step documentation to set it up correctly. All features are very well described.
Value for money
The plugin has a lot of features like background synchronization, caching strategy and app screenshots.
I used this to: I use this for my client's site. The app helps the site to run at fast speed on poor connections.

Ottima PWA

Posted on 21 October 2022
Ottime funzionalità, ha tutto quello che una PWA deve avere. La possibilità di creare scorciatoie è un extra molto piacevole da avere.
Ease of use
Semplice da usare, ma è consigliabile leggere la documentazione per settare il plugin al meglio.
Ottimo supporto. Risoluzione immediata di piccoli problemi avuti nell'implementazione.
Documentazione dettagliatissima. È tutto molto intuitivo ma darci un occhiata sarà sicuramente utile a tutti per le molte funzioni presenti.
Value for money
Ottimo. Sarebbe stato utile poter scegliere anche un piano con supporto a vita, pagando un pochino in più, ma così va bene anche.
I used this to: Generare una PWA partendo dalla versione mobile di un sito. Credo che per sfruttarla al meglio si dovrebbe far girare con delle pagine ottimizzate al meglio per tablet e smartphone, in modo da avere praticamente una web app sul dispositivo.

Excellent extension

Posted on 10 October 2022
This extension allows your Joomla website to be a Progressive Web App. A message appears to add it to the mobile homescreen (Android & iOS).
Ease of use
You just need to install the extension (it's a Joomla plugin) and configure it correctly. It can be set up in minutes.
I asked for support for a specific issue, and I received a quick and accurate response.
On the developer's website there is a step-by-step explanation of how to properly configure the extension, with images and video.
Value for money
For an inexpensive price you can have a fully functional Progressive Web App for your Jooma website in a few minutes.
I used this to: Facilitate users' access to the website, through their mobile devices, and increase their return and the number of visits.
Mit der PWA erhält man sehr schnell eine installierbare App aus einer Joomla Webseite. Die Einstellmöglichkeiten sind dabei sehr vielseitig.
Ease of use
Das Plugin ist sehr einfach zu bedienen. Die Anweisungen in der Dokumentation sind verständlich.
Der Support konnte mir bei meiner auftauchenden Frage sehr schnell weiterhelfen. Danke für den schnellen Service.
Die Dokumentation ist sehr umfangreich und klar. Die zusätzlichen Videos unterstützen das Verständnis einer PWA.
Value for money
Die Preis-Leistung ist sehr gut, da man ein sehr gutes Produkt mit vielen Features erhält. Regelmäßig neue interessante Features und Updates
I used this to: Für meine eigene Businesswebseite, um meinen Kunden eine schnelle mobile App mit Offline Funktionalität zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Working Perfectly

Posted on 01 August 2022
It works very good on my website. It increased the speed of the site too and the ranking. I have more traffic now.
Ease of use
Easy to use and to setup: 10 minutes and the PWA perfectly works
Execellent and quick support : I have asked some technical info and the Team reply to me in few minutes
Easy to understand, read and implement. I don't have good coding knowledge so in this case you don't have to, as everyone can install it.
Value for money
It is very economical because of its all in one package. I love to use such resources.
I used this to: I use this for my developing service website. Also, I have installed it on other websites of my clients and I charge them for this service.

Ottimo plugin per PWA

Posted on 19 July 2022
La configurazione offre un set di funzioni decisamente complete, ad oggi è la soluzione per PWA migliore che ho provato.
Ease of use
Facile da usare, ho trovato qualche difficoltà solo nella parte ( non "obbligatoria" ) per impostare la cache statica.
Supporto eccellente, Robert è sempre disponibile ed offre un supporto rapido e di alto livello.
La documentazione è completa, ci sono anche video che aiutano a chiarire gli aspetti più tecnici.
Value for money
Soldi spesi bene, senza dubbio. Il plugin è ben sviluppato e l'assistenza garantisce sonni tranquilli
I used this to: Uso la PWA per il mio portale di trekking, ad oggi sono soddisfatto del risultato.
PWA easy integration. Just activate the plugin and setup parameters to have a full PWA application on your Androïd smartphone.
Ease of use
Plugin and multilingual support. 2 minutes to setup the plugin. Ready to work
we strongly recommend this extension because in case of problem, you can count on a very high quality of support. Thank you.
Value for money
Very good extension to create a PWA application based on joomla web site
I used this to: Geolocation application of POI using Google API (website and mobile application). Just one line to add in the htacess file to allow google API working in the PWA extension.
miTT PWA Push (Progressive Web App)
Paid download

miTT PWA Push (Progressive Web App)

By Robert Mittl
Mobile Apps
miTT PWA FIRE Push: Progressive Web App Push with Notifications Integration With its exceptional support and continuous development, miTT PWA FIRE PUSH is undoubtedly one of the best PWAs available for Joomla. Don't settle for less when it comes to your website's performance - choose miTT PWA FIRE PUSH and send Push Notifications from the Joomla Backend. Test miTT PWA for seven days for free with...
miTT PWA ONE PUSH (Progressive Web App)
Paid download

miTT PWA ONE PUSH (Progressive Web App)

By Robert Mittl
Mobile Apps
miTT PWA ONE PUSH: Joomla PWA Push Notifications with One Signal miTT PWA is one of the best PWAs for Joomla, offering excellent support and continuous development. Test the PWA for 7 days for free. Joomla PWA with One Signal integration When integrating a miTT PWA ONE PUSH (Progressive Web App) into your website, several key features elevate user experience and functionality: Complete contro...

miTT PWA (Progressive Web App)

Robert Mittl
Last updated:
Feb 05 2025
1 month ago
Date added:
Apr 10 2020
GPLv2 or later
Paid download
Related extension :
miTT PWA Push (Progressive Web App)
J3 J4 J5

Uses Joomla! Update System


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