
News Display, Text & Link Ads, Popups & iFrames, Alerts & Awareness, Notes

There are several ready-made layout templates for you to create your notification quickly. The options range from layouts containing only texts to layouts with animated image, exit buttons, countdown timer and discount coupon.

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If you regret your purchase, you have 14 days to request a refund.

Joomla 3, 4 and 5

The extension is compatible with Joomla 3, 4 and 5. Migrating from 3 to 4 requires no action.


The extension is available in Portuguese, English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Dutch, Ukrainian, Russian and Turkish.


Create your notification in minutes using ready-made layouts.


More than 130 parameters available to edit the chosen layout style.


Add a countdown next to a promotion or launch notice.


Prominently display a discount coupon, allowing you to define specific styles.


Provide a static or animated image (.gif) to get even more attention.


Provide up to two buttons with links to internal or external pages.


Define display rules using time intervals and view control.


In addition to displaying the extension on your Joomla website, you can display it on any other type of website via iframe, Jquery or XHR.


All layouts are prepared for mobile, tablet and desktop navigation.


Create as many notifications and events as you want, with no plan limitations.


Get access to releases of new themes and resources.


Use an extension developed and tested within performance and safety criteria.


Use plans with technical support to access a team with 14 years of experience.


External area
In the external area of the notification, you can define background colors (solid color or two gradient colors), display a shadow and configure spacing.

Customizing styles
There are more than 130 advanced parameters for you to change sizes, fonts, spacing, alignments, colors and more. You can modify the layout separately for desktop and mobile without having to mess with CSS files.

Notification placement
The notification can be displayed in two ways: 1 - fixed above the content at the top of the page, applying CSS 'absolute' style. 2 - loaded normally where called, using CSS 'relative' style.

CSS and Javascript overwriting
If it is necessary to add a JS style or event that is not provided for in the advanced parameters, the extension provides an area for you to add CSS and Javascript codes.


The extension receives constant updates with new features. Here are some ideas we are considering for the next versions.

Notification in modal and full screen format
The idea is to allow the notification to be loaded in modal format in the center of the desktop screen and in full screen format on mobile.

New languages
The new languages foreseen are Spanish, German, Italian, French and Dutch.

New demos
We will make available new ready-made layout templates to further facilitate the creation of new notifications.

All documentation will be updated to reflect the recently launched improvements.

Help us improve

Tell us what can be improved and what you miss in the extension.

Lots of pre-built templates for layouts but lots of options to fully customize to what ever use case is needed
Ease of use
You can use the pre-built templates out the box in most cases (varies by template) but if you know CSS, it doesn't take much to modify.
Quick and responsive. Resolve an issue with another 3rd party plugin on the same day.
Not bad, little light and Google Translation to English can be wonky at times, but the basics of the public don't require much regardless
I used this to: We use it to broadcast announcements and alerts to re-enforce specific weather or holiday events.
After looking at the extensions from NoBossExtensions, I purchased a Pro Plan.
Ease of use
Easy to set up and operate.This is how one imagines usability and maintenance.
Even with queries to the service was answered immediately (the same day). Some developers can gladly take an example from this.
Absolutely sufficient and fully documented. The forum also offers a lot of help texts.
I used this to: To display banners on the homepage. With the Pro Plan even massive additional features are unlocked.

No Boss Notices

Posted on 14 July 2022
No Boss Notices: it does where it's meant for. Using the extention is easy when following the given information.
Ease of use
Much possibilities to make the layout you need. A lot of the modifications may be set in a simple and logical way.
Support is indicated 48 hours... no way... almost immediately reaction of the support team: GREAT!
This is what you want and need: SUPER!
Explicit and simple documentation at the place you're modifying your notice.
I used this to: I use the NoBoss Notices for my colleague and will do so near upon myself.
Owner's reply: Hi! Thank you so much for the review and the compliments! :)
The functionality is simple and very simple. Adjustment is child's play and if there are problems the support is quick!
Ease of use
As already mentioned above the module is very easy to set up and design!

Great and fast! Above all the support is very friendly and courteous.
I haven't looked into the documentation yet. This was not necessary because the module can be integrated very easily.
I used this to: I use the module for hints and a kind of tutorial for new users. But also as a hint!
Owner's reply: Hello,

Thank you very much for the review! We are happy that our service is being satisfactory.

Our priority is always to provide the best service possible.
Achei os recursos de contador e cupom de desconto bem interessantes. O aviso pode expirar automaticamente quando encerra o contador.
Ease of use
Simples de entender o funcionamento. Sem mistérios……………………………………….
I used this to: Utilizo no meu site para exibir avisos importantes aos nossos clientes e utilizei uma vez com contador para uma promoção.
Owner's reply: Muito obrigado pela avaliação! :)
Uma ótima solução para exibir avisos importantes no topo do site. Utilizamos para mensagens importantes e urgentes.
Ease of use
Utilizamos um modelo pronto e depois customizamos cores e fontes. Nada complicado.
Peguei a versão paga por ter um valor baixo e permitir acesso a equipe de suporte que foi muito prestativa. Grande abraço ao Johnny!
I used this to: Utilizamos no site da cooperativa junto com as extensões de galeria de vídeos e de atualizações automáticas
Owner's reply: Muito obrigado pela avaliação. :) Isso nos ajuda a continuar sempre investindo mais na extensão.
A module with some interesting options for ready layouts. I saw that it has counter and animated image features together, cool!
Ease of use
Using the options ready is all easy, but if you want to parameterize it requires more knowledge
I used the free plan that does not have technical support, but I plan to upgrade to have support for use in new projects
I used this to: I used to promote promotions at the top of a customer's site. I put the counter option. Something I really liked is the ability to configure when the notice should be displayed. I set it to be displayed only once to the user and when it close does not display anymore.
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No Boss Notices

No Boss Technology
Last updated:
Oct 29 2024
4 months ago
Date added:
Oct 09 2018
GPLv2 or later
Free download
J3 J4 J5 (b/c plugin)

Uses Joomla! Update System


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