
Site Security

The Password Control system plugin enforces password changes upon registered site users. The change can be enforced for the initial (first) connection only, and/or for periodic changing.
Optionally the users can be redirected back to the home page when a password change is enforced.
There is the ability to define 'exempt' users, i.e. users for whom the administrator does not want to enforce password changing.
The password entered by the user is checked against the previous user passwords (number is site defined) to ensure that it is changed and that the user is not reusing a password again, or just pressing the submit button without providing a new password.
One can also specify the password criteria, and incorporates an optional password generator to create passwords meeting the specified criteria.
New options also allow the forcing of a user to change their initial email address on initial login. This is suitable for use on e-commerce (Virtuemart) sites where a preassigned email address has been allocated to a user and it is desirable that they change it.

The Password Control system plugin enforces password changes upon registered site users. The change can be enforced for the initial (first) connection only, and/or for periodic changing.
Optionally the users can be redirected back to the home page when a password change is enforced.
There is the ability to define 'exempt' users, i.e. users for whom the administrator does not want to enforce password changing.
The password entered by the user is checked against the previous user passwords (number is site defined) to ensure that it is changed and that the user is not reusing a password again, or just pressing the submit button without providing a new password.
One can also specify the password criteria, and incorporates an optional password generator to create passwords meeting the specified criteria.
New options also allow the forcing of a user to change their initial email address on initial login. This is suitable for use on e-commerce (Virtuemart) sites where a preassigned email address has been allocated to a user and it is desirable that they change it.


Posted on 20 August 2013
The updated version of the plugin is just excelent for a free plugins and i was very glad for the help the support gave me, it was very fast and acertive.

Totally recommend this plugin

Very handy

Posted on 10 May 2013
This one goes straight to the point and saves the hassle of registering users and then getting confusion with the password change process. It coul well be a native Joomla feature. Thank you.
I'm building a site for a senior community where we're pre-registering all of the residents and issuing them a temporary password. We want all of the users to change them to their preferred password, but I've been worried that the default "change password" process in Joomla is too complicated. This little plugin fits perfectly, and makes a nice, simple process automatic. Thank you. No problems in installing. Setting options is straight forward even without documentation, and it seems to work perfectly. My only complaint is that I wish it came with an even simpler password change screen. It defaults to the standard edit profile page, which gives users more choices than I want. A plugin that provided for new password entry and nothing more would be welcome.
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Password Control

G S Chapman
Last updated:
Jul 31 2024
7 months ago
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
Free download

Uses Joomla! Update System


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